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Toews, Oshie, etc.


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We have all heard everything that needs to be said about the Sioux's two stud players, Toews and Oshie. I either watch (internet) or listen (internet) to every game played. It's tough to gauge much from a radio feed and the video feeds aren't all that much better. That said, I recently attended the Sioux/CC series in GF and paid close attention to #9 and #7.

I have to admit, I was a little disappointed with what I saw in Toews. Now, nobody put words in my mouth. I am not saying he sucks or anything remotely close to that. I also realize how young he is. Maybe I was expecting too much after reading all the hype. What I saw was a good player, not a great one. There are probably aspects of hockey that some of you guys notice that I wouldn't and maybe that's where I'm not seeing it.

Oshie on the other hand looks like a man amongst boys out there. I see relentless effort, huge hits, second to none stick handling, plays being set up, you name it.... Every time he is on the ice he makes something happen. I just don't see that with Toews, at least not as frequent.

Am I off-base here or do some of you guys see the same thing?

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these 2 have been just fine this season. they both have been battling injuries. they give 110% every shift and get ALL attention form our oppenents EVERY single shift so this season may be a it tougher overall.

i still like them together with duncan, i also understand it evens out the lines a bit when they are apart but the 3 together are pretty damn tough to stop.

toews has to be one of the smoothest skaters and passers i have seen in a long time!

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I have to admit, I was a little disappointed with what I saw in Toews. There are probably aspects of hockey that some of you guys notice that I wouldn't and maybe that's where I'm not seeing it.

Am I off-base here or do some of you guys see the same thing?

I noticed that he required attention to his injured arm after getting tackled by a CC player. Are you still a superstar at your job after such an injury. :D

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I noticed that he required attention to his injured arm after getting tackled by a CC player. Are you still a superstar at your job after such an injury. :D

Did he get tackled on the first shift of Friday night's game?? :lol:

I figured I'd get some negative comments loaded with excuses and flames headed my way. Too bad... I was really hoping to hear some intelligent insight.

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Did he get tackled on the first shift of Friday night's game?? :lol:

I figured I'd get some negative comments loaded with excuses and flames headed my way. Too bad... I was really hoping to hear some intelligent insight.

i think my post was intelligent :0???

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After CC scored the third goal on Friday night, Toews was absolutely awesome until UND tied the game back up with The Oshie's goal. He seemed to singlehandedly make it his mission to get the game tied back up. If he could score a goal on half of the unbelievable moves he makes, he'd have about 50 goals already.

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I agree with AZSioux and Diggler.

Toews and Oshie have been just fine. But hype is just that, hype. It starts as a realistically optimistic outlook on a player and snowballs until it is jus plain unrealistic. They hype with these two at the beginning of the season was that they were going to singlehandedly destroy the DI ranks as a combo. Though I'd like to think so, and hope they will be that effective, I don't think that is a realistic expectation.

If you believe the hype, you're bound to get burned. Just ask the Ottawa about Alexandre Daigle or Minnesota about Blake Wheeler. Neither players were (or are in Wheeler's case) "busts" but the expectations put on them by others made their time rather unenjoyable from a fan perspective.

Toews and Oshie have been battling injuries, true, but people forget that Toews is doing at least 3 things on the ice at one time: Trying to score, being defensively responsible, and being a leader (he's an alternate captain). Travis Zajac never had to worry about the leadership part.

Realistically, Toews isn't the next Brett Hull or Gretzky. Neither is Oshie. But they really are the best players on our team and that's really the end all to it. WIth Duncan, Porter, and Chorney playing really well, and others improving, this team will be just fine.

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I agree with AZSioux and Diggler.

Toews and Oshie have been just fine. But hype is just that, hype. It starts as a realistically optimistic outlook on a player and snowballs until it is jus plain unrealistic. They hype with these two at the beginning of the season was that they were going to singlehandedly destroy the DI ranks as a combo. Though I'd like to think so, and hope they will be that effective, I don't think that is a realistic expectation.

If you believe the hype, you're bound to get burned. Just ask the Ottawa about Alexandre Daigle or Minnesota about Blake Wheeler. Neither players were (or are in Wheeler's case) "busts" but the expectations put on them by others made their time rather unenjoyable from a fan perspective.

Toews and Oshie have been battling injuries, true, but people forget that Toews is doing at least 3 things on the ice at one time: Trying to score, being defensively responsible, and being a leader (he's an alternate captain). Travis Zajac never had to worry about the leadership part.

Realistically, Toews isn't the next Brett Hull or Gretzky. Neither is Oshie. But they really are the best players on our team and that's really the end all to it. WIth Duncan, Porter, and Chorney playing really well, and others improving, this team will be just fine.

Makes sense... thanks.

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I have watched how Toews uses his body (He can skate with the best) but how he positions himself & leans on opposition & stick handles (smart / looking ahead) is pretty awesome to watch - There are starting to be some set ups that are as much fun & (at least for me) as exciting to watch as scoring - There were 3 or 4 times I just sat and rapidly stomped my feet after a good play / near goal , wishing I was standing & going Nutz instead (of course after the play is complete -so as not to block anyone elses view) :D:0:lol:

Oshie is just Tenacious & Fun to watch anytime he is on the ice ???

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Toews makes things look easy because he is so smooth and strong with the puck.

Oshie is just a whirling dervish out there!! How many times have you seen other players think they have him lined up and he just adjusts and ends up delivering the hit?? I liken it to a guy seeing a 4 foot plastic barrel and thinking they can easily take it out and then realizing(too late) that 3 1/2 feet is full of sand. :D

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I was disappointed that Oshie's big check Saturday night wasn't' the check of the game, and we never got a replay. It was on the South West corner of the rink. He makes the pass and levels the guy coming in to check him. You just don't see that even out of big guys.

As far as Toews I thought CC was shadowing him all night. He's got to get used to playing with the extra attention. He's certainly putting in the effort.

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I was disappointed that Oshie's big check Saturday night wasn't' the check of the game, and we never got a replay. It was on the South West corner of the rink. He makes the pass and levels the guy coming in to check him. You just don't see that even out of big guys.

As far as Toews I thought CC was shadowing him all night. He's got to get used to playing with the extra attention. He's certainly putting in the effort.

Last year Toews could kind of fly under the radar. That is not the case this year with all the early departures. He and Oshie are going to have to deal with being the focal point of the opponents all season long. We need balanced scoring throughout the line up the help counter the pressure that these two will be under all year. There are a number of guys who need to step it up a couple notches if this team is going to be successful in March and hopefully April. I think most of us can figure out who they are without naming names.

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From what I have seen, and someone else mentioned it already, is that Toews is much stronger than last year on the puck, and does a fantastic job of using body position to maintain control of the puck and keep the defender at bay. He doesn't have a ton of slick moves that leave your jaw on the floor, just solid hockey sense. Would like to see the goals start to rack up for him, though.

Was heartened to hear Hakstol say that Oshie's hand is finally healed up and now he's more capable of making the types of plays that he is able to. We'd only heard a bit about a dinged up thumb a couple of weeks ago. If some of his statistical silence can be attributed to a bad hand, and now that's healed (and note his impact this weekend) that bodes well for the future if he can stay healthy.

Hopefully the Sioux will have worked through the injury bug in the first half of the season, and the second half they can put it together.

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I noticed that he required attention to his injured arm after getting tackled by a CC player. Are you still a superstar at your job after such an injury. :D

I noticed the same thing he went right down the tunnel but came back to finish the game. Maybe the shoulder isn't 100% and that is whats holding him back.(note Toews holding back is like everyone else 110%)

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I noticed the same thing he went right down the tunnel but came back to finish the game. Maybe the shoulder isn't 100% and that is whats holding him back.(note Toews holding back is like everyone else 110%)

Also, last year other teams didn't focus on these two as much with Zajack, Stafford and Sparky in the lineup. With success comes attention and they are getting better at dealing with this every week.

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Oshie and Toews are just as good if not better than they were last year (even with the injuries). The problem right now is that the rest of the team is not helping them out. We now all can clearly see how valuable Zajac, Stafford and Sparky were to this team. If we get production from the players we expect it from down the stretch, we'll be OK.

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Oshie and Toews are just as good if not better than they were last year (even with the injuries). The problem right now is that the rest of the team is not helping them out. We now all can clearly see how valuable Zajac, Stafford and Sparky were to this team. If we get production from the players we expect it from down the stretch, we'll be OK.

There is no question about that. You replace those three with Forney, little Zajac, and VandeVelde....and while you get the picture. Two of the three have yet to score a goal and none has been what I would call an impact freshman. Now, these players have time still to develop and adjust to the WCHA. It just is going to take more time than some of the high impact freshman forwards we have seen in the past.

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Oshie and Toews are just as good if not better than they were last year (even with the injuries). The problem right now is that the rest of the team is not helping them out. We now all can clearly see how valuable Zajac, Stafford and Sparky were to this team. If we get production from the players we expect it from down the stretch, we'll be OK.

Yea Stafford was good against teams like Mankato or other perenially brutal teams. I mean seriously he was a no show against the top teams last year.

Zajac was the real deal, no surprise he is fitting in with the big boys.

I would take Vande velde over Spirko any day of the week and twice on sunday. Put Vande with the players Rasteslav played with and i think you'd see some fire works.

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Yea Stafford was good against teams like Mankato or other perenially brutal teams. I mean seriouslyhe was a no show against the top teams last year.

I would take Vande velde over Spirko any day of the week and twice on sunday. Put Vande with the players Rasteslav played with and i think you'll see some fire works.

What are you smoking?

Stafford led the team in scoring last season (48 points and 24 goals...including 7 shorties) and you're trying to tell us that he only showed up against the lower teams? :silly:

VandeVelde may develop into a great player for the Sioux, and I have noticed that his play has improved greatly in the past few weeks, but he isn't at the level of Spirko...yet.

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