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OT: Opinions on Ballard


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Just looking for some unbiased and knowledgable opinions on Keith Ballard. The Coyotes got him in a trade with Colorado. I think I've heard all the negatives today; he can't carry Paul Martin or Leo's jock, he's too small for the NHL, not consistent - takes shifts off, and a defensive liability. Our GM knows little about players not in the NHL, spewed this out:

I first saw him play two years ago and our scouts also rated Keith as one of the top two or three defensemen in all of collegiate hockey.  He is a little like a young Bryan Berrard in the sense that he loves to jump up into the play and lead the rush.  He shoots the puck very well and he is willing to take a hit to get the shot away.  On the power play, he gets his shots on the net and through traffic.  We are not going to rush him, he has a year left with the University of Minnesota, but we would welcome any decision he wants to make.  They have a great program at the University of Minnesota, he has been part of back-to-back National Championship teams and we feel he has a great future in pro hockey.

Hope you ladies and gents don't mind the thread, thanks for any responses.

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Ballard's a very good player. Pretty similar to Matt Jones, but Ballard leans a little more on the offensive side, while Jones leans to the defensive side. He has been a huge asset to the Gophers this year, both offensively and defensively. I don't think there are many defensmen that have a one-timer like Ballard. During one game last year (may have been in the NCAA's) I saw him dive to his side, like a shortstop, to prevent the puck from leaving the zone. Caught it, got up and launched a shot towards the net, which I believe resulted in a goal.

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Ballard is very good with the puck. There are very few college defensemen who can retrieve the puck in a corner, deke the forchecker, and either carry the puck out or pass ahead to a forward. I would estimate that Ballard is likely in the top three of the WCHA in that respect, maybe tops.

However, at times he can get careless and turn the puck over leading to quality chances for the opponents. He gets away with the bad turnovers in college, but he will not see time in an NHL jersey until he rids himself of the habit. I do not doubt that he will fix this part of his game.

I suspected Ballard would struggle this year defensively due to it being his first year going against top line players, but he has improved quite a bit. He still will over commit and chase while killing penalties, but I doubt he'd be used much in that role in the future.

He does have the NHL mean streak, but he will need to clean up his stick work or he may find himself fighting more frequently than suites his game.

I'd guess he will make the NHL, but he is not a lock like P. Martin and Leopold were. He has yet to establish he is as good as either of them defensively.

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I think Ballard is a decent defenseman, with great offensive skills. Plays with an edge, the kind of guy you hate as a player and a fan if you on the opposing team, good to have with you if he is on your team. I don't seem him leaving after the season and will probably play four season at UofM. Would love to see him in a green and white jersey...

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Here is my opinion. I don't care if people say it's biased because I'm a Sioux fan. I saw Ballard play the Sioux every game this year and last year.

I think Ballard is a cheap little punk. He is as cocky as they come. He hangs on players and he gets his shots in after the whistle.

In other words, he's a textbook Gopher.

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I believe that Ballard is the Gopher version of Mike Prpich. A gritty hard working player, yet takes the time to pi$$ the other team off occasionally. Of all the players on the gophers, he's probably the one I hate the most though for the jersey thing he did to Lundbohm at Mariucci in the playoffs a couple years ago.

Like my roommate at the time said:

"If it was my last shift of my college career and Keith Ballard was on the ice I'd make sure to two hand him at least twice before getting off the ice." :D

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I would compare him to Travis Roche. But I think he is currently only 90% as good offensively and 80% as good defensively--at least at this point.

Boy Roche had that puck on a string. I wish he'd make the jump into a regular NHL lineup somewhere.....He was fun to watch on the power play.

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One of my friend's (a Gopher fan) biggest pet peeves is that Ballard will still shoot the puck from the point after an opposing player has already gone down to block it during a Gopher power play. Of course resulting in the puck shooting out of the zone. However, the puck obviously finds the back of the net once in awhile because he is racking up the points for a defenseman.

I agree with the cheap comments. Unfortunately, stick work is common right now in college hockey, but Ballard is the player I think of on the Gopher team in that regard.

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I've read that skating is one of his biggest assets. In your opinion, true? Thanks

Yes, Ballard's a very strong skater. By far Minny's best defensman. He does play with his stick a little much, but an NHL coach (sans Crawford :D )SHOULD be able to correct it, he may see a little time in the box for it at the next level.

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When Ballard's "on", there are few better offensive d-men in the game right now. When he's "off" he's generally a non-factor. I thought he had more impact his first couple of years than he has had this season, injuries notwithstanding. Very good player overall, IMHO. :D

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Five-on-five - I'd want him out there with a defensive defenseman to cover his runs to the offensive end. That's normal for any offensive minded defenseman.

Power Play - Yeah, you want him out there. He's most dangerous with time and space, like the power play.

Penalty Kill - Forgive me, but I'd take North Dakota's Schneider, Jones, Fuher, Greene, or Marvin (yes, Lee Marvin, watch him PK some time) over Ballard on the PK. He seems out of his element in that mode.

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I think Ballard is the Randy Moss of the Goofies: he is dangerous as h*ll when he's on; but he can stink the place up pretty righteously when he's off. He seems to have a real split personality in that he makes some of the most boneheaded mistakes I've ever seen at this level. But just when I start wondering what he's doing out there, he rifles that shot. He needs to do something to keep himself focused.

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yes, indeed, that is the MacNaughton Cup. But the nursing home visit will do you little good. The WCHA won't let me near it anymore. Seems my drooling was tarnishing the finish.

You too, huh? :D

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