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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Three problems: 1. I didn't have Fighting. 2. Peregrine can't be acronymised to something ... About We Keep ... the old nickname. 3. People would have to know what's happening on campus (like on the water tower) beyond their social media feeds.
  2. Coastal Carolina's logo always looks like one of the bad-guys from the MIB Universe.
  3. Words mean things. They generated revenue. Did they generate excess revenues to expenses (some call that 'profit')? There's the question.
  4. Go back. jdub had it in a prior post here in these eight-gazillion.
  5. Football generates revenue. If they sell one ticket they generated revenue. And it's been shown here already that REA retains 52% of football ticket revenues.
  6. I'm guessing no team would choose to enter that storm right now. Furthermore, I'm guessing the league offices (for whatever league) wouldn't sign-off on a team intentionally creating the storm. You can dream your dream, but right now Waterloo (USHL) is using an ebony-colored bird for their Blackhawks logo.
  7. Win the whole < bleep > thing?
  8. I'm a hockey fan. It wouldn't upset me.
  9. Kennedy in Vegas (just Vegas, no Las, it's hockey): Like my email said, it's better for UND Athletics, and UND revenues, to have this at center so we can market it, so it's identifiable. McGarry: Market it? So, ... money. What are we talking for numbers here. Kennedy: 'bout this much*. Paint or check? *This is where Kennedy should have a really, really, really large number from a marketing/PR firm showing the cost impact that backs up his statement.
  10. Mohammed en route to mountain. It's good to be the king queen.
  11. We have the better Burgum (Rick) and his first cousin (Jimmy Williams). https://issuu.com/und_foundation/docs/2009-2010undfoundationreport
  12. He's the president of a university that's facing the second round of 10% across the board budget cuts from the State. I could see how that'd make a person a tough negotiator.
  13. Thus you do not know truth, as truth is conformity (alignment) of mind and reality.
  14. Guess what. I have no affiliation to either of those. In your scenario my days as a season ticket holder to a home team housed in REA: done. And I suspect I'd not be alone.
  15. The pen she has most control over is the Engelstad Family Foundation (EFF). The other organizations are contractually bound to UND. Yes, there is some 'play' in those also. With the EFF pen, since 2015 (the last $2M installment of a $20M endowment) there has been $20,000 that I can find in Form 990s. (Haven't found a 2017 990 for EFF yet.)
  16. Dang. That's like Gibraltar.
  17. I'll help again: Bubs went on record favoring Nodaks. (It's out there.)
  18. Dare I speculate the old saw: talk is cheap; it takes money to buy whiskey.
  19. The day you try to kill me, don't miss; I don't. Like daddy taught me: Never shoot first; always shoot last. It's public information that Strinden favored Nodaks (was in the Herald) and he's on the board of at least one entity. So, complete the information package.
  20. Source? PS - Isn't Nodak dangerously close to the NCAA "RENO*" rule that got us here? PPS - What the heck would the logo be ... PPPS - If you're correct, why didn't REA come riding in with the white hat on the white horse with a fabulous nickname and logo and save us all from this? *No nicknames based on Race, Ethnicity, or National Origin (RENO)
  21. Yes, it is the arena's name, but they're giving up prime advertising space on the floor to put on the arena name*? Ohhhh-kaaaay. *Betty Engelstad Sioux Center <-- say the magic word
  22. No, geaux, it's common urban legend. It got so far that not only the Nevada Gaming Commission, but the FBI, looked into "sympathizer" allegations. The FBI said there was nothing there.
  23. I'm not sure who posted it but I believe I read here somewhere the Engelstad Family Foundation finished out their $20 million gift ($2 million per for 10 years) a while back and has donated less than the cost of a new car since. Someone please verify. EDIT: Guess who found the Form 990 for 2016 for the Engelstad Family Trust ... Engelstad Family Foundation EIN: 80-6008137 http://990s.foundationcenter.org/990pf_pdf_archive/806/806008137/806008137_201612_990PF.pdf A cursory reviews show they gave the UND Foundation $20,000 in 2016. They gave $37,500 to UNLV club hockey and the UNLV Foundation $3,090,000. They gave $17,500 to Ralph Engelstad Arena? It's in there. I'm really learning to love Form 990s. <--- That said, methinks I may have de facto given @RobPort a new toy.
  24. I serve on the board of an organization that files Form 990. Your assessment is correct for at least my case: We, as a board, review revenues and determine how much "excess revenue" is returned and how much is retained.
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