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Spirit Lake withdraws support for logo


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CNN Headline News just said that the University of North Dakota hasn't held up their part of their agreement with the Spirit Lake Nation regarding the Fighting Sioux nickname.


Big surprise, CNN is crap.

I wouldn't allow an Indian casino in GF. Actions have Consequences and Repercussions.

Why give profits to the Indian community that is so offended by the people of GF? Let the local charities have those $$$.

Sioux yeah yeah

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It's a lot like black folks and the n-word.

If people don't wish to be represented in a supposedly derogatory fashion, why do they perpetuate the practice with their own hypocrisy? Are we on a sliding scale of who can or who cannot use terms that may offend certain sensitive souls? Was there an affirmative action statute enacted in this regard?

"Black folks"? Gee I haven't heard that term since the last time I was in Carolina. What is it with certain clods always trotting out blacks, the 60s Civil Rights Movement, etc. and making a Linnean leap to a team's nickname/logo? Way to obfuscate the issue.

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Nope.  I have laughed at it though.  When any website has this:

loses it's credibility on discussing an issue rationally.


I can't blame you for that. However, the point of reading UND's minority report to the NCAA is to demonstrate that short of UND dropping the Fighting Sioux nickname, there really isn't anything that can be done to satisfy those who want the name changed.

You've probably noticed that GrahamKracker says the same thing over and over and over again. It's pointless to think that there's anything within reason that you could do to satisfy him and those involved in this cause.

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i may be wrong...but dont some gambling places in town, southgate maybe some others help fund the blue line club??

If they do, wont a casino hurt their $$ making ability?? I also heard the Blue line club helps fund the legion baseball teams and other youth skating programs, I hope the city council and others know all the facts and how a casino could hurt that funding!!!

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As I was sitting here munching on a graham cracker I was just wonder if GC and KTF actually know the facts:

There is a terrible tragedy happening in the South right now. In case you two haven't heard it is called Hurricane Katrina. So far thousands of people have been believed to have died because of this hurricane...oh I'm sorry, I forgot there is something more important going on...trying to change a nickname. I digress.

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I'm not saying it would be easy, but if you don't even try it certainly won't happen.  I guess I don't see how UND making an attempt to reach out to the tribes could be a bad thing.  Should the tribes say screw you, UND can just go about their business and keep the status quo.  If the tribes say ok, something could be worked out and UND would have this to support the name.

I agree. Unfortunately, such a dialog could never honestly take place while the nickname controversy is being actively considered because then UND's motives are viewed with suspicion. It's not surprising that UND has received a tepid response when it approaches the tribes in that situation.

However, after the decision had been made in 2000, imagine if UND had gone to the tribes to try to establish a more collegial dialog and relationship. Sit down and explain, "The name controversy is over now, it's staying Fighting Sioux, we're not here to discuss that. However, we do want to work with you to use the name and imagery respectfully, better the institution's relationship with the tribes, etc...". While UND has undoubtedly done great things for Indians in the region, it hasn't fostered that "special relationship" at local tribal leadership level that won FSU's approval and appeal and will win CMU's appeal for them. Spirit Lake specifically cited UND's lack of doing that as a reason for their flipflop.

If UND keeps the Sioux name, either through appeal or legal action, I hope they don't just consider the issue settled and go on with life as usual, rather (after the dust settles) take that opportunity to begin the dialog and establish that relationship with the local tribes. If UND loses its appeal, the obvious differentiator with those who won theirs will be that UND failed to establish that relationship in the past.

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i may be wrong...but dont some gambling places in town, southgate maybe some others help fund the blue line club??

If they do, wont a casino hurt their $$ making ability??  I also heard the Blue line club helps fund the legion baseball teams and other youth skating programs, I hope the city  council and others know all the facts and how a casino could  hurt that funding!!!


This is what I stated earlier...the BLC plus many other local causes will be blown out of the water by a casino. Why send local money out to a reservation when we have our own needs in town?

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This is what I stated earlier...the BLC plus many other local causes will be blown out of the water by a casino. Why send local money out to a reservation when we have our own needs in town?


This is somewhat two totally different issues. A casino would most likely bring "new" money into the community, not take away from others. A patron at Southgate/El Roco who goes there to drink and play a few hands at blackjack isn't now going to go to the Casino instead. It would easily be offset by having the casino give a portion of the proceeds to charitable gaming.

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Nope. I have laughed at it though. When any website has this:


loses it's credibility on discussing an issue rationally.

Actually, I've read a little bit on the BRIDGES website, but since a good number of their links lead to page not found, it is rather difficult to find any answers to my question.


The reason the links are not found is the site is no longer active. The one picture you have posted with your message is from the former site of UND-racisim.com this site was run by former UND student/misfit Glenda Misken, Glenda was run out of the UND after she had a run in with the Physics department, I believe she was kicked off campus and had a restraining order slapped on her. This I got from talking to one of the admin/secretary from the UND Physics department. Misken is also the owner of the site UND-Fraud.com, and has had a axe to grinde with UND. Misken is also a co-conspiritor with another woman that was kicked out of the Medical department after having a dispute with a member of the Medical facualty (sp).

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Where would we be without tony, the UND pseudo-expert, delivering advice from his position of moral superiority gained from NDSU's use of an NCAA-approved nickname and logo? It's wonderful that NDSU can proclaim itself "progressive" simply by slapping the word and a picture of an American Indian dancer on the front of a brochure. But in this world, there are universities that spin, universities that engage in symbolic gestures and universities that make a real difference in the lives of American Indians. I know which category UND is in.



You're proud of less than 4% when the population of Natives in this state is well over 7%......wow, go figure, and of that 4%, I would safely say that half of the Natives are not from this region, and less than half of the remainder is Sioux, go figure.

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Change the name, doze down Engelstad Arena, take away all of the programs and incentives associated in any way to Native Americans and forget about them.  :glare:  ???

"Be careful what you wish for, it might come true."


Its unfortunate that your mentality is that shared by many, and that is that all of these programs are directly tied to the use of the name. I wonder if that was the intention of the start up of all of these programs. They should have did their history and seen that the Sioux Nation can't be bought (look at the 100's of millions left in trust for the Black Hills).

Wow, y'all get pretty pissy when things don't go your way...lol, its pretty funny because all of these attacks on me won't get Spirit Lake to change their mind.

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The tribe never passed a resolution yesterday.  It was an meeting by tribe members to discuss the issue.  A vote is expected on Friday.  The AP got their information wrong, the Forum reported it wrong.  UND officials do not have a response, because nothing has been done.  Also, next Tuesday there will be a meeting amongst tribal leaders to discuss the nickname.  You can trust my sources, they are from the top.


So there is still hope.....oh thank GOD for that....lol, speaking of which, I bet Jesus wouldn't be seen in a Sioux Jersey, but then again, most "christians" in this town are the ones closing down the bars....lol.

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You're proud of less than 4% when the population of Natives in this state is well over 7%......wow, go figure, and of that 4%, I would safely say that half of the Natives are not from this region, and less than half of the remainder is Sioux, go figure.


Well, you can't exactly force people to get and education now can you. It's a better situation than the other Universities, but obviously all numbers must be equal, even if that is forcing unqualified students into a University. Maybe a lot of people don't want to go to college.

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Hopefully the Spirit Lake tribe will cave to the political pressure and withdraw any support of the Fighting Sioux nickname.  Once that is done, Indians (not Native Americans, since anyone born in America is a native American) will no longer have any influence on the UND nickname issue. 

UND can then move forward with yesterday's NCAA appeal.  With the tribe support issue taken out of the appeal process the NCAA's decision will stand on it's own merits. 

When the appeal is granted, we can put this issue behind us once and for all!


Do you honestly believe that this issue will EVER go away until the name is retired? Even if the NCAA didn't side w/ us, do you think we will stop in our quest to retire this name? Fat chance.

Every day on this campus the noose gets tighter around your beloved logo head, and we won't stop until its changed, plain and simple.

Look around campus, even w/ the influence of the Dead nazi-lover, changes are being made, and the use of that logo is slowly being phased out. Read your Student handbook, read past resolutions by Student Senate/University Senate. People are tired of fighting this losing battle and its only a matter of time before the name is change. Hetche to.

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even w/ the influence of the Dead nazi-lover

You certainly love your propaganda, now don't you. The funny thing about the situation is you claim to be the enlightened one in this situation, yet you have a closed mind to anyone elses idea's. If you gave (IMO) a good reason to change the name, I would possibly change my mind, but you haven't done it yet, so I assume you don't have a good reason.

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