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Man did that Jones put on a show against the pack

In the NFL how do you let one WR almost single handily beat you? How about a safety over the top on occasion? But this is the Packers and Dom Capers. A couple years back I watched Reggie Wayne single handily beat GB in this same fashion. Even Gruden finally said on MNF...why doesn't GB make someone else try to beat them.


Go Pack Go!

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I expected the Vikes to lose to Detroit and they did but they it was a lot closer than I figured. The defense was very good and really shut down Detroit for the most part. Teddy was pretty solid aside from the 2 interceptions although the first one looked like Johnson got tripped up or he would have made a play on the ball, the 2nd one was just a bad throw way behind Jennings. I'm really looking forward to see what he can do with some added skilled weapons and a decent offensive line. Don't know what is going on with Walsh but he seems to really be struggling this year the blocked 30yd fg and missed 50 yd fg were the difference between a win and a loss today. 

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Yah, Teddy did not help the cause with back to back int's but overall not a bad performance by a rookie QB. Yah, Walsh not what he's been the first two seasons, numbers down a notch this season. Considering where the Vikes have been the last few years and with AP and Cassel out almost all year, I think Zimmer has done one helluva job. Defense is no doubt dramatically improved. Not a friend of the Packers but they are awesome at home but when on the road they are just an average team this season. I picked the Bills at home today over the Pack and sure enough they delivered. Believe Pack are just .500 on the season on the road and they struggled to win by 3 in Mpls against a determined and gritty but sometimes offensively challenged Vikes team. They best get home field for the playoffs or else.

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I agree with this article either trade him now or if he signs a reasonable contract let him prove himself one yr at a time - were close to actually being good - plus I dont want a one demential team http://www.dailynorseman.com/2015/1/2/7479849/the-case-against-keeping-adrian-peterson

I think he is worth much more to the Vikings than what they would get back in a trade and also since they have paid him all year I don't see them cutting him like other some NFL writers do. I'd prefer to get AP back with a restructured contract but would take him back with his old contract too. The running game was definitely lacking this year and really didn't have a home run threat. If you add the home run threat through the running game in AP and a #1 WR this offense could be pretty good next year. The Vikings need at least 1 WR, S, LB, OL, and CB I would prefer not having to add RB to that list as well.

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My main reason for disappointment is not entirely on metrics, but rather the fact that I think there were better QBs available at the time the Vikings chose Bridgewater, namely Carr.

Of course, I hope he proves me wrong. Some analysts have compared him to Aaron Rodgers, and although I think those guys are crazy/nuts/gone, I hope they end up being right.

Thankfully, Bridgewater proved me wrong, and I'm happy for that.

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Vikes may look at Crockett but it would have to be a late round (6 or 7) or undrafted. I have heard the Vikings are seriously looking at a RB as high as Rd 2, which would include Ameer Abdullah (Nebraska), Duke Johnson (Miami), and, even later, David Johnson (Northern Iowa). Of course, the Boise State and U of Minnesota running backs are both at play also.

I think Northern Iowa's David Johnson is easily a better prospect that NDSU's Crockett (better strength and speed). Then again, whether or not Spielman picks a RB may just come down to the how the draft pans out and who's the best player available. Vikings honestly believe Adrian Peterson will be back.

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I ask this question in the football thread & someone complained it did not belong there - only to try & find out if anyone there had heard this ?

Seemed college news worthy ?

No wonder UND college football has been falling in popularity

This has nothing to do with UND Football.  Crockett played at NDSU and he never played against UND.   Not sure why you are so surprised that no one here has interest in your link?

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