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I said Alaska-Fairbanks of the Crappy Collegiate Hockey Association, not the surprise team in the WCHA this season (UAA). Fairbanks (or just plain old "Alaska", as they are calling themselves now) has always been a nickel (thanks for the spelling reminder! :blush: ) and dime program. Anchorage looks to be building a winner after years of mediocre teams. Michigan Tech is improved, but I'm not totally convinced yet. They've had other seasons that looked promising but didn't pan out. They still have to fight off 30+ years of losing.

My point is that North Dakota's program sets a higher standard of excellence, a standard not shared by all schools who happen to have Division I Hockey. And we are not living up to that standard right now. And that is why people are ticked off.

Now that is almost signature material, maybe a little long but good post.

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I said Alaska-Fairbanks of the Crappy Collegiate Hockey Association, not the surprise team in the WCHA this season (UAA). Fairbanks (or just plain old "Alaska", as they are calling themselves now) has always been a nickel (thanks for the spelling reminder! :) ) and dime program. Anchorage looks to be building a winner after years of mediocre teams. Michigan Tech is improved, but I'm not totally convinced yet. They've had other seasons that looked promising but didn't pan out. They still have to fight off 30+ years of losing.

My point is that North Dakota's program sets a higher standard of excellence, a standard not shared by all schools who happen to have Division I Hockey. And we are not living up to that standard right now. And that is why people are ticked off.

Yes, you did say Fairbanks. Sorry. I think I am still hurting from witnessing the sweep in Alaska, to remember there is another team there. :(

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WHOA! Let's take a time out here for a second. Fans, even die-hard ones, have different styles. Just because a guy says Finley sucks doesn't mean he is a fair-weathered fan. It means he thinks Finley sucks.

I am a HUGE supporter of my sports teams, including Sioux hockey. That doens't mean I will blindly support players and make excuses for poor play though. On the flip side, just because somebody defends Finley to the death doesn't make them a better fan. It's just differing points of view.

Fans handle adversity in different ways. Some of you guys always try to find the bright spot in any dismal situation. Some of the others blast everybody from the players, to the staff to the janitor who cleans the lockerroom toilets.

Personally, I love Sioux hockey to death and will support the team whether they go undefeated or lose every single game. I'm also a passionate fan who will do some hardcore venting now and again when I get frustrated. It's just how I am... Fair weather, for me, couldn't be further from the truth.

I didn't say that someone was a fair weather fan if they complain that one player sucks, nor did I call you a fair weather fan. I'm talking about people who have been whining that they aren't going to any more games this season because the team sucks....and believe me, I've talked to several of them in the last couple days. I didn't mean to imply that it's everyone on these boards either.

*whispers* "there's is an interim women's coach" :blush:

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I didn't say that someone was a fair weather fan if they complain that one player sucks, nor did I call you a fair weather fan. I'm talking about people who have been whining that they aren't going to any more games this season because the team sucks....and believe me, I've talked to several of them in the last couple days. I didn't mean to imply that it's everyone on these boards either.

*whispers* "there's is an interim women's coach" :blush:

Hey that is great news for the Women's program. Hey if these guys don't want their tickets I am sure we can probably give their tickets up and we can replace them with people who want to watch the game and cheer.

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Ok, I was in the Twin Cities this weekend attending my sister's graduation from the University of Minnesota (she hates hockey in general so I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and not disown her :blush: ), have stitches removed from my left eye (YAY!), and I missed both games.

Now, I know the usual "X player sucks" and "Bench X indefinitely" and so on. That's been pushed around for a while.

Right now, I think Team defense is really nonexistant, our offense is confusing to me (where is it?), I have seen lack of fundamentals (bad penalties, piss poor passing), and suspect goaltending all around, and this was coming into this weekend. Yeah, I say that knowing full well someone will jump on me, but I believe that it is the team that is doing poorly, and though individual players have it worse than others, I blame our troubles on the team rather than the individuals. Just how I roll.

In any case, apart from the obvious (Just win baby), are the Sioux out of it? Can we get back into the picture? Does this really mark the end of the season for us?

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Let me vent and share my frustration also. it is obvious that this team has trouble in all areas - timely scoring, defense, goaltending, will to win, intensity, mental mistakes. My feeling is that the ultimate responsibility is with the coaches. When Blais was here, players knew that if they came to UND with talent they would leave as players in the NHL sense of the word. Thjat's not happening now. Does anyone think that Finley, Lee, Lameraux, Toews, Oshie, etc are playing better this year. Almost no one is developing. We are playing much worse as a team than in the past. In addition, we were out-recruited this year. I agree with other posters that it is a mystery as to why we can't get a stud goalie in here. It is painful to watch us get out-hit in our own arena. Hakstol was basically anointed as coach - It's time for him to show us what he's got. I will not be happy until we are competing with the Gophers. Blais would never allow this type of play without kicking some but. We need a wake-up call soon.

Let's face it - this team lost a lot of talent/character from last year (stafford, zajac, smaby, spirko, perpich, parise) and reloaded with a very weak recruiting class.

We aren't as good as last year's team - and last year we were only 16-12 in the league.

I sure hope we recruit better in 07 and 08

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a lot of the players that were picked up during the offseason are four year players. they are the type that will stick around and by seniors be amazing leaders and amazing hockey players. i'd take this year's class of solid freshman over a class with two first rounders. with the high draft picks, you've got one, maybe two years to get a championship out of their talent. with four year players, you have four years to get a championship out of their talent and leadership.

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I'm no scout, but I have never seen why Lee is so highly regarded. He does a good job on the PP, but even strength he doesn't generate much and his lack of physical play causes problems in his zone and with breakout passes.

One of the goalies needs to step up and be a true number one guy. Too many soft goals and juicy rebounds. If the goalies switch nets last weekend the Sioux leave with 4 points.

The only redeeming thing with year is watching Oshie and Toews. There are definitely worth the price of admission even if they aren't scoring. For the team to make any kind of a run those two have to starting putting the puck in the net and we need a couple 3rd and 4th liners to step up.

My fear is losing Oshie and Toews for next year because none of the freshman have shown to me that they can fill the 1st line holes, and Duncan needs someone to get him the puck in a scoring position

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a lot of the players that were picked up during the offseason are four year players. they are the type that will stick around and by seniors be amazing leaders and amazing hockey players. i'd take this year's class of solid freshman over a class with two first rounders. with the high draft picks, you've got one, maybe two years to get a championship out of their talent. with four year players, you have four years to get a championship out of their talent and leadership.

We did not lose role players from last year's team (save Perpich) - all the rest left early to play AHL/NHL/Europe - which means we lost skill/talent that we did not replace with the 06 class.

Because we bring in so many high end players that will leave early, we can't afford to miss a year.

This class is probably in the middle of the pack in the league, which is where we will probably end up at the end of the season.

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We did not lose role players from last year's team (save Perpich) - all the rest left early to play AHL/NHL/Europe - which means we lost skill/talent that we did not replace with the 06 class.

Because we bring in so many high end players that will leave early, we can't afford to miss a year.

This class is probably in the middle of the pack in the league, which is where we will probably end up at the end of the season.

I almost feel I need to aplogize to the rest of the Sioux fans for your statement. :blush:

All of the players that were on the team last year, that are not here this year played an important role on the team. How can you say they were skilled and had talent, but didnt play an important role? Maybe I'm not understanding your comment. Please explain.

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I almost feel I need to aplogize to the rest of the Sioux fans for your statement. :blush:

All of the players that were on the team last year, that are not here this year played an important role on the team. How can you say they were skilled and had talent, but didnt play an important role? Maybe I'm not understanding your comment. Please explain.

I think that I understand what he/she is saying. The Sioux (much like the Gophers and Wisconsin) recruit 2 types of players. First, they recruit top line players (blue chip players) that are very likely only to stay 1-2 years (Parise, Toews, Oshie) or if they are lucky, 3 years (Smaby, Stafford, Bochenski). The Gophers have done the same (Kessel, Ballard, Eric Johnson, Okposo). However, you also need players expected to play 4 years. That may be because they are perceived to be too small (Duncan, Hoogsteen) or they are not expected to play in the NHL. If I follow the reasoning of Stickboy, it is that this year's class did not include any bluechip players like Toews, Oshie or Parise in contrast to past years or in comparison to UM's class which seemingly has many. That means that if we lose Toews and Oshie, there is pressure to bring in more blue chip players that will make an immediate impact. Otherwise, the Sioux become like MSUM, MTU and AAU and finish in the bottom 1/2 of the league. That is not UND's goal, nor should it be. With UND's tradition and facilities, there is an expectation that we will get our share of the top recruits and compete with Minnesota, Michigan, BC and others at the top. If we are only recruiting role players that stay 4 years, and you are not getting the blue chip recruits, you will soon find that the Sioux will not be able to compete for a national title, which is the goal and expectation of this program. With all due respect to UMD, MTU, AAU, and even SCSU in the recent past, we do not want to be in that position. That is precisely why Ralph gifted the REA, to make sure that the Sioux were always a top flight program. We want to be like Michigan and Ohio State in football, not Indiana, Northwestern, Minnesota, etc.

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I think that I understand what he/she is saying. The Sioux (much like the Gophers and Wisconsin) recruit 2 types of players. First, they recruit top line players (blue chip players) that are very likely only to stay 1-2 years (Parise, Toews, Oshie) or if they are lucky, 3 years (Smaby, Stafford, Bochenski). The Gophers have done the same (Kessel, Ballard, Eric Johnson, Okposo). However, you also need players expected to play 4 years. That may be because they are perceived to be too small (Duncan, Hoogsteen) or they are not expected to play in the NHL. If I follow the reasoning of Stickboy, it is that this year's class did not include any bluechip players like Toews, Oshie or Parise in contrast to past years or in comparison to UM's class which seemingly has many. That means that if we lose Toews and Oshie, there is pressure to bring in more blue chip players that will make an immediate impact. Otherwise, the Sioux become like MSUM, MTU and AAU and finish in the bottom 1/2 of the league. That is not UND's goal, nor should it be. With UND's tradition and facilities, there is an expectation that we will get our share of the top recruits and compete with Minnesota, Michigan, BC and others at the top. If we are only recruiting role players that stay 4 years, and you are not getting the blue chip recruits, you will soon find that the Sioux will not be able to compete for a national title, which is the goal and expectation of this program. With all due respect to UMD, MTU, AAU, and even SCSU in the recent past, we do not want to be in that position. That is precisely why Ralph gifted the REA, to make sure that the Sioux were always a top flight program. We want to be like Michigan and Ohio State in football, not Indiana, Northwestern, Minnesota, etc.

the difference between UND and those other schools you listed is that the role players that UND brings in are much better than the role players lower wcha teams have. UND is slated to have a lot of blue chip recruits over the next two years. that means there will be constant turnover, which is where the role players who were brought in over the past two years will excel.

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the difference between UND and those other schools you listed is that the role players that UND brings in are much better than the role players lower wcha teams have. UND is slated to have a lot of blue chip recruits over the next two years. that means there will be constant turnover, which is where the role players who were brought in over the past two years will excel.

The main point is that, because we don't know how long the blue chipper's are going to stay, we need to bring some in EVERY year - we did not in 06 and it shows.

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the difference between UND and those other schools you listed is that the role players that UND brings in are much better than the role players lower wcha teams have. UND is slated to have a lot of blue chip recruits over the next two years. that means there will be constant turnover, which is where the role players who were brought in over the past two years will excel.

I don't think they are "much better" if they are better at all. When I think of great role players I think of the Adam Calder type players that just got the job done while the top 2 lines provide the majority of the scoring punch. It kills me to be negative, but we are not getting enough production throughout the line-up, and unless the freshman next year are unbelievable the scoring top line scoring punch is going to be limited. Our top end talent at forward this year should be fine, but it's the second flight and role guys that aren't consistent and haven't given me any optimism that they will be in the near future. To say our role players are "much better" than most WCHA teams flies in the face of what I've seen on the ice. It's tough when you lose players and the second tier guys have to become top tier, but we just haven't done so to this point. I hope that I am underestimating the squad, but I don't see the necessary parts to make a post season push.

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The freshman class has just not produced much this year. I expected more out of VandeVelde than a goose egg at this point in the season. Forney is very raw and obviously should be in the USHL this year. Zajac has not done much either except for at the beginning of the season. The best freshman has been Genoway. Bishop has hardly played. Then throw in Kaip and Fabian who both have goose eggs in the goal department you can see why teams can put all their focus on Toews and Oshie. There just is not enough depth in the scoring department to take the pressure off the top guys. Add to that subpar goaltending and often poor defensive play and you get a team that is below .500. That is my observation. It is going to be much more difficult to dig out of the whole this year because the depth and talent level at forward is not there this year like it was last year. The only person on the D corps who seems to know how to throw a check is Bina. Obviously a lot of improvement is in order if we are going to see any post season play this year.

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The freshman class has just not produced much this year. I expected more out of VandeVelde than a goose egg at this point in the season. Forney is very raw and obviously should be in the USHL this year. Zajac has not done much either except for at the beginning of the season. The best freshman has been Genoway. Bishop has hardly played. Then throw in Kaip and Fabian who both have goose eggs in the goal department you can see why teams can put all their focus on Toews and Oshie. There just is not enough depth in the scoring department to take the pressure off the top guys. Add to that subpar goaltending and often poor defensive play and you get a team that is below .500. That is my observation. It is going to be much more difficult to dig out of the whole this year because the depth and talent level at forward is not there this year like it was last year. The only person on the D corps who seems to know how to throw a check is Bina. Obviously a lot of improvement is in order if we are going to see any post season play this year.

None of them play much. Vande has looked good when he has, and can play with anyone. Fabian is a role player, and forney plays at most 3 shifts a game.

I don't think kaip is that good to begin with but he also doesn't see a ton of ice time.

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None of them play much. Vande has looked good when he has, and can play with anyone. Fabian is a role player, and forney plays at most 3 shifts a game.

I don't think kaip is that good to begin with but he also doesn't see a ton of ice time.

The point is there is a lack of balanced scoring. The 3rd and 4th lines are not chipping in any goals whicj is needed to take some of the pressure off of the top players. I disagree that VandeVelde can play with anybody. He had an average year at Lincoln last year and has not adjusted to the WCHA as of yet. Unfortunately, there is no question who has the best freshman class in the country this year. They wear colors that all of us Sioux fans despise.

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The point is there is a lack of balanced scoring. The 3rd and 4th lines are not chipping in any goals whicj is needed to take some of the pressure off of the top players. I disagree that VandeVelde can play with anybody. He had an average year at Lincoln last year and has not adjusted to the WCHA as of yet. Unfortunately, there is no question who has the best freshman class in the country this year. They wear colors that all of us Sioux fans despise.

That's the key for any team who loses as much talent as the Sioux and the Gophers lost last year. You need to reload with players who are capable of making an immediate impact and unfortunately for Sioux fans this class is WAY below UND's standards.

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That's the key for any team who loses as much talent as the Sioux and the Gophers lost last year. You need to reload with players who are capable of making an immediate impact and unfortunately for Sioux fans this class is WAY below UND's standards.

I do agree with this, however that does not mean that they will stay below. I think Chay has been the one big positive (on offense at least). I do think that we will get more out of Forney, Vandevelde, and Grieco in the future.

Oh yeah, 2007 looks like a great class on paper...

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That's the key for any team who loses as much talent as the Sioux and the Gophers lost last year. You need to reload with players who are capable of making an immediate impact and unfortunately for Sioux fans this class is WAY below UND's standards.

You're right. The season's over for UND. The NCAA might as well give the national championship trophy to the Gophers right now because of their superior freshman class. The Sioux have no chance.

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That's the key for any team who loses as much talent as the Sioux and the Gophers lost last year. You need to reload with players who are capable of making an immediate impact and unfortunately for Sioux fans this class is WAY below UND's standards.

And you know this how? From reading threads on this message board? :glare:

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