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NHL 2013


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It is nauseating listening to Paul Allen defend Cooke this morning. Would be an entirely different show if Cooke were wearing an Av's sweater. He's become unlistenable. And I'm a Wild fan!

PA's become unlistenable? When was he ever listenable to before?
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I must say that I am very disappointed in the NHL and the Stanley Cup playoffs. It seems as if the refs have swallowed the whistles and just about anything goes. Between head shots, knee on knee shots, two handed slashes, spearings, and cup checks it is becoming a pathetic display of thuggery against the top players of all teams. It is disgusting to see the number of players that are missing games due to injuries from cheap shots. It cheapens the league, the playoffs, and the stature of Lord Stanley's cup. I thought the NHL made a significant step forward with the way the game was changed after the last lockout. It became a much faster and more exciting game. Now they seem to be slipping backwards because once the playoffs start they quit calling the penalties. I noticed it last year and this year seems worse. It appears that almost anything goes as long as it is in the interest of winning the cup.

Seems like refs don't want to make call that is questionable to give a team a power play. With the ammount of one goal and overtime games so far in the playoffs, It could end up being a huge call in the game. What everyone wants in officiating is consistency. The refs are doing a horrible job in the playoffs this year with that. They are calling the games completely different from the way the regular season was called.

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I must say that I am very disappointed in the NHL and the Stanley Cup playoffs. It seems as if the refs have swallowed the whistles and just about anything goes. Between head shots, knee on knee shots, two handed slashes, spearings, and cup checks it is becoming a pathetic display of thuggery against the top players of all teams. It is disgusting to see the number of players that are missing games due to injuries from cheap shots. It cheapens the league, the playoffs, and the stature of Lord Stanley's cup. I thought the NHL made a significant step forward with the way the game was changed after the last lockout. It became a much faster and more exciting game. Now they seem to be slipping backwards because once the playoffs start they quit calling the penalties. I noticed it last year and this year seems worse. It appears that almost anything goes as long as it is in the interest of winning the cup.

Could not agree more, Siouxman. It's ridiculous.

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Seems like refs don't want to make call that is questionable to give a team a power play. With the ammount of one goal and overtime games so far in the playoffs, It could end up being a huge call in the game. What everyone wants in officiating is consistency. The refs are doing a horrible job in the playoffs this year with that. They are calling the games completely different from the way the regular season was called.

Holding, interference, and tripping calls are frequently questionable and those I understand. My concerns regard the blatant assault type penalty situations. Those are usually not quite as questionable.

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I'm nowhere near Goon...I honestly don't know how he does it.

Speaking of Goon, do the Red Wings win tonight? Take it to the bank. My "book-it" pick of the day.

Book-it pick? What's the matter, you afraid to use the Super-Lock pick?
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I'm nowhere near Goon...I honestly don't know how he does it.

Speaking of Goon, do the Red Wings win tonight? Take it to the bank. My "book-it" pick of the day.

The Bruins beat paint drying 3-0 on the backs of a Tuukka Rask shutout.

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On my drive home from work today I was listening to Lou Nanne talking on the Dan Barreiro show about the Cooke incident from last night. In Lou Nanne's words, sticking your knee out like that is not intent to injure but rather an instinctive reaction to slow a player down. Lou stated that he did it many times in his playing days and had it done to him many times. He said that at one point he eventually had to have surgery as a result of having that done to him, and yet he maintained the opinion that it is not done with the intent to injure. So, to the handful of usual suspects here who lower themselves to calling me nasty names due to disagreeing with my opinion... I am sure that you guys know more about hockey than Lou Nanne does. So please be my guest to call him nasty names the way that you have done to me. :silly:

Lou added that he thinks Cooke will be suspended because of who he is, not because of what he did. Barreiro went on to suggest that Wild fans who are condoning what Cooke did would be livid if a Colorado player did that. Nanne agreed that fans tend to be inconsistent that way, but that his own opinion would be the same regardless of who is wearing what jersey.

And for the sake of consistency, now would be the perfect time to remind everybody that Alex Ovechkin did the very same thing to Sergei Gonchar in the playoffs about five or six years ago when Gonchar was with Pittsburgh. I personally dislike Ovechkin, but because I am consistent in my views I stated on this very forum that I had no problem with that particular collision. Who knows how to search for posts that old?

Very interesting. Mike Milbury had a very good discussion about knee on knee contact on NBCSP tonight during the period break, since there was another knee on knee contact in a game tonight. They showed video of several knee on knee contact incidents, explaining the reason they occurred. Such as a change in direction, or someone with a wide stance that made absolutely no move to stick out their knee yet did make contact. And the last one they showed was Matt Cooke, and that was the only one identified as a blatant attempt to make contact. So it must be a matter of perspective. And if the so-called professional experts can't agree on a position, how are we amateurs supposed come to a consistent perspective.

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