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I really like this article and I would like GK to comment on it. Also, I had this Liberal Arts teacher quite a few times during my Under Graduate and Graduate days, the man is definately a hand wringing do gooder that is highly misguided. it just backs up what I have been saying all along, even when others have tried to tell me its not about politics, the fact remains that it is about politics.


Hail the anointed ones for their words of wisdom

Thank goodness for the liberal arts professors at UND! If it weren't for them, people in Grand Forks never would know they are closet racists.

Edited by Goon
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I really like this article and I would like GK to comment on it. Also, I had this Liberal Arts teacher quite a few times during my Under Graduate and Graduate days, the man is definately a hand wringing do gooder that is highly misguided. it just backs up what I have been saying all along, even when others have tried to tell me its not about politics, the fact remains that it is about politics.



GK will tell you that this http://www.spiritlakecasino.com/ is a more honorable image of the Sioux people than this http://www.siouxillustrated.com/

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I really like this article and I would like GK to comment on it. Also, I had this Liberal Arts teacher quite a few times during my Under Graduate and Graduate days, the man is definately a hand wringing do gooder that is highly misguided. it just backs up what I have been saying all along, even when others have tried to tell me its not about politics, the fact remains that it is about politics.


Hail the anointed ones for their words of wisdom

Thank goodness for the liberal arts professors at UND! If it weren't for them, people in Grand Forks never would know they are closet racists.

Until I read that letter, I had not seen evidence of "hostile and abusive" bigotry, hate, and racism at my beloved UND. I now must admit that it does exist.

But you must look closely, my friends. For it is much closer to the classroom than it is to any sports arena.

Beautiful shot!

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It was this football game at UND that changed my perspective and made me really think about the whole mascot issue. I witnessed several of my white peers painted up exorbitantly with fake feathers adorning their bodies, chanting around and doing the tomahawk chop. I was filled with so much anger and hurt I couldn
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I say B.S. I was at UND from Fall of  1993 till Dember of 1999. I have never in all of my years here seen anyone wearing anything like that nor have I seen anyone doing the Tomahawk chop.


I wondered what others thought of this claim. I've been to quite a few Sioux football games since I moved to Grand Forks in 1992 and I've never seen anything like this.

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I've been at a handful of hockey games over the past 5 years and never seen anything like it either.

She barely got in the door of one event, and never attended one additional event yet portrays this behavior as pervasive. She says she doesn't have a chip on her shoulder.

I suspect she just doesn't recognize the block she's always carried.

Again, she goes on to elaborate on all the racism she's encountered, but the nickname didn't cause people to react that way. And if someone challenges you because you wear a "change the nickname" t-shirt, is that necessarily harrassment? What exactly happened?

She wants a group to come and say how bad things are. What governmental Civil Rights group came and checked things out and found nothing?

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At the Saturday hockey game there was a student with a headdress on. I do no condone this and I'm sure it was some idiot that was drunk and thought it was funny. I hope he was put in his place. It's a few idiots like that that give all of us a bad name.

To quote Dorreen Yellow Bird

"don't judge a whole group by the actions of a few."

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At the Saturday hockey game there was a student with a headdress on. I do no condone this and I'm sure it was some idiot that was drunk and thought it was funny. I hope he was put in his place. It's a few idiots like that that give all of us a bad name.

To quote Dorreen Yellow Bird

"don't judge a whole group by the actions of a few."


As liberal as what I'm about to say is going to sound: if I were the security people, I wouldn't have let that person in with that headdress.

That's disrespectful, but even so, the Northeastern crowd doing the tomahawk chop probably did more damage to our cause.

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And where did she hear the chant, "Pillage the village, rape the women!" I don't think anyone would put up with someone saying that.


She probably never neard that chant unless she was at an NDSU/UND football game. This poster says that chant occurred, but it was uttered by NDSU fans against Grand Forks and the UND campus:

To JBB, bisonguy, tony, and all of the other Bison apologists who have offered their "insights" on the behavior of fans at Saturday night's game: Shame on you. Couch it any way like but these acts are deplorable and have no place in a civil society. Vulgarity, profanity, and this kind of in-your-face intimidation from the bleachers have turned a great traditional rivalry from a fun time for all into an episode of "Survivor" (but without the intellectual benefits of that program). I think the chant of "rape their women" from NDSU students during a game at Memorial Stadium signalled the beginning of the end of a civil rivalry. Take your boorish behavior to Division I and Godspeed to you. I for one am looking forward to a time when I can again enjoy the atmosphere of fans being enthusiastic about THEIR team.
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If Harvard decides not to come, won't happen mind you (we are probably giving them a nice hunk of change to come here), they would have to forfeit their games.


Let her convince everyone not to play us! Everyone would have to forfeit to do so and that means wins for us without any injury to our players!

We'd finish the year with only 1 defeat and JPar will have set the NCAA record for shutouts and consecutive shutouts! :D

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This whole thing is such bs. I think both sides of this issue are ridiculous. The people for changing the name don't seem to consider the reality that a bunch of narrow-minded, racist and ignorant sore losers are probably going to make life almost unbearable on campus for students and faculty who fought for the name change, particularily American Indian students. Oh, and when you are asking people to respect you and not degrade you by using offensive names and stereotypes, it is a good idea not to mimick those behaviors yourself. Kinda counter productive and hypocritical, right Kracker?

Then you got the people on the side of keeping the name... total bs'ers! I mean, please, can you people give up the lame tradition argument. Come on! I've followed UND sports all my life, ITS ALL ABOUT THE SPORTS- the great athletes, the coaches, the fans. That's the story that's the tradition. Period. You people who get so caught up in a name and logo, I have wonder, if you are really true fans or if you are just the people who go to the Ralph to be "seen" or cuz its what everyone else does. do you sip martinis in the luxury boxes?

Just look at the hockey team. The historic rise of the UND men

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Sauce is baaaack!! Recycling a his first ever post in SiouxSports.com, topic Question about changing the name , April 15, 2005, 11:28P!

Looked real familiar to me. Great memory o' mine. I'm not as old as I look. OK, I'm done slapping myself on the back, I'll slap Sauce on the dogs' food instead. :D

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Sauce is baaaack!!  Recycling a his first ever post in SiouxSports.com, topic Question about changing the name , April 15, 2005, 11:28P!

Looked real familiar to me.  Great memory o' mine. I'm not as old as I look.  OK, I'm done slapping myself on the back, I'll slap Sauce on the dogs' food instead. :lol:


I thought that whole "fighting bunnies" thing sounded kind of familiar. :D

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