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Seat Belts ?


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In Minnesota? It's been that way for years. North Dakota is a secondary law, they have to pull you over for something else first.

When did it become mandatory to wear seat belts & they can stop you just for that ?

My wife got a $70 ticket recently :lol:

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In my opinion, I think it should be mandatory for people to wear seat belts. Do you even have any idea what kind of effects there are on people who don't wear them?! You'd have to be absolutely stupid not to wear one!

No offense, but shouldn't you guys know better?!?! That's a horrible example to set by not wearing a seat belt! I am very against people who don't wear them!

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In my opinion, I think it should be mandatory for people to wear seat belts. Do you even have any idea what kind of effects there are on people who don't wear them?! You'd have to be absolutely stupid not to wear one!

No offense, but shouldn't you guys know better?!?! That's a horrible example to set by not wearing a seat belt! I am very against people who don't wear them!

Why are motorcycles still allowed to drive on roads since they have no seat belts? Even since they are, why aren't they required to wear helmets?

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The most common type of accident in North Dakota is a one vehicle rollover. Chances are, if you are going to get in an accident, it's going to be a rollover.....and if you're not belted in, you're either going to be thrown from the vehicle or tossed around inside one like a rag doll.

I rolled once, approximately 5 times end over end. My seatbelt saved my life.

Wear it, don't wear it......the decision could save or end your life.

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I've watched enough of those police video shows to see what happens to people who are thrown from their cars during crashes. No thanks.

Once while stopped at a traffic light, a teen-aged kid in the car next to me yelled, "Dude, why you wearing a seatbelt?"

I had an answer for him: "I'm allergic to death. "

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In Minnesota? It's been that way for years. North Dakota is a secondary law, they have to pull you over for something else first.

yep, in ND they have to pull you over for something else first.

I agree with everyone that seat belts are important. I have had one friend die when the vehicle rolled over when she was partially ejected and another person I know who almost died when his pickup rolled over top of him, crushing his pelvis, if I remember correctly.

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I know it's dangerous, but hey it's my wife :lol: - If she wants to go that way - it should be up to her. She is not dependant on society to pay the expenses :D

How can they have this Click it or Ticket thingy

She was not stopped for any reason except No Seat Belt ;)

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I know it's dangerous, but hey it's my wife :lol: - If she wants to go that way - it should be up to her. She is not dependant on society to pay the expenses :D

How can they have this Click it or Ticket thingy

She was not stopped for any reason except No Seat Belt ;)

I believe the seat belt law in Minnesota is still a secondary offense, which means you cannot be stopped for not wearing a seat belt. Minnesota Seat Belt Law

Here is an article from today that says the same thing: Seat Belts

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I know it's dangerous, but hey it's my wife :lol: - If she wants to go that way - it should be up to her. She is not dependant on society to pay the expenses :D

How can they have this Click it or Ticket thingy

She was not stopped for any reason except No Seat Belt ;)

One thing increased seat belt usage does help with is insurance. Think how many less injuries/deaths are being paid out by insurance companies when seat belts are used.

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I know it's dangerous, but hey it's my wife :lol: - If she wants to go that way - it should be up to her. She is not dependant on society to pay the expenses :D

How can they have this Click it or Ticket thingy

She was not stopped for any reason except No Seat Belt ;)

In ND-Click It Or Ticket means that if you are stopped, and you're not wearing your seatbelt, you're going to get a ticket not a warning. It doesn't mean that you're going to get stopped for not wearing your seatbelt.

If she was stopped in ND as a primary offense, she has a valid argument to get out of it. In Minnesota she's screwed.

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In ND-Click It Or Ticket means that if you are stopped, and you're not wearing your seatbelt, you're going to get a ticket not a warning. It doesn't mean that you're going to get stopped for not wearing your seatbelt.

If she was stopped in ND as a primary offense, she has a valid argument to get out of it. In Minnesota she's screwed.

In Minnesota you cannot be stopped for not wearing a seat belt. It is a seconday offense, so they have to stop you for something else first.

The exception is for children under 12, I believe.

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I know it's dangerous, but hey it's my wife :lol: - If she wants to go that way - it should be up to her. She is not dependant on society to pay the expenses :D

Not true. Insurance companies are strictly FOR PROFIT! If your wife suffers an injury that results in tens of thousands of dollars because she didn't wear a seat belt, your insurance, and others in your group, rates will go up.

The MVA patient's I see in the ER are usually the one's wearing their seat belts. Those that didn't wear their seat belts usually end up in the morgue or are airlifted from the scene to the nearest trauma center.

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I am not a fan of government regulation of this type. If someone wants to increase their chance of dying or being seriously injured in an accident then let them. As long as it only physically affects them and not anyone else then the gov. should keep its nose out of it, IMO.

Is there an increased cost to society (such as insurance premiums) ? Of course. But that alone should not dictate policy. If so, then maybe we need to fine anyone who is overweight as that definitely drives up medical costs. The list of what the gov. could regulate would never end.

I would prefer that the gov. regulation be more of the type where someone is affected by someone elses action, such as secondary smoke. If you want to reduce accidents, then enact laws to ban cell phone use while driving. Can't tell you how many times I have seen people driving eradically and it turns out they are on a cell phone.

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The most common type of accident in North Dakota is a one vehicle rollover. Chances are, if you are going to get in an accident, it's going to be a rollover.....

Been there. Done that.

My passenger got a nasty bruise where the seat belt grabbed. I bit the side of my tongue when the roof collapsed on my head. That was the extent of the injuries even though a door had come open during the roll.

Seat belts are your friend.


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Considering the costs associated with long-term care, if somebody wants to drive/ride w/o a seat belt they should pay a nominal fee (a "moron tax" as a doctor friend of mine calls it) and sign a waiver that they won't seek public assistance for their medical expenses and long-term care if they survive.

Me? I'm always belted in, since it keeps me upright and in control of the car if I have to swerve or take evasive action.

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I guess it works = now when ever we see a cop, we buckle up before he /she gets close

I do agree there are so many dumb things people do to themselves ;)

Pretty soon, if you don't have a weather radio (that comes on everytime it rains & wakes you up) :D & you die or get hurt in a tornado - you will be shuned by society :lol:

There sure are alot of people in the world - for how dangerous everything is ;)


or is it they just have to pay for the new jail some how :lol:

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In ND-Click It Or Ticket means that if you are stopped, and you're not wearing your seatbelt, you're going to get a ticket not a warning. It doesn't mean that you're going to get stopped for not wearing your seatbelt.

Why are people (police departments, government, whom ever, etc) paying money to run advertisements (radio, tv, billboards) telling people to put their seat belt on?

They are paying money to tell us that it will save our life and it is against the law. Why are they targeting seat belts in these ads? Couldn't the same be said for speeding? Why is there not such an extensive "don't speed" campaign? :D

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Why are people (police departments, government, whom ever, etc) paying money to run advertisements (radio, tv, billboards) telling people to put their seat belt on?

They are paying money to tell us that it will save our life and it is against the law. Why are they targeting seat belts in these ads? Couldn't the same be said for speeding? Why is there not such an extensive "don't speed" campaign? :lol:

Speed, alcohol, seatbelts, road conditions........they're all contributing factors to accidents.

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yep, in ND they have to pull you over for something else first.

I agree with everyone that seat belts are important. I have had one friend die when the vehicle rolled over when she was partially ejected and another person I know who almost died when his pickup rolled over top of him, crushing his pelvis, if I remember correctly.

I can't even keep count of the number of people I know who have been killed or injured in car accidents. A seat belt will not necessarily save your life, as it didn't save a few of my friends' lives, but it will certainly increase the chances of death or even serious injury.

I don't think it should even be a second thought to wear one. Seriously, it takes like 3 seconds to put it on.

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I can't even keep count of the number of people I know who have been killed or injured in car accidents. A seat belt will not necessarily save your life, as it didn't save a few of my friends' lives, but it will certainly increase the chances of death or even serious injury.

I don't think it should even be a second thought to wear one. Seriously, it takes like 3 seconds to put it on.

yep, had the seat belt wearing people die too. My dad learned when I first got my license that I don't put the car in gear unless he is wearing his seat belt and now he just automatically does it when he gets in my car.

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