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Does Fargo Help or Hurt Grand Forks?

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  ScottM said:

Fargo, "trendy"? BAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! OMG, that is precious.

It's almost as funny as that article in Minneapolis-St. Paul magazine a few years ago, where it proclaimed Minneapolis "as hip as New York City."

"Trendy" ... yep, that one coffee house on Broadway really put Fargo on the cutting edge. :lol:


i think it's silly too, but tell that to all the national media outlets that have reported on it in the last year.

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Actually, Fargo and Grand Forks are nearly indentical in the "sprawl" category :lol: :

Fargo - Pop. 91,204 (2002 estimated) Area- 37.9 square miles

Grand Forks - Pop. 48,546 (2002 estimated) Land Area 19.2 square miles

  IowaBison said:
i think it's silly too, but tell that to all the national media outlets that have reported on it in the last year.


Trend-setting downtown Fargo in the national media? I must've missed that. Was that a story Dan Rather did on 60 Minutes II? :lol:

  bisonguy said:
Actually, Fargo and Grand Forks are nearly indentical in the "sprawl" category :lol: :

Fargo - Pop. 91,204 (2002 estimated) Area- 37.9 square miles

Grand Forks - Pop. 48,546 (2002 estimated) Land Area 19.2 square miles


Hey, I thought Fargo was almost three times bigger than Grand Forks. Maybe that was before the Iraqi oil embargo of '92. :D

I won't argue that both cities have problems with sprawl, but I think most people characterize sprawl by how it looks rather than square miles.

  PCM said:

Trend-setting downtown Fargo in the national media? I must've missed that. Was that a story Dan Rather did on 60 Minutes II? :lol:


Today Show had a feature of about six minutes on Fargo, and I believe it was also in USA Today or some other print media.

  PCM said:

Hey, I thought Fargo was almost three times bigger than Grand Forks. Maybe that was before the Iraqi oil embargo of '92. :D

I won't argue that both cities have problems with sprawl, but I think most people characterize sprawl by how it looks rather than square miles.


I think he's counting Fargo+West Fargo+Moorhead

  U2Bad1 said:
I think he's counting Fargo+West Fargo+Moorhead


Then he should also count East Grand Forks, Thompson, Manvel and the Air Force base -- the Grand Forks metro area. :lol:


LA Times? Very nice for Fargo.

Did Fargo get featured in media in Canada, Sweden, Finland, Slovakia, Germany, Russia, the Czech Republic, Belarus, and Switzerland recently for hosting an international ice hockey tournament? No, wait, that was Grand Forks. :lol:

  PCM said:

Then he should also count East Grand Forks, Thompson, Manvel and the Air Force base -- the Grand Forks metro area. :lol:


Immediate metro areas (i.e. difficult to distinguish city limits without signs).

Drive from the Walmart in Dilworth to the Old Navy in West Fargo, and if the city limit signs were not there, it would be hard to distinguish where one city ends and the next begins (except the main ave. bridge, but GF/EGF has the same issue). Drive from Grand Forks to either Manvel, Thompson, or the GFAFB, and there's lots of farmland on the long drive.

Fargo has begun to reinvent itself as improbably stylish, worldly, even luxurious -- to the point where the mayor has hopes of marketing the city as a vacation destination. Quietly, subversively, Fargo has gone trendy.

If by "trendy" they mean a few coffee shops and martini bars full of posers, dressed in black and smoking European cigarettes, then I suppose that's trendy. Or just very 90s. :lol: When Fargo gets mentioned in the same breath as SoHo, the Gold Coast or Miami, I might believe it. Well, that and when you can read The Financial Times over a cup of overpriced coffee and not have everybody stare, I might buy it.

  The Sicatoka said:
LA Times? Very nice for Fargo.

Did Fargo get featured in media in Canada, Sweden, Finland, Slovakia, Germany, Russia, the Czech Republic, Belarus, and Switzerland recently for hosting an international ice hockey tournament? No, wait, that was Grand Forks. :lol:


That's great for GF, my favorite quote from the World Juniors was

Yes, everything you hear about the palatial Ralph Engelstad Arena is true, it's that beautiful. Now, can the fine folks of Grand Forks -- obviously very proud of their rink -- stop asking if we think it's great.



Actually math major, 300 people is TWICE as many as 150, not almost three times.

I grew up in a town of about 150 people. Does that mean that a town of 300 people is a metropolitan city since it is almost three times as big?


  dakotaboy said:
If you look at these 2 cities compared to the grand scheme of the country, Fargo and GF are identical twins who do nothing but fight.


I disagree. I would sleep with Mary-Kate or Ashley, but I would never choose to live in GF. :lol:

  SiouxMeNow said:
you have to hit "reply"...then type a message.  Just trying to be helpful :silly:


You can also edit or delete those messages that have nothing typed in them.

Just like SiouxMeNow, I'm just trying to help. :sad:

  BostonSiouxFan said:
Actually math major, 300 people is TWICE as many as 150, not almost three times.


I am SORRY I was TYPING faster that I was THINKING. The point is still the EXACT SAME. :silly:

BTW, I just moved back to GF from Phoenix and Boston doesn't even compare. :sad:


HERE'S THE REAL DEAL...we're ALL located in a rural state....Margo/Forehead isn't any more of a METRO AREA in the REAL WORLD than Cedar Falls/Cedar Rapids...some people have to quit thinking of themselves as the TWIN CITIES of nd because ABSOLUTELY no one considers them that...they're just the place from the funny movie where some guys SPLATTERED another guy in a wood chipper...but if you listen to "SOME" - any pub is GOOD PUB!!! if that's the case...so be it but I'll NEVER believe UND Hockey takes a back seat to ndsu football in the opinion of ND sports fans!! If it does...they don't have very good memories because UND won it's last national DIVISION ONE CHAMPIONSHP in 2000....you have to go a hell of of a lot farther back than that to find ndsu's last DII title in football....and as they've pointed out RECENTLY...D2 is a girls division and it doesn't mean crap anyway so I assume they include THEIR last "championship" in that "named by them - WORTHLESS" category!!!

BTW! - I really like bison fans and don't mean this post in any NEGATIVE form or fashion that could possibly be construed in a "less than positive" way by the most generous and forgiving Administrator of this forum. :silly:

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