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Regarding having no patience, paying $400+ a year for season tickets (and rising) will do that to a fellow.  If you go to a restaurant and pay premium money for a steak it shold at least be ribeye.  This year, we are getting a team that resembles chopped steak.  And we didn't even get a bottle of A1 sauce to help choke it down.


True to a point. But you know, if the food at the restaurant isn't worth the money, you could always stop going. The patience I was really speaking of though is with Hakstol. Many people here are ready to throw the coach overboard when UND isn't contending for the WCHA title, no matter who that coach is.

Hakstol said he replaced Jordan just to try to get something going. It was nothing Jordan did or didn't do. Hakstol said that the team left Parise out to dry alot of times.

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I would like some things clarified by those saying the UND players are putting for all of their effort. It would sound like you are saying that they are playing their best, and their best is at a lower level than many other WCHA teams. So are you basically saying that we are the 5th place team because four teams having better players, teamwork, and coaching? The people on the other side of the fence are saying that our players are too good to be performing at the 5th place level. If the players are giving their best, how can UND get back to recruiting players that are at the top of the country?

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I also think they will beat CC the next time they play them, and that they will beat Denver the next time they play them. 


I like and agree with a lot of what you said. I certainly haven't lost all faith, but my optimism is on the ropes and taking a beating, so to speak.

I also hope your predictions regarding Denver and CC are correct, but with only six league games left, if there is not an immediate turnaround this season, the next time they play those two teams may be 2005-06.

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Would it be a stretch to say that Tech could hang with any team in the country right now?


I will be antagonistic right now and say no. However, Denver or C.C. doesn't want to play them right now. I know Denver probably wouldn't since they only score one goal against them in the two game series.

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Regarding having no patience, paying $400+ a year for season tickets (and rising) will do that to a fellow.  If you go to a restaurant and pay premium money for a steak it shold at least be ribeye.  This year, we are getting a team that resembles chopped steak.  And we didn't even get a bottle of A1 sauce to help choke it down.


Bad analogy. There's never a guarantee that fans are going to get what they pay for with any sports team.

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McMahon is on with Lodish between periods, and he sounds intense, with a sense of urgency about what needs to get done in the third period.  Out of the senior class, I'm gonna miss this kid the most.


I am going to miss Bucks, Rory and Colby, the defensive guys have played good too, but I was looking at the roster last night and this has to be one of the most disappointing recruiting classes in the last 10 seasons. Two horrible season as well as two decent season. Now they go out with hardly a wimper.

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Schneider and Pork-o-which (SP?) nearly go at it, but Andy decides against it.  Given that our chances of coming back without somebody making a big gesture are slim, I wish he had dropped the gloves.  We need someone on this team to show he has a pair.


I agree with this however, we couldn't afford to lose anymore people to suspension. I suppose as a senior you don't want to sit out any games when you have maybe 8 games left. Denver is so cocky though and I was hope a UND player would smack one of these idiots.

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They confired, judge must have happy fingers


I sit in section 302 and that shot was in and the goalie dug it out of the net. Everyone that I was sitting with say it plain as day (No beer this time).

The Brutal reality is Sheppard blew that call as well as the series and his lame a$$ed dad will do nothing to discipline his son, Young Sheppard is untouchable.

The Goal Judge was correct in his initial response, I don't care what the paper says today. I would bet Sheppard told him its not counting. Sheppard really blew this game all the way around. Last night he blew a call on the DU goal by not calling the pick penalty, then we get called for it at the end of the game.

Also the blown call on the goal. Lastly he calls Prpich for a penalty for asking about a penalty. Then Prpich gets hit in the head with a stick an obvious 5 minute major, no call, none. On the same play Bina is hawled down in front of the net. UND should have gone on the power play (5-3) at that time, as a ref you have to make that call. However, Sheppard is definately bias against UND and we nothing. UND fans have to write the league office and complain about the officiating in this league. Also, our coachin staff needs to call the league office and complain there is definately a bias against our hockey team.

Edited by Goon
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Goon and OETKB-

Regarding Andy and the backing down from a fight: Yes, I agree that a fight would have been the real thing to do, but this is the WCHA. Right now, we have only fleetingly had a full compliment of players all season long. Andy backed down because he saw the big picture: He could not afford to sit out the game. If this were the pros or MJ or even, perhaps the USHL, Geoff Paukovich (How come I can spell his name but not Phil's?) and Andy Schneider would have dropped the gloves. Geoff could afford the one game suspension. So could Denver. Andy and the Sioux could not. Therefore, I applaud Andy for having the patience and the foresight to back down despite how he would have looked doing so. Using this same mindset, one has to also applaud Mike Prpich for what happened following the two handed check to the back of his head. HE DID NOT RETALIATE. Did anyone notice that? I think that's quite possibly a first for him.

Regarding Sheppard's call: I was not at the game. I didn't see a replay. However, the radio crew reviewed the play and they said over the airwaves that the replay was inconclusive. Derek DID confer with the goal judge. I dislike Derek as much as the rest, but if Todd Anderson had been the official, Todd wouldn't have even done that. I'm not saying it was a good wave off. I didn't see it. However, from listening to the radio to two guys who are unashamedly Sioux homers, one got the impression that it was indeed no goal.

And lastly, Federov- You criticism of the senior class and our recruiting for this year is accurate, but only for this year's senior class. I really think this year's freshmen and next year's freshmen will not be like that. The only problem with this year's freshmen class is that it features a player who probably won't make it to his senior year: Zajac.

As for our seniors that I'll miss the most: I'll miss Nick Fuher and Matt Jones on D, Rory McMahon and Colby Genoway on O. Matt Jones is as good as the next guy at positioning and can also contribute offensively. He is a smart Dman who really will excell at the next level. Nick Fuher, what can I say. Solid as any dman in the league and does something that we seem to be unable to do right off: shoot. He shoots the puck! A LOT. Sure, a lot may go wide of the net, but he's always trying to score rather than to cycle. This is a defenseman that I can honestly say we will miss on the PP and in the offensive zone. Rory McMahon- His offense has plateaued at the moment, but he has been a true leader on the ice for the bottom two lines (3rd and 4th). His presence on the penalty kill was sorely missed this weekend. He's a big checking forward who can score. These kinds of guys are needed. Colby Genoway- Took him a while, but he's finally coming around. He is an assist machine. This tells me he has eyes for the game. He's not much of a goal scorer per se, but he can set up anyone else on the ice. I will miss him the most on the powerplay. He's QBing an excellent powerplay right now.

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It was a tough and agonizing loss. The prompt give backs after both Sioux goals were real momentum chillers.

Shepard does suck as a referee. I do not say that lightly. If the league had a shade of integrity, they would put in an anti-nepotism rule. I doubt that the commissioner would get away with, or even consider, hiring his own blood into a management role within the organization. It's not a family business. How Daddy Shep got away with hiring Billy Bob Shep is really beyond me. What's really odd is how Shep let Denver players and bench work him all night long, but he wouldn't even consider lending an ear to the Sioux advocates.

In any event, McMahon and Murray back. We remain unbowed in my support of the coaching staff and the players, seniors included. We plan to see them at The Ralph, at the Ex, and at the Maroosh. Can't afford the trip to Columbus, but I am sure that many of you will be there, with the team.

As for the naysayers, sure, you have your right to complain, and sure, this is a board for reasoned dissection and analysis. While you are wailing your laments, do not forget any number of things, including loss of talent, new coach and staff, untimely injuries, some really lousy refereeing, and most importantly, the fact that we are playing teams, week in, and week out, that are loaded with talent and motivation, top to bottom. It's the WCHA for crying out loud. BDB, if you don't want to pay $400 to watch top shelf collegiate hockey, no problem, do not renew. You sound like the kind of man, or woman, who would probably be good at being able to mootch tickets left and right from your friends, as long as you keep your mouth shut and hide behind your moniker.

Fact is, given week, any team can, and will, take any other team. Sioux are no different, on either front. They will find their legs, the pipes will become net, and the hardware will be coming home in droves.


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Goon and OETKB-

Regarding Andy and the backing down from a fight:  Yes, I agree that a fight would have been the real thing to do, but this is the WCHA.  Right now, we have only fleetingly had a full compliment of players all season long.  Andy backed down because he saw the big picture:  He could not afford to sit out the game.  If this were the pros or MJ or even, perhaps the USHL, Geoff Paukovich (How come I can spell his name but not Phil's?) and Andy Schneider would have dropped the gloves.  Geoff could afford the one game suspension.  So could Denver.  Andy and the Sioux could not.  Therefore, I applaud Andy for having the patience and the foresight to back down despite how he would have looked doing so.  Using this same mindset, one has to also applaud Mike Prpich for what happened following the two handed check to the back of his head.  HE DID NOT RETALIATE.  Did anyone notice that?  I think that's quite possibly a first for him.


I think it takes a bigger man to walk away from a fight than to get into one. I mention earlier Andy did the senior thing, he walked away to live and play another day, he didn

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If I worked for Quality Auto Body, I'd be asking why my company wasted its money to sponsor the "collision of the game". Last night's was probably the lamest to date. I saw the "hit" when it happened and thought to myself that Massen must not like to check because I thought he could have nailed the guy. Instead, it looked like he pulled up or slowed down at the last minute. I wasn't surprised that they picked that play, though, since I think I've only agreed with their pick two or three times. At least, they didn't play it so slow that it took 20 seconds to show.

Since I'm on a replay rant, why does the production crew at the Ralph have such a problem showing replays. How hard is to show a replay of a goal and actually get to see the part of the play before the puck goes in the net?

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Since I'm on a replay rant, why does the production crew at the Ralph have such a problem showing replays.  How hard is to show a replay of a goal and actually get to see the part of the play before the puck goes in the net?


I agree, the crowd was chanting show the reply...

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A disappointing weekend.

Denver looks good, but do they have more experience with little Shep, or is this the way Denver has played all season? THey were the same hooking, holding, interference team we've seen the past two years, although with more offense (some of it created by obvious picks). They seem to know that they can get away with almost anything with little shep. Would have been interesting to see the Sioux do the same things.

Lots of missed scoring chances, and hot teams get good bounces (shot off Greene's leg), while those not going well do not.

Sioux has an obvious drop off after line 1 this weekend, and will need all forwards back in the lineup to have any chance in the playoffs.

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Finally getting to my computer. Got to watch the last 2 periods at Senser's last night (JohnDahl, I had NO idea was able to go until the last moment).

It's all my fault. I called the win in the opening post to this thread.

Last night wasn't too much fun to watch. Denver looked like the better team. Smoother, faster, and they converted on the chances they had. They didn't have an overwhelming number of chances, I didn't think, but they converted. Conversely, the Sioux struggled to convert on the few chances they had.

Sioux really struggled to get ANY offensive flow. Not sure what the deal was but after Friday I was a bit surprised how they struggled on Sat. Gwoz said on the radio pregame that they play better on Saturday nights and I guess it is true.

Over 2 games I don't know if I've EVER been fooled as many times by pucks that appeared to go in the goal but didn't. Just watching on TV most of Senser's thought Bina's shot went in (replays showed it hadn't) and then the goal that was called off.....that hurt. The guy sitting next to me at the bar thought he could see, on the replay, the puck crossing the line. For me, that dang waterbottle was in the wrong place. Mannin's glove came back far enough that the puck indeed could have been across the line. I guess we won't know.

Someone mentioned the problem with giving up goals right after the Sioux score. We were talking about that after the Sioux scored with about 3 left in the 2nd..."if we can just get out of the period without giving up a score...." bit ot was not to be. WHY is this. After we score, I think Hak should declare that the 6 guys on the ice if the opponent scores in the next 2 minutes will sit the rest of the game.

Greene played a great game. Nice to see him come on and show leadership.

Smaby looked more confident than what I saw against Bemidji. Come one, Matt!

Radke wasn't as noticeable as Friday night but I think he's coming on.

Spirko continues to impress me.

Diggler, thanks for speaking up. I absolutely agree with you. The guys are still playing hard and I can cheer for that. I'm as disappointed with the results as the next guy.

Early in the season we were suffering some lackadaisical play. We were all wondering why Hak wasn't getting more from the players effortwise. I don't think that's an issue right now. There's other problems, but effort's not the problem, IMO.

I'm with jk. I think good things can still happen. I was thinking last night how we could use one of our top 3 forwards and one of our top 4-5 forwards. That's a heck of a hole to fill against Denver.

Too bad the guys have the off week next week. This must be tough to sit on. The frustration was beginning to show end of game last night. Hopefully they can shrug it off and get ready for the next series. I think Wisconsin is beatable.

Someone talked about why the offense is non-existant this year. They must have forgot how tough it was in 2001-02. We couldn't break out, and we couldn't keep the puck in the offensive zone.

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A disappointing weekend.

Denver looks good, but do they have more experience with little Shep, or is this the way Denver has played all season?  THey were the same hooking, holding, interference team we've seen the past two years, although with more offense (some of it created by obvious picks). They seem to know that they can get away with almost anything with little shep. Would have been interesting to see the Sioux do the same things.

Lots of missed scoring chances, and hot teams get good bounces (shot off Greene's leg), while those not going well do not. 

Sioux has an obvious drop off after line 1 this weekend, and will need all forwards back in the lineup to have any chance in the playoffs.


If Denver is still playing that kind of hockey, they'll have a lot of penalties in the NCAA's. I'm sure the NCAA is going to tell the refs to crack down on that stuff for the tourney. They don't need the embarrassment of last year's title game.

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Ever since Sandelin went to Duluth after our last NCAA Championship in 2000, our recruiting classes have lacked depth.  Yes, we've landed some stars here and there, but the overall quality and depth of the classes has been missing.  Blais and Sandelin were a lethal combination, both in coaching and recruiting.  But after Sandy left, the recruiting classes haven't been the same and neither has the discipline and focus of the team. 


Sandy is a great recruiter...and he will be put to the test in Duluth next season with 11 seniors hittin the road.

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