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  On 1/22/2013 at 11:59 AM, darell1976 said:

The name is history. UND officials don't want to go down this road again especially the athletic department.


A big "what if?" there. Even if they could go back to the Fighting Sioux nickname, I doubt they would. Why take the chance that a ruling could get overturned again? Or another change in policy from the NCAA might stand a court test and shut down all Native American nicknames?

Not worth the risk. UND has moved on.


Long odds for doing anything legally. If a federal court were to invalidate the policy outright because the NCAA did not follow their own rules or if the 8th Circuit were to remand the matter for further factual findings, the NCAA may adjust its take. The chances are extremely slim there. The school's been there and done that and they're not going to be willing to go that route again, I think. It would be nice if they adopted the nickname with the NCAA's post-court adjusted "blessing" but that would be nothing short of an astounding twist. SL has been discriminated against and still is being discriminated against, along with those at SR. I think it's probably more likely that former adversaries join forces to protest the continued use of NA imagery at the Ralph but for different reasons. That's been "fixed" with the NCAA though so UND is probably safe (for now) because it shares the same theme of hypocrisy with the NCAA on that issue. The modified agreement to go easy on the Ralph was in the works for some time but the NCAA required UND to show "good faith" and jump on board, stop fighting the NCAA and betray the vast majority of native americans who supported the nickname.

  On 1/22/2013 at 4:43 PM, Fetch said:

So in Latka we trust

Perhaps God and Tony Clifton and Reed Soderstrom? If the nickname were ok with the NCAA, it would be ok with U of MN, etc. But, as has been said before, nothing short of divine intervention would cause that to happen.


“relying instead on a barrage of unmeritorious claims regarding pleading, standing and statutes of limitation.”

Yeah, those pesky legal "technicalities" that underpin the rules of the courts. Moron.

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Yeah if UND & the State Board would of hired some top Lawyers and did *everything possible* maybe we could have won


UND and the State Board did hire some very good lawyers, from what I understand, which resulted in the surrender agreement in 2007. The lawyers that they hired maybe could have gotten a better deal but no one knows the politics that were in play and no one was privy to the negotiations and Wayne S. is not now going to say anything that makes him look worse. If the vote had taken place earlier, Myra and the SL Tribal Council would have had to step up and give SL's blessing back when only one tribe's blessing was sufficient. Doing everything possible would have involved getting the ND Congressional delegation (at least one of them) on board to publicly criticize the NCAA for picking on UND but that didn't happen. Obviously, there are "more important" matters for members of the United States Congress to deal with but having a monopolistic, "private", national organization not only pick on your flagship school and treat it differently from similarly situated but much larger schools with more $$$$$ but also make dictates/threats to exert its monopolistic influence as to your state's legislators and Governor regarding this or that are pretty important matters I would think. Having the NCAA discriminate against the NA's in your state would be an important matter. Had one of the state's Congressional delegation stepped up the name and logo would have likely been retained. I do not believe that the UND Alumni Association could never have made in-roads with at least one member of the state's Congressional delegation on this. Public pressure should have been applied, especially with respect to Hoeven and Berg. One could never expect anything out of Conrad. If he could be part of a Congressional delegation that could not prevent the loss of ICBM's at GFAFB during the Clinton years, I don't think he'd do anything material for something like this which of lesser consequence. I wish Reed well but he and SL have a nearly impossible task.


Let's just say, by some miracle SL won their lawsuit, do they turn around and then sue UND? I am just wondering. All this legal talk is interesting but, I am no lawyer so I rely on the great legal minds that we have on this board.


IMO they (SL) is hoping the NCAA will change their mind on the NA policy and let UND slide by with one tribal approval. It won't happen, plus now public opinion is not on their side anymore more and more wanted this thing to end and move on. There is no way UND will ever be the Fighting Sioux(sad to say it). 2015 here comes your UND Fighting.......

  On 1/23/2013 at 3:18 AM, TRex said:

It doesn't matter. The name has been gone since June and the world hasn't ended. Everyone and everything survived just fine, so it's time to move on.

Wow - mighty big of you - since you got exactly what you wanted. The tasteful thing to do would be to enjoy your victory in silence, but I'm afraid it would be asking from you that which you are not capable.
  On 1/23/2013 at 4:07 AM, Goon said:

Let's just say, by some miracle SL won their lawsuit, do they turn around and then sue UND? I am just wondering. All this legal talk is interesting but, I am no lawyer so I rely on the great legal minds that we have on this board.

The school and state have already made the decision to move on. This fight only conerns the NC$$ and SL. Like the Vikings winning a Super Bowl, SL might win rights to the moniker, but I don't see how they could force UND to accept that "gift" unless the NC$$ also agreed to the move. However, I doubt, even if all of the legal stars aligned as some would like, UND will ever be called the "Fighting Sioux" again.


" plus now public opinion is not on their side anymore more and more wanted this thing to end and move on. There is no way UND will ever be the Fighting Sioux" are u sh!ting me - this is about as Bizarro & Wrong of a statement as I have ever read

We are & always will be FIGHTING SIOUX too many got paranoid about football & other conferences & started pulling back - If we had the chance or glimmer of hope to remain Fighting Sioux & did not jump all over it u would see hear & feel some major push back

Thinking the majority still don't want & will remain Fighting Sioux is below STUPID & is just Spin to try to keep things as it is now BUT U KNOW & EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT IS TOTAL BS


Please everyone stop responding to Fetch. I know its tempting...but we have gone through this ad nauseam for the past 6 years. Everything argument for both sides has been stated multiple times, over and over, on many different threads. It's been great being able to just talk sports these past few months. We are not forgetting the past...but we have moved on debating the issue.

  On 1/23/2013 at 2:22 PM, Fetch said:

" plus now public opinion is not on their side anymore more and more wanted this thing to end and move on. There is no way UND will ever be the Fighting Sioux" are u sh!ting me - this is about as Bizarro & Wrong of a statement as I have ever read

We are & always will be FIGHTING SIOUX too many got paranoid about football & other conferences & started pulling back - If we had the chance or glimmer of hope to remain Fighting Sioux & did not jump all over it u would see hear & feel some major push back

Thinking the majority still don't want & will remain Fighting Sioux is below STUPID & is just Spin to try to keep things as it is now BUT U KNOW & EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT IS TOTAL BS

No way UND will ever go back to being the Fighting Sioux unless the NCAA gets rid of the NA policy and allows ALL schools their old names. Its called reality. It sucks but its true. Just like Central will never be the Redskins. I loved that name but they will never be called that. 10 years from now you can still yell home of the Sioux or lets go Sioux while everyone else in the stands yells go Fighting XXXXX. Its your right and no one will take that away from you, but officially UND will NEVER be the Fighting Sioux, just like Kelley said UND will NEVER be the Flickertails. The majority would love UND to be called the Fighting Sioux I know that, you know that, and the NCAA knows that. But the majority saw a battle that had dire consequences against the athletic department (no hosting tournaments, scheduling problems, other schools having NA policies) so that's why the majority voted to retire the name. It sucked but it had to be done for the good of the school, not because we believe in the NCAA's policy (I think the policy is BS).


It is still in the news & still a interesting conversation - dont try to sensor me - I believe u are the minority It's never going tp be over because it is wrong - u can ignore my posts all u want LONG LIVE THE FIGHTING SIOUX

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