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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. The problem is that the NCAA makes up "facts" as it needs them. Yes, that's crazy, but they get away with it. Better to cut them a wide berth at this point. Again, bird with feathers is nature imagery; bird in a Native head dress ... Kind of the definition of Native imagery, eh?
  2. The Sicatoka

    2016 Season

    I'd rather not need a punter.
  3. Yeah, it was DII, but no school without a television network deal should be sponsoring 23 sports. And yes, somehow SCSU can cut athletics programs and somehow still meet Title IX.
  4. I've always considered diversity a naturally occurring phenomena, kind of like the diversity of flora and fauna found on Earth. Once you try to "create" it you're following a formula made by man and not letting things play out naturally.
  5. The conference payout used to be $1 million per conference member. The new CFP deal made it a flat $10 million per G5 conference. Pretty easy math for the SBC: - dump Idaho and NMSU to go to 10 members ($1 million per instead of 1/12 of $10 million) - stay at 10 to be able to hold a conference championship game (TV money) under the new rules It's a fiscal win-win.
  6. So he was either on the wrong board, ... Or forgot which account he was logged on to.
  7. Why ask a question already answered?
  8. Mike Prater's (Idaho Statesman reporter) take (via Twitter) on how well U of Idaho made their case to the Sun Belt recently: Not good when the local beat reporter says the presentation was without substance. Like Volley said: it's like Idaho isn't even trying.
  9. And the correct answer (unsurprisingly) is ...
  10. Correction: The Big Sky wants them. And yes, the west is short a "MAC of the West" conference and when it comes it'll include UND because the Big Sky will be the driver behind it. (No predictions on when at this time.)
  11. University of Idaho Athletics Director Rob Spear: That's Rob Spear, UI AD, in January 2016, and it sounds more than a little like a poster from this site. Spear's claims about the NCAA rules: - you can form an FBS football league with six members - doesn’t allow you to form a brand new league - possibility exists to form an FBS league under the umbrella of the Big Sky
  12. The quotes above are from this article below. In that same article you'll also find:
  13. Today's word of the day is ... poseur.
  14. For those of you unsure or who haven't read it for yourself, that's a quote from the "caveat" placed under the NDSU Participation tab on the ope.ed.gov site by NDSU. The full quote says: "NDSU offers a wide variety of athletic opportunities for its students at the varsity, club, intramural and recreational levels. NDSU diligently monitors its students' interests so its athletic offerings can continue to meet its students' needs." What was that phrase someone used here recently? Oh. Yes. ... "Weasel words."
  15. Some interesting reading leading into today's SBC press conference. http://www.spokesman.com/blogs/sportslink/2016/jan/14/idaho-ad-rob-spear-discusses-upcoming-sun-belt-vote/
  16. Done some snooping on the interwebs about this. I've seen the whole gamut: - Idaho's gone, NMSU stays - Idaho and NMSU gone - Idaho and NMSU both stay - SBC commish retiring - scheduling alliance (because today was the day they were supposed to release future conference schedules -- that's been moved back) - conference championship game (under recently changed rules, which would also affect conf scheduling) What is consistent is that all the normal sources (leaks) have nothing but speculation. That's interesting.
  17. The bit of sand that's been in this oyster for a long time is UND's "bridge to nowhere". https://www.google.com/maps/@47.9206956,-97.0662554,3a,73.1y,29.69h,97.48t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sDU7MXhXohp72lFMoYXBqww!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo1.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DDU7MXhXohp72lFMoYXBqww%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D97.025948%26pitch%3D0!7i13312!8i6656 The very right edge of that image is old Memorial and the new HPC. Strangely enough, that "bridge to nowhere" connects to a new ramp and football facility in the images (Gopher fan) GFG references.
  18. As will all scholarship athletes at UND, or did you miss that memo?
  19. C'mon jdub, it is just a one line change and NDSU proved recently they're skilled at only dealing with one line at a time.
  20. I thought "you can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning" was your personal credo.
  21. Oh no! Oh no! I never considered tha... No. Wait. If things are done in proportionality Title IX is met. As far as salaries, I stand by my prior statements. Paying more does not guarantee results. I'd like to see the pay earned by performance.
  22. Given UND sponsors 21 sports at the Division I level, I guess I'd have no issue with going to 16 like the low point in the region (NDSU). As far as coaching salaries, I see multiple applicants for positions when they open and people taking the jobs.
  23. The Sicatoka

    2016 Season

    Mentioning TE, seems #14 is listed as one ...
  24. Good question. The only game we've seen him was the U-18 exhibition game. An exhibition. Does that count as an official appearance in the eyes of the NCAA? If not, he hasn't appeared in a game this season and thus hasn't burned a year of eligibility.
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