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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. I think someone watched too much Thundercats as a kid and it warped them when it comes to logos. https://www.google.com/search?q=thundercat+logo&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwigm9rp-rTJAhWIOiYKHUkbAtwQ_AUIBygB
  2. Eastern had no business in the playoffs. If you take issue with this please reply to Dom Izzo's Twitter account. Thank you.
  3. OK, ... now explain the black.
  4. So the Wild followed Anaheim's pattern from Friday night.
  5. How'd the Tennessee Tech AD get that password? And doesn't he know he's not supposed to admit the fix was in?
  6. Worse than the no call in the north end zone against Santiago?
  7. I believe they missed the word "beat" before "non-scholly".
  8. We have a SUU sighting in Texas. 26 all.
  9. That is the best analysis I've seen on subject. Donny wants it both ways: -stop the neo-natal recruiting -stop allowing late bloomers OK, so what's left? The B1G is trying to stack the deck believing that all 18 year olds will obviously pick a "name" (B1G) school over a real hockey program. I guess you have to try anything and everything when it's not working on the ice.
  10. Program > Coach Program > A Player
  11. Good night Bunnies. 24-0 Griz. (H)
  12. Wow, did Fordham get chew-chew-ed up by Chattanooga.
  13. http://www.ncaa.com/scoreboards/football/fcs
  14. 17-0 Griz with 3:00 left to halftime. SHSU 19, SUU 12
  15. Siouxphan27: Permanent resident of a Holiday Inn Express.
  16. If SUU rolls over like a paper kitten all it'll do is justify the committee only taking 3 from the BSC.
  17. Somebody quick explain the concept of #QualityLosses to UNI and see if they bite. Jones can't get his team up for this game. That says "done" to me. So, MSU Dragons guys, or one of the Boschees (Mike or Jeff)?
  18. Can someone post finals (and maybe next opponent) for the already completed games?
  19. Some playoff selection systems are analytic, repeatable, and objective (NCAA hockey PWR). Some playoff selection systems are random, arbitrary, and subjective (NCAA FCS). With one come order; with the other comes politicking and chaos.
  20. Anaheim came out in their alternate jerseys yesterday and Chicago made them "duck a l'orange" in under 3 minutes (plus OT).
  21. Have that part of you removed.
  22. Never thought I'd say it, but Kolpack and Izzo come off as rational and logical compared to these jamokes.
  23. I thought only great horned owls regurgitated what they've eaten. Hawk regurgitation?
  24. Ah yes, the "move the bar" tactic. "You haven't beat an FBS a P5 team." Well done.
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