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Friday NE Game Thread


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Anybody else think that Finley or Prp or Smaby will try to fight McCauley tomorrow night for steamrolling JPar?  I am hoping so, even if it costs someone a game.

As a side note, I ordered one of Diggler's shirt but haven't received it yet.  Anyone else ordered but not received?  Maybe I did something wrong.


The last thing we need this early in the year is to have someone booted for an early season game. One moment of anger or lapse in judgement for checking from behind in the post season or when the fight for home ice and playoff position comes right down to it, and we will be without some leaders for games we need them. Remember this is a young team, leadership is important. I think it would show leadership to let this circumstance go and save themselves for the stretch run.

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You have to be willing to compromise and sit down sometimes. You may not like it, but too bad. You need to realize that other people don't like students always standing, so you can't always do it. That said, REA was being a little too pushy tonight about it. The students were definately into the game and the ushers seemed intent on nipping that in the bud and making students sit down any time they were standing up for more then 10 seconds of play. As I said before, it wasn't that bad tonight, but the security seemed to think it was absolutely terrible.

I was plenty loud and obnoxious today. I didn't need to constantly stand up to do this. When I was standing, I was obnoxious. When I was sitting, I was thinking of ways to be obnoxious. :crazy:

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You have to be willing to compromise and sit down sometimes.  You may not like it, but too bad.  You need to realize that other people don't like students always standing, so you can't always do it.  That said, REA was being a little too pushy tonight about it.  The students were definately into the game and  the ushers seemed intent on nipping  that in the bud and making students sit down any time they were standing up for more then 10 seconds of play.  As I said before, it wasn't that bad tonight, but the security seemed to think it was absolutely terrible.

I was plenty loud and obnoxious today.  I didn't need to constantly stand up to do this.  When I was standing, I was obnoxious. When I was sitting, I was thinking of ways to be obnoxious.  :crazy:


Nice job heckling the Northeastern players in the penalty box Diggler. I saw you digging through the game program for a little info, very nice work, keep it up :)

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Whatever happened to the good old days. If anyone (especially the petite and cute variety) gave our section trouble for being obnoxious they knew and understood that they would get passed hand over hand above the crowd. The challenge in the process was making sure not to spill your concealed adult beverage. :crazy:

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redwing77 and mikejm, people like you amaze me. I watch the game and see the great stuff happening but I can't come back with great critiques and replays like you two. PCM does very well but hey, he's PCM. Good job.

But, mikejm, from 113, it looked like a slash to me. :crazy: But as noted in my first post, after getting home, I remembered it happening in the begining of the 2nd period. Dam#, it's a &itch getting old. :)

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redwing77 and mikejm, people like you amaze me.  I watch the game and see the great stuff happening but I can't come back with great critiques and replays like you two.  PCM  does very well but hey, he's PCM.  Good job.

But, mikejm, from 113, it looked like a slash to me.  :crazy:  But as noted in my first post, after getting home, I remembered it happening in the begining of the 2nd period. Dam#, it's a &itch getting old.  :(


Thanks, though I hardly think I'm any good because I mostly speak out of passion and bias and not out of well-backed up stance like PCM and mikejm have been doing. Sometimes I'm right, sometimes I think I'm right, and most of the time I'm wrong. :)

And mikejm- ZPar plays forward for the Devils, not goal for the Sioux ;);)

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I just have a couple things.

First off, during the Fighting Sioux nickname video, a few Northeastern fans decided they were funny and started doing the tomahawk chop along with a chant. I was VERY disappointed to see that. Other than that, they were pretty quiet. And they had good reason to be.

Got the tour of the building before the game and we were in the players' box during the national anthem.....it was a pretty exciting night from our end.

I think I was the first person on my feet when Jordan got taken out in the net. After I screamed a few explicits....I realized I was sitting by a bunch of kids. Oops.

The student section was great last night, I can't believe they were telling people to sit down, that's freaking insane.

I love the band on the lower level.

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I watched the game on TV and I can say thanks to PCM for his recap. Otherwise I wouldn't have known that McCauley had gotten a 5 minute major for running the goalie.

So, I revise my earlier statement about Mason. He gets MAJOR Kudos for not being afraid to call a major penalty. I am so used to crap like that not getting called that I was surprised to see him in the box at all, let alone for 5 minutes.

And before you all ask, I was at a restaurant so they didn't have the volume up and FSSN doesn't put penalty times up on the screen. We only see "UND PP" or "NU PP" and that's it. "4on4" is seen too. It would be nice to know for how long and have it count down like you see on NHL or FSN broadcasts.

Oh well. Back to Peppers tonight.

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I watched the game on TV and I can say thanks to PCM for his recap.  Otherwise I wouldn't have known that McCauley had gotten a 5 minute major for running the goalie.

So, I revise my earlier statement about Mason.  He gets MAJOR Kudos for not being afraid to call a major penalty.  I am so used to crap like that not getting called that I was surprised to see him in the box at all, let alone for 5 minutes.

And before you all ask, I was at a restaurant so they didn't have the volume up and FSSN doesn't put penalty times up on the screen.  We only see "UND PP" or "NU PP" and that's it.  "4on4" is seen too.  It would be nice to know for how long and have it count down like you see on NHL or FSN broadcasts.

Oh well.  Back to Peppers tonight.


Do they replay penaltys on televison? Normally we don't see them on the big screen at the arena.

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I don't know for sure if this is the video you saw.

A video about the Sioux name is played early in the game. This particular video has been played since the REA opened. Talks about Sioux warriors being the bravest, etc. States we, UND, respects the name and asks the fans to do so also. It's played at the Alerus as well.

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I really don't understand why the students are not in sections 105, 106, 306, and 306A. It would solve the issue of standing and blocking other sections. You could stick the band in the top of either section 105 or 106. They are right in the same corner as the student entrance. The students would be directly behind the opposing teams goalie twice for convenient taunting!!!

I also don't think that student's should have assigned seating. Let the die hard fans who want to show up and stand in line for 5 hours have the best seats. It would help with the atmosphere during games.

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I really don't understand why the students are not in sections 105, 106, 306, and 306A. It would solve the issue of standing and blocking other sections. You could stick the band in the top of either section 105 or 106. They are right in the same corner as the student entrance. The students would be directly behind the opposing teams goalie twice for convenient taunting!!!

I also don't think that student's should have assigned seating. Let the die hard fans who want to show up and stand in line for 5 hours have the best seats. It would help with the atmosphere during games.


Because there are already people sitting in those sections. People that haven't received any complaints. Why punish the season ticket holders that have not received complaints and reward the group that has received complaints? And before a student jumps all over me, let me say this, I personally think that 99% of the students are class acts. The other 1% will behave as jerks regardless of where they are sitting so why move them?

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Because there are already people sitting in those sections.  People that haven't received any complaints.  Why punish the season ticket holders that have not received complaints and reward the group that has received complaints?  And before a student jumps all over me, let me say this, I personally think that 99% of the students are class acts.  The other 1% will behave as jerks regardless of where they are sitting so why move them?


Actually, there have been complaints about people swearing in 105. People have also complained that those sections are not involved in the game. Why just listen to one type of complaints?

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Actually, most of us that sit in those corners would consider it a punishment to have to move. We chose those seats on purpose and so did most of the people that sit around us. I sit in 306 and our section is usually very involved in the game. We also have very little turnover in tickets so most of us have been in the same place since the building opened. I don't think there is enough room in the other corner sections to move all of us, especially the lucky ones like me that have aisle seats. The students can stay plenty involved with game without having to stand the entire game. The folks at the Ralph should give the students a little leeway and everyone should be encouraged to stand when the action warrants (as happens in our section). But a little cooperation and consideration on everyone's part would allow everyone to have a good time without taking away from the excitement or noise level in the building. After all, you don't have to stand up to make a lot of noise.

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