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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. The refrain is Mafia's motto and credo:
  2. Given how he's coped through this nickname thing, this had been getting a lot of play lately on Mafia's iPod.
  3. Were they keeping you awake?
  4. "Ursula Andress, Catherine Deneuve, and Charo, twice." "That's Foreign Flicks, Mr. Connery. Foreign Flicks."
  5. Boeser? It looked like everyone on the ice (both teams and the officials) was dragging late Saturday.
  6. In this region, the fall is preparation of winter time. Most folks do that on Saturday (because they're working the rest of the week). A 1 pm Saturday game blows the whole Saturday. If they'd run games later in the day you could get some things done and still go to the game.
  7. I think a weekend with UND playing the Hawkeyes, Skyhawks, and RedHawks opened the eyes of many at the Herald.
  8. My biggest knock (and it's monstrous in my mind): The inability of an academic to follow the process he himself defined. Case Study 1: The committee recommendations, then he adds to them, then backtracks. Case Study 2: The Vote on 5 where 2 3 will advance. Changing on the fly reeks of academic arrogance. If the man hadn't declared himself gone in January, I'd be seeing to it.
  9. And now a word from future politician Trevor Olson: http://www.grandforksherald.com/sports/und-hockey/3881916-ice-time-get-know-und-forward-trevor-olson
  10. I'm pretty sure someone could stare at this web page for ten minutes and come up with a pretty nice Roughriders logo.
  11. - See more at: http://undhockey.areavoices.com/#sthash.3HxwtBoI.dpuf
  12. Are you saying it's for the birds?
  13. Folks, you're seeing the problem with being "just another NCAA beak".
  14. Third person? I thought the master of that was Bob Dole.
  15. Sweet. Be "The U". How original. Not only copy Miami, ... but South Dakota. https://www.northeast.edu/Admissions/Transfer-Guide/images/University-South-Dakota-Logo.gif
  16. This alleged 11 second video, how come it hasn't made the (forums, social media) rounds?
  17. I learned it the hard way.
  18. If Earl Strinden was willing to say this to a reporter, it's real. Think about this: If we'd have followed Ralph's "late 1990s" idea, we'd have had a new nickname that Ralph would've been on-board with before 2005 ... and not had to deal with any of this NCAA policy mess that we've had for a decade. Ralph was a visionary.
  19. Didn't someone say Ralph was a businessman and a pragmatist that would adapt to the business climate and world around him? Who was that guy ...
  20. Never, never, never, never take a course where the instructor uses a textbook that they themself wrote. Never.
  21. The state flag is based on the flag flown by Col. Roosevelt's "Rough Riders". (You know Col. Roosevelt. He ranched out by Medora, ND.) The state flag would become a de facto UND insignia ... flying everywhere in North Dakota every day.
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