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Chewey, if the Sioux had played that way in front of Lammy the scores would have been similar. Even TH commmented that some of some of Griecos saves were extraordinary and some were only because he is a much bigger goale. Anderson was part of the equation for the second period problems but you can't blame him for second period Sioux meltdowns during two consecutive weekends.

Speaking of Anderson, does anyone know exactly what happened to him during Saturday's game? I heard hit by a puck in the head or stick to the face? I am not an Anderson fan but I hate to see a ref go down, butif one does I am glad it was him. A Mavs fan actually asked me why Anderson likes and favors the Sioux so much and went on to ask when he graduated from UND. I was shocked. Anderson good to the Sioux, that will be the day.

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Chewey, if the Sioux had played that way in front of Lammy the scores would have been similar. Even TH commmented that some of some of Griecos saves were extraordinary and some were only because he is a much bigger goale. Anderson was part of the equation for the second period problems but you can't blame him for second period Sioux meltdowns during two consecutive weekends.

I didn't see the games but listened on the radio and I got the same message, it was one of those types of series. It appears that our goaltending was better than the opposition and in a shoot out which both games were that is all you need and I am happy with the two wins. I think maybe we are looking to far into the numbers, I can remember TH say quite a few times that Grecio was making the saves he had to to put the Sioux in position to win. The one shot on goal TH had it all but in the net. I am sure that the youngster was nervous too. I would be willing to bet in the future this discussion will be mute.

Seriously, Brian Elliot got lit up on Saturday letting in 4 goals a high total by his standards, I don't think he had many games last season where he gave up 4 goals. Teams are going to score on the oppositions goaltenders, heck Manny Fernandez gave up four to the Av's last night also. It will all even out in the future. Giving teams multipule opportunties on the PP is not good and I am sure this week in practice the coaching staff willl be addressing that issue. If not maybe a few D-man need to watch the game or games from the stands.

One thing no one has mentioned is that UND is leading the WCHA as of right now.

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I don't recall which Sioux player took the shot (Genoway or Oshie are my two first choices) but it dinged off the crossbar and caught Anderson above and behind the eye. He left a fair amount of blood on the ice but the trainer came out and super-glued him together and he put on his helmet and went to work. It made me wonder, why don't these guys where a half-shield or something? This was literally 1-2 inches away from square in the eye.

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I don't recall which Sioux player took the shot (Genoway or Oshie are my two first choices) but it dinged off the crossbar and caught Anderson above and behind the eye. He left a fair amount of blood on the ice but the trainer came out and super-glued him together and he put on his helmet and went to work. It made me wonder, why don't these guys where a half-shield or something? This was literally 1-2 inches away from square in the eye.

dagies, I was sitting in section 119 row B (which is the first row, don't ask me why there is no row A) and got a birds-eye view of the deflection as well as Anderson skating right by me many, many times later in the game (especially when yelling back and forth with Coach Jutting). He had what looked to be 6-10 stitches above his eye. Another inch lower and that puck would have caught him squarely IN his eye. I'm with you on the half-shield. He's very lucky.

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Chewey, if the Sioux had played that way in front of Lammy the scores would have been similar. Even TH commmented that some of some of Griecos saves were extraordinary and some were only because he is a much bigger goale. Anderson was part of the equation for the second period problems but you can't blame him for second period Sioux meltdowns during two consecutive weekends.

I agree that the Sioux did melt down and i do not wish to blame the refs entirely. Mankato got tagged with its share of penalties too so you make good points. As a Sioux fan living in Mankato and since I am familiar with some of the Mankato players, I usually cheer for one team each night. I can't say that I'm totally saddened that the Sioux got all four points but I am concerned about the Sioux goaltending this year. Parise had huge games all season long and then seemed to have weaker performances in the final four. Maybe that's just my observation. The way Lammy got lit up against Maine, I'm not too confident that he's the guy. After seeing Greico, although it was only his first 2 games, I'm not too sure about him either. What's the consensus? Is it just because the Sioux do not have lumberjacks as defensemen anymore, except Finley, or is it simply shaking goaltending early on in the year? I'd like to see Lammy do well as he's from ND as am I but I'm not too sure about him without Parise there to compete against.

I'm probably being too hard on the goalies (GReico in particular) but when you have 4 goals scored on 38 shots (Friday night) and 5 goals scored on only 28 shots (Saturday night) against a young, inexperienced and average Mankato team, that's cause for concern, in my book. Brad Miller played outstandingly. That kid deserves to be in the lineup regardless of what Toews status is. When the ref was injured, some of the drunk student fans actually cheered. Pretty pathetic. The ref got drilled in the eyebrow with a shot that looked like it deflected off of a stick in front of the net.

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There's no doubt Grieco isn't Eddie Belfour at this point. He's 17, and in his first game in juniors he gave up 4 goals on 4 shots before being pulled. He's a boy playing a man's game in a man's league. I would expect with more experience and time he will get better and better. I'm not alarmed at his performance this past weekend, even if we would have wished for a bit better. Down the road will be a better judgement of our goaltending situation.

Personally, I think we are fine at goal. Lammy has played well for the most part, but like most goalies is susceptible to an off game. Grieco is young but could be very good. I'm more worried about taking bad penalties, the PK and giving up some odd-man situations than I am goaltending at this point.

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There's no doubt Grieco isn't Eddie Belfour at this point. He's 17, and in his first game in juniors he gave up 4 goals on 4 shots before being pulled. He's a boy playing a man's game in a man's league. I would expect with more experience and time he will get better and better. I'm not alarmed at his performance this past weekend, even if we would have wished for a bit better. Down the road will be a better judgement of our goaltending situation.

Personally, I think we are fine at goal. Lammy has played well for the most part, but like most goalies is susceptible to an off game. Grieco is young but could be very good. I'm more worried about taking bad penalties, the PK and giving up some odd-man situations than I am goaltending at this point.

For those who saw the games did the Sioux really deserve all the slashing calls or was it a case of typical Anderson?

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For those who saw the games did the Sioux really deserve all the slashing calls or was it a case of typical Anderson?

I just saw Friday's game, and to me it was a typical UND/MSUM game, which is to say it was not a game for the faint of heart. I didn't see everything, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was some stickwork preceding each slashing call. My problem was with the repeated consecutive calls on UND for something that was certainly being equally done by MSUM. Sounds like typical whining about the refs, but that's what I thought.

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I just saw Friday's game, and to me it was a typical UND/MSUM game, which is to say it was not a game for the faint of heart. I didn't see everything, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was some stickwork preceding each slashing call. My problem was with the repeated consecutive calls on UND for something that was certainly being equally done by MSUM. Sounds like typical whining about the refs, but that's what I thought.

Seemed like, on the radio, it was a perfect example of calling the score. Once the Sioux had the lead, Mankato could hook, obstruct, and tackle, while the Sioux could not. Mankato just couldn't quit once they had caught the Sioux. A lousy way to call a game, someone has to take control of this Shephard led crew; how are any players supposed to know what they can and can't do, when a very weak penalty might be called for something they could flagrantly do over and over again the previous period.

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For those who saw the games did the Sioux really deserve all the slashing calls or was it a case of typical Anderson?

jk pretty much sums it up for Friday. I was there for Saturday but most of the Sioux penalties were on the end of the ice I could not see very well as I was sitting behind the Sioux bench. So I don't really know. I will say that Finley looked legitimately shocked as his second slashing call. However, unlike Friday when Hak lit Anderson up after the 30th consecutive call (leading to a call FOR UND within about a minute) Hak didn't have much to say. So I would guess the coaches weren't too upset with the calls.

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Seemed like, on the radio, it was a perfect example of calling the score. Once the Sioux had the lead, Mankato could hook, obstruct, and tackle, while the Sioux could not. Mankato just couldn't quit once they had caught the Sioux. A lousy way to call a game, someone has to take control of this Shephard led crew; how are any players supposed to know what they can and can't do, when a very weak penalty might be called for something they could flagrantly do over and over again the previous period.

I think this is what PCM was talking about, the refing is based on situation in the game and score and the league wanting parity Which the NCAA rules committee is not happy about.

All not things the WCHA officals should be concerned about. In the NHL if your team can't skate its going to be a long season. I am surprised they just don't a prized recruit off each team and give them to a lesser team in the league.

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We should just go ahead and whack him right away. ;) I mean get to him early and get his feet moving.

UND lit him up during the WCHA playoffs. Nodal is supposed to be the real deal.

Just let one of the defensemen drill him between the eyes with the puck on the first shot and see if he gets gun shy.

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I was thinking the same thing and since the refs aren't calling the obstrution and hooking and holding I think the Sioux will and should check these guys relentless and hard. I would have Kaip or Fabian in Nodl's and gordon's kitchen all game long. It players like this that makes me miss Prpich.

You'd better hope that Albers isn't officiating the game, he called ALL obstruction, hooking, slashing, and tripping even if it didn't actually happen. Our games with Mankato were terrible just because of the constant picky calls. As far as I am concerned, bring back the days of real hockey!! ;)

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The way Lammy got lit up against Maine, I'm not too confident that he's the guy. After seeing Greico, although it was only his first 2 games, I'm not too sure about him either.

I suppose if neither works this year we can bring in a new goalie recruit next year. I am going to get flamed for this but hack away. ;) I think its funny that people are hacking on Grecio and calling for our practice goalie because god forbid we won a few shoot outs. I will bet anyone one of you by the time he is done Grecio will be up there in stats and wins at UND.

I have not been all that impressed with Phil since has been at UND, except for a few handful of games he has played at UND. Everyone said he was going to be the NEXT KG. Not even close.

I remember people used to say Jordan was out of position a lot and he was, but he always seemed to come up with the big save (maybe it was luck, it appears Phil has none). Phil does not seem to come up with the big save very often. After looking decent in net against Wisconsin, Phil looked sick against Maine in both games, he definately wont be confused for being Brian Elliot.

A lot of the goals score were him being out of position being too far back in the crease. While Lammy is a good goalie (better than Briggs) he dosn't seem to make the game saving belling ringing saves, but neither did Brandt, both have good number but nothing to show for them.

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I suppose if neither works this year we can bring in a new goalie recruit next year. I am going to get flamed for this but hack away. ;) I think its funny that people are hacking on Grecio and calling for our practice goalie because god forbid we won a few shoot outs. I will bet anyone one of you by the time he is done Grecio will be up there in stats and wins at UND.

I have not been all that impressed with Phil since has been at UND, except for a few handful of games he has played at UND. Everyone said he was going to be the NEXT KG. Not even close.

I remember people used to say Jordan was out of position a lot and he was, but he always seemed to come up with the big save (maybe it was luck, it appears Phil has none). Phil does not seem to come up with the big save very often. After looking decent in net against Wisconsin, Phil looked sick against Maine in both games, he definately wont be confused for being Brian Elliot.

A lot of the goals score were him being out of position being too far back in the crease. While Lammy is a good goalie (better than Briggs) he dosn't seem to make the game saving belling ringing saves, but neither did Brandt, both have good number but nothing to show for them.

No flame here. I couldn't agree more. Although I suspect Briggs will have really good stats this year and will hopefully sieve out when it counts in the NCAAs.

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No love for Lammy or Grieco on this thread I can see. ;)

I'm not about to lose faith in either of them this early in the season. The team has played very well the last 3 games...if you take away the 2nd periods. It seems that's when they get in penalty trouble. I'm not about to blame either goalie for the fact that our PK units had a rough go of it for a game or two. Hak and Co will work on that with the boys and get it straightened out.

I have confidence in whichever goalie gets put on the ice. See which one looks best in practice during the week and then see what he can do in that weekend's games.

Hopefully Toews, Lammy, and Kaip get the green light to play this weekend....

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making the trip up to grand forks from st. cloud....should be interesting...st. cloud needs to get a split out of here to maintain a high finishing spot in the league....brocklehurst has been moved back up to forward and clafton back to Defense so that could be interesting...also, could see weslosky sat night if bobby struggles friday.......on a side note, what are the good watering holes to hit up before and after the games in grand forks?;)

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making the trip up to grand forks from st. cloud....should be interesting...st. cloud needs to get a split out of here to maintain a high finishing spot in the league....brocklehurst has been moved back up to forward and clafton back to Defense so that could be interesting...also, could see weslosky sat night if bobby struggles friday.......on a side note, what are the good watering holes to hit up before and after the games in grand forks?;)

Just one man's opinion, but I would say Suite 49(located right next to the Ralph) would be a great to stop before the game. I know South Gate, Rumors(?), Overtime(?) and the El Roco might be other great stops to hit up during the weekend. If you are looking going out after the game, I would say head downtown because there are at least 4 good bars that will be pretty busy on the weekend. Otherwise, the El Roco might be your next best option.

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No love for Lammy or Grieco on this thread I can see. ;)

I'm not about to lose faith in either of them this early in the season. The team has played very well the last 3 games...if you take away the 2nd periods. It seems that's when they get in penalty trouble. I'm not about to blame either goalie for the fact that our PK units had a rough go of it for a game or two. Hak and Co will work on that with the boys and get it straightened out.

I have confidence in whichever goalie gets put on the ice. See which one looks best in practice during the week and then see what he can do in that weekend's games.

Hopefully Toews, Lammy, and Kaip get the green light to play this weekend....

I totally agree if you take the 2nd period of the Maine game out Phil has been stellar IMHO. If we look back to last year Jordan had a few games he stumbled Sat in Denver, BC in Mil. Sat against Maine he had one bad goal the first one and the last two where Kozek and Chorney had Levillie(sp) covered but didn't tie up his stick and the other when Lee dropped his stick and let Levillie in alone.Lets get our PK better and overall defensive zone coverage working before we throw anyone under the bus.

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