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Future UND/ Bison football Game


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I doubt you'll see many ndsu fans upset if a part similar to Montana was followed. A ton of playoff appearances... Lots of conference titles...a stadium that is regularly full.

Heck NDSU almost played them the other year in a title game

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My favorite quote from Bisonville the last day:

"If UND somehow manages to beat us, that's going to wipe out the accomplishments of our last decade!"



You will also see people jumping off bridges as well. 

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The Weber State comparison is getting old.


Sac State:

43-6 over Weber, 31-7 over UND

Eastern Washington:

41-19 over Weber, 35-14 over UND

Portland State:

45-24 over Weber, 14-10 over UND


42-6 over Weber, 55-17 over UND

Montana State:

34-16 over Weber, 63-20 over UND

Utah at least has some mountains to visit while on the trip...

You forgot two.... 2013: UND 3-8 Weber State 2-10; 2012: UND 5-6 Weber St 2-9

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Bison fans are sure spending a lot of time making fun of Eastern Washington and Sam Houston.   Their spending a lot of time making fun of the Big Sky and every other  conference out there.    It is going to be very interesting when the worm turns as they say.    A lot of statements are going to be thrown right back in their face.      According to Bison fans every other team,  every other location, every other conference  outside the MVFC  is basically  a joke.     They  just might be getting a little too  big for their britches. 

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So it's okay to schedule a powerhouse like Weber but not UND? How many conference titles has WSU won since we joined DI?

I already told you my theory behind NDSU scheduling Weber State over North Dakota...to poke the stick further into UND's eye socket.

Of course, you "moved on" from playing NDSU weeks ago, right?

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I already told you my theory behind NDSU scheduling Weber State over North Dakota...to poke the stick further into UND's eye socket.

Of course, you "moved on" from playing NDSU weeks ago, right?

Saying we don't want to play UND because at the level we are at but yet they will play WSU without thinking of "their" level is what is what twirks me.
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The people of planet earth salute you! Sanity!

This is 100% true. One would have hoped that Faison would have had the ability as an AD to not lead with emotion on this issue and sign a contract that will severely limit his ability to negotiate games in the future. However, Faison has no idea how to do his job and quite frankly is a large part of the reason this program has deteriorated to the point it has.

It's apparent from NDSU's press conference that the offer was more or less Gene Taylor's last insult to UND before he walked out the door and, unfortunately, thanks to our AD and head coach we were stupid enough to accept it. We accepted an offer that was intended to be an insult. That's where this program is at right now. Also, any UND fan, administrator, or coach that thinks they will ever play a game in GF needs to have their head examined.

I'm a UND football alum and a season ticket holder so it's incredibly painful to watch this university continue to be mismanaged. This university just isn't serious about football. I'm tired of the kool aid drinkers who continue to think that this program will improve or somehow catch NDSU while we continue to do the same stupid !@#$ that got us in this place. Let's be honest this program won't catch NDSU by having the fourth highest coaching salaries in the Big Sky. This program won't even win the Big Sky that way. This program won't catch NDSU as long as our football program's offices, locker room, and weight room continue to be in our cramped, broken down old stadium. Hell, fixing an obvious problem like that isn't even in the initial phase of the new IPF as the locker rooms and football offices aren't even in Phase I of the project. We like to pretend that we have some grand scheme of catching NDSU but our plan is essentially the same tired plan of hoping for NDSU falter while trying to run our own program on a shoestring budget. It's a tired joke.

I'm of the opinion that really the best thing that can come of this game is that they beat us so fucking bad next year that our alumni and administration are so embarrassed that they finally get off their asses and start trying to change the way we do things around here. If that's what it takes for this university and community to invest in this program then so be it.

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Over 100 here, with varying degrees of the same.

Let's go "apples to apples" since Jamal at KX4 leaked late Thursday:

This board -- roughly 20 new pages (on existing thread) with 20 posts per -- about 400 posts

That other board -- new thread, 97 pages with 10 posts per -- about 970 posts

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Let's go "apples to apples" since Jamal at KX4 leaked late Thursday:

This board -- roughly 20 new pages (on existing thread) with 20 posts per -- about 400 posts

That other board -- new thread, 97 pages with 10 posts per -- about 970 posts

You guys have been at it for a long time, that's for sure. Wonder how the memberships compare.
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Regardless of opinion as to whether the games should have been scheduled or not...they are. Since the games were officially announced on the schedule for '15 and '19 and living in Fargo here is what I have encountered... I have golfed twice w the 2 same SU season ticket holders and boosters which at no point in our conversations of college FB did they talk about anything else but next years game vs. UND. Nothing about this year's schedule/games at all. Went supper at BWW Friday w another SU season ticket holder and his family. All he wanted to talk about was the same thing...next years game. He did mentioned at they very end they decide to go to ISU.

Those 3 mentioned losing next year's game would be "devastating", "an embarrassment", and "season changing".

No rivalry here.

Carry on...

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Which would hurt NDSU more in terms of recruiting a loss to Weber or a loss to UND?

That's so obvious I assume that it's rhetorical.

Mr. Taylor put out a terrible offer knowing it wouldn't be taken and his legacy would be, "But I left with an offer on the table." Instead Faison and Schweigert took the offer and called the bluff knowing what the game and it's impacts could bring out.

Taylor and Faison and Schweigert have all made calculated risks.

Taylor's legacy now is as the guy who (effectively) scheduled UND again. I guess that makes him accursed in some quarters. I say he made an offer, took a risk, and left it for Interim AD Matthew et al to deal with.

Most importantly, all the history won't be written on this one until September 2015, if not 2019. We'll see then how all the calculated risks turned out.

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It always turns into a "membership" measuring contest with you guys.

If you're into comparing apples to apples, then membership (and general board traffic) is a part of the equation.  I don't know the numbers, and I'm not interested enough to look it up.

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If you're into comparing apples to apples, then membership (and general board traffic) is a part of the equation. I don't know the numbers, and I'm not interested enough to look it up.

Your "membership" is never that hard:

Bisonville Forums Statistics

Threads 32,328

Posts 895,538

Members 5,637

This forum, with a much larger and upright "membership":

656,061 Total Posts

6,724 Total Members

All that matters because?

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Your "membership" is never that hard:

Bisonville Forums Statistics

Threads 32,328

Posts 895,538

Members 5,637

This forum, with a much larger and upright "membership":

656,061 Total Posts

6,724 Total Members

All that matters because?

Upright?  It must matter to you because you took the time to look it up.  

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