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Oops that should have been a goal

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Talk about blowing a call the Minnesota goal was brutal, the forward took the flames goalie out.


That's ok they had a quick whistle on the other end and negated a goal by Calgary. Bottom line Calgary got hosed for two points in less than a minute.

I take back what I said about the NHL improving their act.

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Wisco's appeal was denied (surprise, surprise)

So what the WCHA is saying is that they have no interest in the integrity of the league.

Has anyone heard or know if Randy Schmidt will be reffing anywhere this weekend? Or is not announced until game time?

I'm betting that he just isn't scheduled for a week or two, but will so return to continue screwing up games.

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So what the WCHA is saying is that they have no interest in the integrity of the league.

While unfortunate, there's probably no way anything else could be done. Unless a rule exists to deal with this situation you have to go with the rules as they are. You can't change the rules to accomodate a past situation because then you do lose your integrity. Rules changes will have to come in the off-season and I would guess something will be done to address a situation like this because Bucky got hosed worse than anything I can think of.

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That's ok they had a quick whistle on the other end and negated a goal by Calgary. Bottom line Calgary got hosed for two points in less than a minute.

I take back what I said about the NHL improving their act.

Minnesota won on a shootout when Pierre-Marc Bouchard (IIRC) ran down Khabibulin last season while turning to do a backhand. Sorry, contact like that with the goaltender (In order for Khabibulin to have made the save, if he could make the save at all, he would have had to push laterally through Bouchard, who was actually on top of him as he was shooting the puck).

No go... oh.. goal. Game over. Wild win.

This is not a conspiracy against the Wild, as I'm sure it happens elsewhere occasionally.

I'm just one of those people who thinks that, when the goaltender is in the crease, there is NO LOGICAL REASON WHATSOEVER, for an opposing player to have any body to body contact (meaning hitting, checking, laying atop of, colliding with, etc.) with the goaltender. If there is, it should be a penalty. PERIOD. If the goalie's teammate checks an opposing player into the goaltender, 2 minutes against the goalie's team. All other times, goaltender interference. If it happens during a shootout, the goal (if it is scored) is ruled a NO GOAL and the game either ends (if the other team is ahead at the time) or goes back to the other team to shoot.

Of course, that's my opinion.

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Here is a thought for a rules change, if the wcha is going to continue to go with a 2 ref system. or begin to use it full time, maybe they should have both ref's review a goal and both ref's have to agree to reverse an on-ice call. Even if their is not a 2 ref system maybe the associate should watch the review also and maybe point something out to the head official that he may not see at first glance. Or maybe put in a mandatory review time that makes the official watch the review for a minimum of 30 seconds. Instead of looking at one frame and running to the locker room.

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Um, they changed the rules to something better. The NHL has done quite a bit to clean up their act in officiating. The only problem I have is in their suspensions. Sometimes somethings worth a suspension, the next time it it's just a stern talking too.

Oh, I get now. They changed the rule to something better for the next season. Meanwhile, we somehow call for the WCHA to rectify its mistake by making an after-the-fact change. I'm confused.

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I think i read he was off this weekend anyways so that worked out for the wcha :D

I agree.

Bina's near-career ending injury was only worth a one month suspension of an official. Affecting the impact of the game is just not that important. Hard to qualify a longer suspension than Adam's suspension really.

In my opinion, Shepherd is in a hard position. If he fires Schmidt, then there is legitimate reason to question how Randy's actions were a fire-able offense but Adam's actions weren't. Not that any coach would bring this up. According to Greg, the officials are top notch. :rolleyes:

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Referee Todd Anderson had an unintentional run-in with Minnesota Duluth winger Michael Gergen early in last Friday's home game against Minnesota.

Gergen was on an offensive rush and continued on behind and around the Minnesota net and......collided with a stationary Anderson at about the left circle after a whistle had been blown to stop play. Anderson didn't see it coming and was knocked down and then took a moment to talk to Gergen. Anderson grabbed Gergen by the jersey to continue the conversation.

WCHA commissioner Bruce McLeod, who was at the game, said Anderson made an error in judgment and supervisor of officials Greg Shepherd called the referee about the incident.

"He's been told in very clear terms that it's not acceptable for an official, in that instance, to grab a player,' McLeod said Tuesday. "That should not happen."

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I don't really mind Todd Anderson's game-calling. What bothers me, though, is that he seems to treat every call as a "teaching moment". He is forever lecturing some skater or a coach. Just make the freakin' call and get on with the game Todd. You're not that important. Really.

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Referee Todd Anderson had an unintentional run-in with Minnesota Duluth winger Michael Gergen early in last Friday's home game against Minnesota.

Gergen was on an offensive rush and continued on behind and around the Minnesota net and......collided with a stationary Anderson at about the left circle after a whistle had been blown to stop play. Anderson didn't see it coming and was knocked down and then took a moment to talk to Gergen. Anderson grabbed Gergen by the jersey to continue the conversation.

WCHA commissioner Bruce McLeod, who was at the game, said Anderson made an error in judgment and supervisor of officials Greg Shepherd called the referee about the incident.

"He's been told in very clear terms that it's not acceptable for an official, in that instance, to grab a player,' McLeod said Tuesday. "That should not happen."

This is the buddy buddy accountability system in its glory! It's nice to have an official communique from the Front Office confirming its existance.

The slap on the wrist given, "BAD REF! BAD! No desert for you!" been said, everyone goes on their merry way.

No, I don't think Anderson's offense deserves dismissal or a lengthy suspension, but seriously, a couple more incidents and all of us "Sioux officiating conspiracy theorists" will have to be given credence.

This dog and pony show that is WCHA officiating is only going downhill.

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Even the ref clutches and grabs! Look out Oshie even the ref can grab you without a call! :D

no crap, anderson must have thought he was the players dad or something. what a chump. one day hes gona do that to the wrong player;)

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While unfortunate, there's probably no way anything else could be done. Unless a rule exists to deal with this situation you have to go with the rules as they are. You can't change the rules to accomodate a past situation because then you do lose your integrity. Rules changes will have to come in the off-season and I would guess something will be done to address a situation like this because Bucky got hosed worse than anything I can think of.

Yes I saw the rules as they referred them after my comment. I stand corrected. Of course I don't see the league has much integrity so that part of my statement stands.

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I don't really mind Todd Anderson's game-calling. What bothers me, though, is that he seems to treat every call as a "teaching moment". He is forever lecturing some skater or a coach. Just make the freakin' call and get on with the game Todd. You're not that important. Really.

Not to take a shot at you mikejm, but IMO he Sucks! Unfortunately, I can't think of many WCHA officials that do a good job. That is the irony behind the 2 referee system. The league can't even field enough quality officials to run a single referee system. Greg Shepherd needs to be replaced along with over half of the referees in the league.

Hennessy talked to someone from the USHL during one of the intermissions in Mankato regarding their approach to referees. He stated that they approached their officiating very seriously and made certain that referees were always striving to improve and advance in there officiating capabilities. The interview was very interesting, especially in light of recent events that have occurred in the WCHA. If the USHL can have quality officiating (and it seems they do) why can't the WCHA? It is a joke, but not that funny anymore.

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Not to take a shot at you mikejm, but IMO he Sucks! Unfortunately, I can't think of many WCHA officials that do a good job. That is the irony behind the 2 referee system. The league can't even field enough quality officials to run a single referee system. Greg Shepherd needs to be replaced along with over half of the referees in the league.

Hennessy talked to someone from the USHL during one of the intermissions in Mankato regarding their approach to referees. He stated that they approached their officiating very seriously and made certain that referees were always striving to improve and advance in there officiating capabilities. The interview was very interesting, especially in light of recent events that have occurred in the WCHA. If the USHL can have quality officiating (and it seems they do) why can't the WCHA? It is a joke, but not that funny anymore.

Visit the USHL unofficial blog sometime. From what the fans there say, the USHL has its own officiating dunces. However, you are right in that it seems the USHL is heavily involved in developing and improving officials rather than just saying "Here's your whistle, don't screw up too badly."

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100% agree with OTH. This league needs a complete overhaul of officials. An official should NEVER seek out physical contact with a player. In all fairness, however, we don't know what was said on the ice. Maybe Gergen told him to get the f out of the way or something to that affect. I think that an official who grabs a player by the jersey should lose his job. Imagine if you didn't like how something happened at the office and you grabbed a co-worker by the shirt! You wouldn't have a job for very long.

Ridiculous act.

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Not to take a shot at you mikejm, but IMO he Sucks! Unfortunately, I can't think of many WCHA officials that do a good job. That is the irony behind the 2 referee system. The league can't even field enough quality officials to run a single referee system. Greg Shepherd needs to be replaced along with over half of the referees in the league.

Hennessy talked to someone from the USHL during one of the intermissions in Mankato regarding their approach to referees. He stated that they approached their officiating very seriously and made certain that referees were always striving to improve and advance in there officiating capabilities. The interview was very interesting, especially in light of recent events that have occurred in the WCHA. If the USHL can have quality officiating (and it seems they do) why can't the WCHA? It is a joke, but not that funny anymore.

The guys in the USHL, especially the good ones, are striving to move up and make it a career - much like some of the WCHA players. The officials in the WCHA are older, have more experience, but not good enough to make it to the AHL/NHL.

I would rather have young, talented officials in my league versus older, "experienced" cast-offs.

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The guys in the USHL, especially the good ones, are striving to move up and make it a career - much like some of the WCHA players. The officials in the WCHA are older, have more experience, but not good enough to make it to the AHL/NHL.

I would rather have young, talented officials in my league versus older, "experienced" cast-offs.

Good point. What type of recruiting is being done for WCHA officials? Probably none as Greg and Bruce think it is easier to play the boobs that just make excuses and apologize for wrongdoings time and time again!

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Good point. What type of recruiting is being done for WCHA officials? Probably none as Greg and Bruce think it is easier to play the boobs that just make excuses and apologize for wrongdoings time and time again!

There is no recruiting as Greg believes that the current officials aren't at all bad. Greg thinks that coaches, who are fined for criticizing officiating, are going to go out of their way at the coaches meetings to target individual refs or faulty officiating programming. The coaches have more important issues than targetting individual officials, especially if doing so will make them look shallow and vindictive.

So the answer is obvious: Fire Greg Shepherd and start over.

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