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NORTH DAKOTA vs. ST. CLOUD - Friday Gameday


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Well the right team won that game. You can't care for the last ten minutes after you gave up three goals on breakdowns.

Agreed. SCSU has the better team at this point. Give these Freshmen some time, though. With this squad, I think Hak will have to loosen up a little and turn them loose a little more often.

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Let's see Rodwell Thompson and st Clair tomorrow. The new goalie as well. Just a awful 3rd period

Can we get some new coaches too? I'm sorry, but after a decade of BS reasons why we have not excelled as a program, getting outplayed at home tonight is enough for me to blow my top. GOD, I'm sick of this mediocre crap!

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I'm sure UND fans will get pissed that I say this but we need a coach who encourages the players to play less with their minds and more with their balls...Eades, Gwozdecky, York, etc.

That's a laugh, saying York teaches his players to play with their balls.

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Alright, took my deep breath.....thoughts:

~Listening to post game interviews they're talking about UND only playing 55 minutes.....boy I'd say it was more like 45 minutes or so.

~Nothing Zane could do on any of the goals. All goals were defensive breakdowns. Thought he was solid.

~I thought SCSU's defense would be a little softer without Jensen, but they seem like they didn't miss a beat without him. Very tough in their own end.

~I'm glad that UND didn't tie the game at the end. Did not deserve any points or chance for points while SCSU was the more inspired team.

~I think we all know who needs to watch in a suite tomorrow evening.

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I think we have some great players on our team and we have had some great players come through this program over the last decade. We will also get better as the season goes. My one issue with the Sioux over the past 3-4 years is how they play when they have the lead. No matter what period it is it seems as though they are sitting back and waiting for the game to get over. Where are all the stat chasers? Where are all the guys who want to embarrass a team in their own building? This team tonight was playing for the 1-0 win and that's it. This has been a common theme in big games under the current regime.

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