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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Scurry off to RIT kitty-kitty. Glad for ya. < after kitty gone > ... Whiskey-Tango was that? What a load of transparent self-serving tripe. Glad he's SEP -- someone else's problem.
  2. Coach Hutter has an interesting TwiX feed. https://twitter.com/HutterCoach
  3. The way the world is today, most USHL guys have committed before juniors.
  4. Closest thing to news in a week or more ... If he didn't have the inside lane to the "C" before now ...
  5. Glass half full: That's about a big recruiting class. That's about what you should lose annually.
  6. Too late to get a "Frisch 15" black jersey and send a couple quid Ethan's way?
  7. Buxton - sore knee Oshie - broken hand requiring surgery One leaves game; one plays game.
  8. https://www.keloland.com/keloland-com-original/midco-bally-sports-disagreement-leaves-minnesota-twins-off-air/
  9. TJ's hand will determine his future is what I'm hearing.
  10. ... like stink on poop. Like dimples on a golf ball?
  11. Here's what UND wants there (link downloads Word doc): https://bids01.jaggaer.com/apps/Router/PublicEventDownload?file=U291cmNpbmdldmVudC8xMTk1NTYxLTE1NTkwMzU0NjkzMDItMjAyNCBSUkdDIFNPVy5kb2N4&auth=MDpBRVMyI0NQNVp4a2IvSnkxZDNIUm81TGpka2h4M0V4bkpBZDlVSkVFUnk5WnZrK2l5eGZjOVRGNkRHUlU9
  12. So TOR has as many AGMs as school districts have assistant superintendents?
  13. If there was ever a more neurotic team that should meet their Carl Icahn moment it's TOR. I used to think dump 16 and 44 but after the last few days I think it's dump 34 and 44.
  14. Capitals: lower cased Lightning: arrested Islanders: Gilligan'd Jets: Boeing'd
  15. You know why you don't do that? A. You make enemies. B. Someday it might be you.
  16. I'm sure it's some kind of "-ist" in at least a dozen ways, but my car views it as "clean-ist" and "shiny-ist". Car wash and bake sale for the 1883 Collective?
  17. Is Jubenvill going to tear away the "natural born sniper" designator from Matt Greene?
  18. Bubs was his parents' April Fools gift in '65. (See: Wikipedia)
  19. When it comes to NHL commentary and quips, Jordan Schmaltz is the BizNasty of PK Subbans. And that ain't always a compliment.
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