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Oshie, Toews, Bina trouble


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Replace WDAZ with FOX9 and this quote sounds exactly like what Gopher fans were saying a year ago. Funny how it was Sioux fans saying they should be suspended multiple games and that Lucia is handling the situation badly by simply saying it will be handled internally. You people were ALL OVER Lucia for his response. Now Hakstol says the EXACT same thing and all of a sudden the moral outrage of Sioux fans no longer exists. Strange how that works isn't it?

For the record, I think Hakstol should handle it internally. He shouldn't announce to the public what their punishments will be just like Lucia didn't. I don't believe they deserve any game suspensions because then you're essentially punishing the whole team for the actions of a few.

Bucky, I wondered if you would ever show your sorry little ar$* on this chat again. Nice apple and oranges comparision to the free wobbly pops your boys have been enjoying. What new freebies has old uncle Bucks Sonmore been sending their way now that they lost their beloved Blarneys.

Now that you are back what did you think about the weekend. Still laughing at my preseason prediction about Duncan being UND's leading scorer by any chance. By the way, your goaltenders are still SIEVES. :)

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It's called the internet. The pics are everywhere. :)

Its on the the Penatly Box as well and I didn't realize that Drunk Hockey guy would say something this classless about Bina.

Yeah, and have a PM an hour later from Jupiter telling me 30 people wanted me banned. I put that guy thru enough stress, I really don't need to add to it.

Besides I was going to post in the UND/gophers thread " I go to a UMTC game expected a Robbie Bina neck brace and all I got were these stupid trading cards."


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What don't you people understand? No consequences? If there weren't consequences there wouldn't be 8 pages of this s&!t on a message board. I'm pretty sure the boys are well aware of the mistake they made. They have the citation's to prove that. I'm also sure that the local law enforcement people, as well as the people from UND are going to handle it the way they see fit. That is good enough for me. This has been blown way out of proportion, and it all started with those f$%k-heads at WDAZ, and the cowardly person that ratted them all out in the first place.

I agree with a lot of what you say, but if the 2 most high profile players are busted by the cops it is news. Don't blame WDAZ. And we don't know if anyone "ratted" them out, do we?

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Shoot the messengers, they violated the law, no wait they did thier job, reporting on something that the community is interested in. This would have leaked out eventually, might as well report it, it is news. They are very public figures in Grand Forks.

Then they better put the name and face of every goddamn college kid that gets a minor on the evening news from now on.

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Then they better put the name and face of every goddamn college kid that gets a minor on the evening news from now on.

Not every college kid is a public figure though. And plus if they did that, they wouldn't have time to report "real" news.

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Then they better put the name and face of every goddamn college kid that gets a minor on the evening news from now on.

Where should we put all of the pictures of these faces? There would be hundreds of millions of them.

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Did anyone see the pic of Oshie passed out? It's was on GPL what a joke!!! I Hate the Gophers!!! How did those people get the pics anyway?

Umm...down sparky. That doesn't look mush like Oshie, it's called a joke, look it up.

PS, it wasn't even posted by a Gopher fan.

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Its on the tPB as well and I didn't realize that Drunk Hockey guy would say something this classless about Bina.


Everyone - stop dragging discussions you don't like or fights from other message boards to this one. If you have something to say about a post on umdpenaltybox or gopherpucklive or wherever, say it there. Trying to drag "what those Gopher fans are saying" over here to stir things up has become epidemic in the last week and is not appreciated. Anyone who wants to know what Gopher fans are saying can go find out on their own, we even provide a link.

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Replace WDAZ with FOX9 and this quote sounds exactly like what Gopher fans were saying a year ago. Funny how it was Sioux fans saying they should be suspended multiple games and that Lucia is handling the situation badly by simply saying it will be handled internally. You people were ALL OVER Lucia for his response. Now Hakstol says the EXACT same thing and all of a sudden the moral outrage of Sioux fans no longer exists. Strange how that works isn't it?

For the record, I think Hakstol should handle it internally. He shouldn't announce to the public what their punishments will be just like Lucia didn't. I don't believe they deserve any game suspensions because then you're essentially punishing the whole team for the actions of a few.

Like Sioux Hab_it said, "apples and oranges". I know the gopher spinsters try to make the Blarney's thing into an "underage drinking" issue, it was really about free stuff and favors being traded. It's quite a different situation if you look under the surface.

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Like Sioux Hab_it said, "apples and oranges". I know the gopher spinsters try to make the Blarney's thing into an "underage drinking" issue, it was really about free stuff and favors being traded. It's quite a different situation if you look under the surface.

Which is way more serious than underage drinking. The free stuff could have been an NCAA violation.

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Bucky, I wondered if you would ever show your sorry little ar$* on this chat again. Nice apple and oranges comparision to the free wobbly pops your boys have been enjoying. What new freebies has old uncle Bucks Sonmore been sending their way now that they lost their beloved Blarneys.

Now that you are back what did you think about the weekend. Still laughing at my preseason prediction about Duncan being UND's leading scorer by any chance. By the way, your goaltenders are still SIEVES. :)

Sioux Hab-it,

Why don't you answer Bucky's question. Sioux fans ripped on Lucia for handling it internally and now Haxstol does the same thing (which he should). As for apples to oranges comparison, I would say Bina's charge with Obstruction is alittle more serious than what the Gopher players were charged with.

The difference between the two incidents (Blarneys and Judy's) is that the Toews, Oshie, Bina incident revolved around individuals where as the Blarney incident revolved around NCAA infractions as well as underage drinking. In both cases the bar owners and the players used poor judgement.

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Look folks, none of us know the whole story. That piece on DAZ made it look worse than it actually is. To say there are no consequences is not true though. They will be dealt with, that there is no doubt. I see this as nothing but an overreaction, just like when Greene got his dui. I garantee there are better things for us to be discussing. I'm sure the boys feel bad enough about the situation, they don't need a bunch of know-it-alls on a fan message board dragging it on and on and on. Maybe we need to do what they are, recognize the mistake, accept the punishment, learn from it, and move on. I for one am still supporting these guys, cause I truly believe they are good young men that made a mistake. Again I don't know the whole story, but I know they will have consequences to their actions. We can all be sure of that. Let's not be a part of making it worse for them.

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I would say Bina's charge with Obstruction is alittle more serious than what the Gopher players were charged with.

Let's wait and find out exactly what Robbie did before we say that? From what I have read on this thread he hasn't even been cited yet. If that's the case it seems to me that they don't even know if he did anything serious enough to warrant a citation, which would indicate whatever he did wasn't very serious. Let's see if we find anything out before jumping to conclusions.

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Like Sioux Hab_it said, "apples and oranges". I know the gopher spinsters try to make the Blarney's thing into an "underage drinking" issue, it was really about free stuff and favors being traded. It's quite a different situation if you look under the surface.

I think the WDAZ guys did your boys a favor. Say they chose to do an under cover investigation instead. Then the boys get comfy going to Judy's after big weekend victories or partying in general, sooner or later a grateful player tosses Judy a pair of tickets or brings in a hot prospect. Then after another Final Five victory the story breaks and everyones on youtube, etc... Basically a lot of headaches potentially saved getting caught now. :)

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