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He also scratched the serial numbers off of the guns.......did he think that the shooting spree wouldn't end in his own demise and they wouldn't be able to trace the guns to him? I guess the best that we can do is teach our children to respect life more. I can't imagine having that much hate for another human being that I would destroy that many lives.

The guy's a chicken sh** coward. May he rot in hedoublehockeysticks.

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  Fetch said:
Hockey Mom I agree to a point about safety & kids - But If you need it, I doubt you will have time to open the safe & take off the gun lock & find the ammo & load - sorry!

Good point, but the simple sound of someone racking a shotgun is sometimes enough to make them run the other direction......

Just trying to tell everyone out there to be safe.


Sig Arms P226 .40 with a customized trigger. Oh, and semi-jacketed hollow points in all three mags, except for practice then I use wadcutters. Now, stay out of my beer!!!



Your a Good .......No GREAT!!! Hockey Mom It really Bums me out to see & read about all the Good / Great people that died :silly:

  wxman91 said:

I don't think any gun control measures are going to come from the VT shooting. The kid bought the gun legally, and then broke laws that were already on the books.

That being said, I don't understand why guns aren't registered just like cars. The paranoid excuse that the big bad government is going to come and take them away is a ridiculous argument.

Call me ridiculous, then.

Search on gun laws and Virginia Tech

There are groups in this country, that would like nothing better than to clamp down on all gun sales.

  HockeyMom said:
EDITED TO ADD: Gun locks can most likely be obtained for free from any law enforcement agency......if you want one, call and ask if they have them.

Actually when you buy a new gun they give you a gun lock. The last three guns I bought at scheels all had one.

I think Fetch is right though, if your using your gun for a home protection device I don't think your going to have time to open the safe, take the gun lock off and protect your self.

  Fetch said:
wxman91 they did in Australia http://www.gunsandcrime.org/aussiegc.html

I'm not a hardcore NRA guy - they are as radical as the gun control people - but they have to be, to counter the gun control people & what we end up with is middle of the road legislation - Do Agree with the NRA on a lot / most of their work http://www.nrapublications.org/armed%20citizen/Index.asp

I agree with you, but I am not letting people take my right to hunt away, by taking my guns rights away from me. There are some that suggested that we no longer be able to use semi-automatic guns. I guess that rules out my duck gun if this law got passed. The NRA is very powerful and a strong lobby in Washington.


In Arizona you have to take an eight hour class before getting a licenses to carry concealed and is reciprocated or honored (I don't know the difference) in 20 states. In Arizona you can take a three hour class and get a Utah license to carry concealed and is reciprocated or honored in 26 states. But even though it's given and taken in Arizona, Arizona residents can't carry concealed with this Utah license but a non-resident can.

I would like to take the Arizona 8 hour class but I like the extra six states offered with the Utah license. They're both $119. I'm looking at getting a .357 that shoots 38's. There's less noise with the 38 bullets so if you're in a room and shoot an intruder your hearing is less affected and you can listen for a second intruder, etc.

Yes, I've been doing a lot of research lately and getting a lot of advice from fellow workers.


I think many of the problems with guns come from a lack of proper education/training. I was exposed to them at a young age, and have been around them all of my life. I have my father and grandfather to thank for knowing the resposible way to handle a gun. Like so many other things in life, this education starts at home, with mom and dad, teaching us what is right and what is wrong. Hunter's saftey courses and other courses are also beneficial, but the core values come from home. That being said, THETRIOUXPER is well armed (won't go into detail), that is if you get past the dogs.


I own 1 handgun, Worked in Law Enforcement and I still have my duty weapon. Won't ever sell it but I haven't been out to the range since I left the law enforcement field. People who trumpet gun control I never have understood. Fully automatic weapons yes but sporting arms no. The events in Blacksburg just point out that you don't need fully automatic weapons. This carnage was all done with a 9mm glock and a 22 cal handgun. Unless the gun control advocates want to do away with all private ownership of guns (which some do) you will never be able to just pick and choose which weapons to outlaw. Obviously fully automatic weapons have no place in the private sector, only the military need weapons like that IMHO but gun control in general is not the answer. Figuring out just who we are letting into this country on the other hand is!

  DI IN FARGO said:
Figuring out just who we are letting into this country on the other hand is!


Do you know that previous to this incident the majority if not all the mass/serial murderers in the U.S.A were all red-blooded American born and bred U.S.A. citizens?

Timothy McVeigh David Koresh Charles Manson Jim Jones Ted Bundy Richard Speck Kirsten Gilbert Eric Harris Dylan Klebold

Need I go on!?!

  Sioux-cia said:


Do you know that previous to this incident the majority if not all the mass/serial murderers in the U.S.A were all red-blooded American born and bred U.S.A. citizens?

Timothy McVeigh David Koresh Charles Manson Jim Jones Ted Bundy Richard Speck Kirsten Gilbert Eric Harris Dylan Klebold

Need I go on!?!

I'm not just referring to Mass Murderers here. You look up any stats on the percentage of crimes (violent crimes) being committed in this country and you will see that by percentage of the population the illegals in this country are a huge contributor to that percentage. Need I go on!?!


In D.C. you can't possess a handgun that wasn't registered before 1976 (i.e. no 30 year old could legally own a gun). Further, if you happen to be old enough to have had a gun before the retroactive ban, D.C. law prohibits storing a gun in an operable condition, even in your home (i.e. useless for self-defense).

Examining D.C. crime/murders to determine the effect on such of getting guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens is left as an exercise for the reader.

Update -- DaveK's post reminded me that I didn't answer the question. Don't own any guns, but have no particular moral opposition.

  jimdahl said:
In D.C. you can't possess a handgun that wasn't registered before 1976 (i.e. no 30 year old could legally own a gun). Further, if you happen to be old enough to have had a gun before the retroactive ban, D.C. law prohibits storing a gun in an operable condition, even in your home (i.e. useless for self-defense).

Examining D.C. crime/murders to determine the effect on such of getting guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens is left as an exercise for the reader.

But Jim, just think how much worse it would be otherwise! :silly:
  DI IN FARGO said:

I'm not just referring to Mass Murderers here. You look up any stats on the percentage of crimes (violent crimes) being committed in this country and you will see that by percentage of the population the illegals in this country are a huge contributor to that percentage. Need I go on!?!

My apology. Since a mass murder preceded this thread and you did not qualify your statement, I thought you were speaking of mass murderers. Since your statement was

just who we are letting into this country
I did not know you were speaking of illegals. Mea culpa.... :silly:
  DaveK said:
My wife and I do not allow guns in our home. We won't even tolerate toy guys. There are many other good toys for our kids to play with, and we see no need for kids to simulate killing each other. I see guns as one of the worst evils in this world we live in. I'm sure not everybody is going to agree with that, which is fine because we're all entitled to an opinion.

I totally agree. Problem is, bad guys still get guns and innocents are unprotected and senselessly murdered.

*Damn, I can't believe after all these years, I've moved to this side of the fence*

In D.C. you can't possess a handgun that wasn't registered before 1976 (i.e. no 30 year old could legally own a gun). Further, if you happen to be old enough to have had a gun before the retroactive ban, D.C. law prohibits storing a gun in an operable condition, even in your home (i.e. useless for self-defense).

I personally haven't done the research,this was told to me and seems verified, at least in part, by jim's post.

States with the most restrictive gun laws have the highest rate of violent crimes.

  GeauxSioux said:
Getting back to Fetch's reason for starting the post, Florida has a law that is very much pro-homeowner.

Florida's New "Stand Your Ground" Law: Why It's More Extreme than Other States' Self-Defense Measures, And How It Got that Way

At present, I do not have a gun. I do see a time in the future where law abiding citizens will not be able to obtain a gun. I am seriously contemplating getting one now, because I may not be able to get it later. I'm open to suggestions on what to buy from those in the know.

As a little bit of advice, currently I own 2 Springfield Armory XD 40s. I have owned a Smith & Wesson 45 and just didn't quite like it as much as the XD. I have also shot on numerous occasions a few different types of glocks. I have found that i like the XD the best out of all of these, I find the multiple saftey mechanisms to be very comforting while carrying. Depending on use, i would recommend the either the 40 or 9 in 3 or 4 inch. It's a great all around gun with many features and for a respectable price. It would be well worth a little research. If you have any questions, let me know.

  Sioux-cia said:
In Arizona you have to take an eight hour class before getting a licenses to carry concealed and is reciprocated or honored (I don't know the difference) in 20 states. In Arizona you can take a three hour class and get a Utah license to carry concealed and is reciprocated or honored in 26 states. But even though it's given and taken in Arizona, Arizona residents can't carry concealed with this Utah license but a non-resident can.

I would like to take the Arizona 8 hour class but I like the extra six states offered with the Utah license. They're both $119. I'm looking at getting a .357 that shoots 38's. There's less noise with the 38 bullets so if you're in a room and shoot an intruder your hearing is less affected and you can listen for a second intruder, etc.

Yes, I've been doing a lot of research lately and getting a lot of advice from fellow workers.

The 357 is a great choice. It's nice to have the versatilty to shoot both 38 and 357. Depending on what you plan on using the gun for, be it home defense or concealed carried, i would look at the Smith & Wesson 340 or 360. They are a little more pricey, but very light and a very reliable gun.



I don't know if I intended to go this direction with this thread - But if OK ? - After watching the series about Barbarians on TV in recent months - & learning about how Man has brutally killed each other for so long from Romans to Crusades to all the different Barbarians - The only ones who survived for many generations & cultures were the strongest - meanest - most Violent & then in a few hundred yrs out of thousands of yrs - we are to act & think like what you said :silly:

My wife and I do not allow guns in our home. We won't even tolerate toy guys. There are many other good toys for our kids to play with, and we see no need for kids to simulate killing each other. I see guns as one of the worst evils in this world we live in. I'm sure not everybody is going to agree with that, which is fine because we're all entitled to an opinion.

& what I am mentioning above was before Guns

Man has always found the best most efficient ways to kill each other & yeah I'd love a world without these traits - But is that REAL & can it happen in just a few generations ?

I do think there are lots of folks that want this & live as though it can happen (civilized) Unless you live in a total police State (Like Iraq was or the old USSR) they held people down - But can free societies do the same ? ? ? I some times think were losing our Freedom more every year - I'd rather have Freedom & take my chances that Good will prevail over Evil (Most of the time) than think a Police State is the way to go

As the world gets More & More Crowded faster than most of us even think about - it is going to be a wild ride & will it be survival of the fittest or let Gov. try to protect us ?


Sioux-Cia, no problem, I just know after having worked in that field how frustrating it is to arrest someone just to see the judge slap them on the wrist and poof they are free. The biggest problem in this country is we don't enforce our existing laws and then when something happens we usually overract to the situation for a while and then things go back to normal. People like Rosie O Donnel want to harp or play the blame game. Blame the legal system for making a mockery out of our laws and the lack of enforcing them in the courts.


OMG! What is going on with the 3rd week of April and school violence? I just turned on the news and close to 10 schools are on lock down and/or evacuated because of bomb threats and gun issues.


One need only look at England's experience regarding disarming citizens and the effect on violent crime.

How bad has it gotten over there?

Except for murder and rape, ... "Britain has overtaken the US for all major crimes." ...

London police are now looking to New York City police for advice.

  Local Boy said:
OMG! What is going on with the 3rd week of April and school violence?

Quite simply "April 20". (Put it or "4/20" into a search engine and see what pops.)

- the cannabis culture

- Columbine

- Hitler's birthday

It's the confluence of a whole set of freaky sub-cultures.

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