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NDSU fans, we get it. Your team is better than ours right now. But if you guys think your going to be on top forever and always your gonna be sorely disappointed. Football, at every level, goes in cycles. I'm sure Notre Dame, Michigan, USC ect. all have had the exact same mindset that many of you have right now and look where they are now. Things will change, things will change back, then they will change again. Its the nature of the sport.

Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

Agree but NDSUs success has nothing to do witb us. We dont play them anymore.

NDSU has won 11 national championships in 4 different decades and has 2 losing seasons in 50 years. I dont see the cycle turning bad in them. We had very little to do with their success and we don't play them anymore. We need to focus on the Big Sky. Not the NCC or NDSU

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It actually does matter for the purposes of my discussion with the other person over libel/slander.

I agree that maybe I should have said "he seems ignorant and represents himself poorly using incendiary language" I never used the term to him.

It didn't make me look bad until UNDBIZ used my real name, implied that I am a racist, and asked people to ridicule me. This message board made it personal.

Actually, you personally insulted a high school kid you've never met. In my opinion, that makes you more than fair game for ridicule on this message board or anywhere else it comes to you. You 100% brought this on yourself.

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Your name has now been removed too. Your Twitter handle will remain to serve as a lesson regarding idiotic tweets. You can go away now and let this thread return to what it is supposed to be.

Thank you, but this message board is fascinating. I think I will stick around.

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Actually, you personally insulted a high school kid you've never met. In my opinion, that makes you more than fair game for ridicule on this message board or anywhere else it comes to you. You 100% brought this on yourself.

Ridicule yes, imply they are a racist, no.

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Agree but NDSUs success has nothing to do witb us. We dont play them anymore.

NDSU has won 11 national championships in 4 different decades and has 2 losing seasons in 50 years. I dont see the cycle turning bad in them. We had very little to do with their success and we don't play them anymore. We need to focus on the Big Sky. Not the NCC or NDSU

You are not a part of "we."

You are a bison fan, this has already been discussed.

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Your real name is on your twitter feed. That's on you.

This discussion fails to even happen had someone not called the kid a thug and "thanked" Coach Bubba after the kid announced his decision to attend UND.

Also on you.

Again my name along with implying I'm a racist.

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Agree but NDSUs success has nothing to do witb us. We dont play them anymore.

NDSU has won 11 national championships in 4 different decades and has 2 losing seasons in 50 years. I dont see the cycle turning bad in them. We had very little to do with their success and we don't play them anymore. We need to focus on the Big Sky. Not the NCC or NDSU

You're trying way too hard. We get it.

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Why is it ok for you to imply someone is a criminal/thug?

But it's not ok for someone to imply you are a racist?

You are a disgrace to UND.

I would guess that most reading his feed would think he was a thug. You are more of a disgrace to UND because you are supporting racist behavior.

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I would guess that most reading his feed would think he was a thug. You are more of a disgrace to UND because you are supporting racist behavior.

So, your thanking Bubba was a sincere thank you? Or what was that implication, since you, along with "most reading his feed" think he is a thug?

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I would guess that most reading his feed would think he was a thug. You are more of a disgrace to UND because you are supporting racist behavior.

Webster defines a Thug as a violent criminal.

You were able to come to the conclusion that someone is a thug based on the way they talk and the appearance of the individual, yet are angry someone is implying you are a racist for doing so........

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I would guess that most reading his feed would think he was a thug. You are more of a disgrace to UND because you are supporting racist behavior.

I would guess that most reading your feed would think you were a racists.

It goes both ways but you only want it one way....this is fun. Because you are so blind.

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Webster defines a Thug as a violent criminal.

You were able to come to the conclusion that someone is a thug based on the way they talk and the appearance of the individual, yet are angry someone is implying you are a racist for doing so........

A little different I am not the one with the N word all over my online profile and feed. I have already admitted that using the word thug from a literal sense was a poor choice of words. Using your advice, move on.

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You'd care if you were black and trying to overcome certain stereotypes. Watch that Richard Sherman video that I posted.

I wouldn't care at all because the implication of thug has nothing to do with the color of a persons skin. I agree that Richard Sherman is a very intelligent person and I don't think he is a thug.

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I have deleted the thug statement from Twitter. Happy? What is an urban manner? Note that a manor is a home, but we have already established that you struggle with the language.

I struggle with the language because I mixed up two nearly identical legal terms? These straws you grasp for a making you look even more pathetic. You really don't know what in an urban manner means? And I struggle with the language? The main point of all this is that you, a supposed grown man, attacked the character of a highschool student who you don't know. Once again good for you. I'm going to get back to posting about the young man who have verbally committed to join the UND football family of which I am apart, have a nice day. And yes that was sarcastic.

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Go to my feed, what is racist?

The part you deleted where you called someone a thug based on reading their twitter...you came to a conclusion based on....

I came to a conclusion based on the exact same reasoning you used. I'm like a mirror image of yourself.

[moderator note -- personal attack removed]

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