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NCAA To Sanction UND if School Does Not Adopt New Nickname

Benny Baker

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I wouldn't be so sure. Look what the Democratic senators have done to the Redskins. I think it's a matter of time before the approved teams are under fire, too.


I think there is a difference between Redskins (seen as a racial slur) and (enter approved Tribe name here). The FBS Indian teams are pretty safe with their tribal approval.

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I would write that to anyone - there are too many idiots on both sides of the aisle.  I'm thoroughly confused by people who vote straight down the line.  Honestly, I can't believe a single person would vote for some of these candidates, regardless of party affiliation.  It's almost like, "You've got a nut!  What do you mean we've got one, too? Our nut isn't as nuts as your nut!"

Fair enough, I know as a Veteran, a pro 2nd Amendment and pro-defense person no one in the DNC supports my points of view. There are no more Reagan Democrats. I read a lot, research the issues. Honestly, I have spent more time on Netflix than I have the political blogs and news channels. 

Like I said, I am disgusted with both parties, but I am more upset with the current GOP Leadership. I think they're failures. 

Finally, I would be willing to bet that I am not the only straight ticket voter here. There are probably more of them than you think. 

Edited by Goon
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It wouldn't and has nothing to do with what we are talking about.  What are you even trying to say?

No new nickname is good enough for you?

Unlike you, I don't have a problem being known as just North Dakota...I didn't like it at first, but "We are one, we are North Dakota" sounds pretty damn good right now given all the backstabbing and circular firing squads occurring on this page.  Being North Dakota is a nickname and by itself is unique.  Lastly, trying to control the free speech of other people in respect to what they yell for or wear for symbols on their garments at a sporting event isn't very American in my mind and anyone who cowers to that type of power needs to check themselves if they really want to say they are American!  Flame Away!

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Unlike you, I don't have a problem being known as just North Dakota...I didn't like it at first, but "We are one, we are North Dakota" sounds pretty damn good right now given all the backstabbing and circular firing squads occurring on this page.  Being North Dakota is a nickname and by itself is unique.  Lastly, trying to control the free speech of other people in respect to what they yell for or wear for symbols on their garments at a sporting event isn't very American in my mind and anyone who cowers to that type of power needs to check themselves if they really want to say they are American!  Flame Away!

Being North Dakota is not unique. It's a state name. "We are one, we are North Dakota" should be used by the state tourism agency. 

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Its a simple design that means something to the people from this area of the country and the Alumni...Interlocking ND and we are North Dakota...sells to me!

Because deep down you don't want anything to replace Fighting Sioux as the school's nickname?  

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We all agreed that the NCAA wouldn't use the old agreement as their basis.  They said as much.  

Haha, yeah right!  Look at your's, jdubs, 82Sioux, and all the other anti-North Dakota/UND folks who posted on the first dozen pages of this thread!  It's as if you guys want nothing more than for the NCAA to hammer down on North Dakota.  Most of us, on the other hand, are pro-North Dakota/UND.

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Haha, yeah right!  Look at your's, jdubs, 82Sioux, and all the other anti-North Dakota/UND folks who posted on the first dozen pages of this thread!  It's as if you guys want nothing more than for the NCAA to hammer down on North Dakota.  Most of us, on the other hand, are pro-North Dakota/UND.

We then evolved and said yes, according to the article, UND is fine with the OLD agreement.  But, the NCAA then said they will re-visit it if problems arise with using the old nickname and not adopting a new one.  Correct?  


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Haha, yeah right!  Look at your's, jdubs, 82Sioux, and all the other anti-North Dakota/UND folks who posted on the first dozen pages of this thread!  It's as if you guys want nothing more than for the NCAA to hammer down on North Dakota.  Most of us, on the other hand, are pro-North Dakota/UND.

NO, you are pro no-nickname, we are all pro UND.

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We then evolved and said yes, according to the article, UND is fine with the OLD agreement.  But, the NCAA then said they will re-visit it if problems arise with using the old nickname and not adopting a new one.  Correct?  


Nope.  NCAA has not said ANYTHING about adopting a new one.  Instead, what it did say, was that "if" fans use Fighting Sioux; "other schools might--might--complain"; and the NCAA "could" look at sanctions.

I'm glad we can both take time to laugh at you.

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Johnboy - I think everyone understands that FSU has permission from the Seminole tribe while UND didn't get permission from both tribes here (actually one of them mostly in SD), and the nuances within.  The issue I have with this is that Native American mascots, imagery, chants, etc. either ARE hostile, abusive, racist, etc. or they ARE NOT.  How does this pass?  How do people let the NCAA get away with making sh!t up as they go, and arbitrarily enforcing rules?  And I get it - it's their club, they make the rules, etc.  I can't believe that people that have the power to do something about this (Senators, Governors, etc?) let them get away with this.

Best post I have read in awhile.

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Nope.  NCAA has not said ANYTHING about adopting a new one.  Instead, what it did say, was that "if" fans use Fighting Sioux; "other schools might--might--complain"; and the NCAA "could" look at sanctions.

I'm glad we can both take time to laugh at you.

Is that not what I just said above?  Looking at new sanctions for not adopting a new nickname.  If they don't adopt a NEW nickname, they are fostering an environment to use the old one, which is racist and hostile.  That is EXACTLY what they were saying.

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Because you want UND to be Sioux Forever, which you stated yesterday.  What a pathetic, sad reason.  

Really?  You just got caught in a lie . . .  again!!!!!!!

I'm fine with Roughriders, but I've always stated that my preference would be to stay North Dakota/UND.  I've never hid that.  However, there's about a half dozen overly pessimistic fanatics on this message board who tirelessly read into things too much and make false assumption that the North Dakota/UND crowd is motivated by some deceitful desire to have UND adopt Fighting Sioux again and destroy the university.

My preference for staying North Dakota/UND has absolutely nothing to do with the Fighting Sioux.  That was my point earlier.  

As for my interest in Roughriders, my fear is that with four other names going to the public vote (whatever that vote entails), that UND will be stuck with a completely generic or extremely underwhelming nickname like Fighting Hawks or Sundogs. 

Cool, makes sense.  But why do you want to stay North Dakota and have no nickname?  You have said you want to stay North Dakota/UND but gave no reasons why.  Or why it would benefit UND as an institution.

I've personally grown accustomed to it over the past three years.  I do personally think its unique and inclusive of our state's residents and alumni.  I've enjoyed sports commentators who simply refer to UND as "North Dakota" or the like as opposed to a potential nickname, like Fighting Hawks, that an average viewer may not associate with our state or university.  I personally like UND/North Dakota better than the other five options, and I personally believe that a majority of "stakeholders" agree with me.

I might be wrong, but let's put it to a vote and see.

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You forgot this one: 

Once again, why "for the time being"...then what?

perpetuity then.  

You don't want a new nickname, now or ever.  Finally some honesty.  

If more of you would answer honestly like that we could finally clear up the real intentions.  

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herald/forum is not even a legitimate media source anymore.  they literally cite to Facebook and Twitter comments.  sensationalism at its worst.

Yesterday: Not a legitimate media source! Complete garbage!
Today: See, they get it!

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