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Audit of the Ag College


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is this all you got to bring ndsu down on an athletic message board? some audits?

Did you notice I asked in the "Community" section? There are other reasons people would be interested in the audit other than athletics. I call them "North Dakota taxpayers".

I take it you feel "some audits" won't be a problem for the Aggies?

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Did you notice I asked in the "Community" section? There are other reasons people would be interested in the audit other than athletics. I call them "North Dakota taxpayers".

I take it you feel "some audits" won't be a problem for the Aggies?

Remember you're getting audited too and the last time I checked your house was over too. Careful what you wish for.

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Remember you're getting audited too and the last time I checked your house was over too. Careful what you wish for.

I'm not getting audited. Maybe UND is. If UND did something wrong, heads should roll. If the Ag College did something wrong, heads should roll.

My house wasn't over. I used my UND budgeting skills. :lol:

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I suspect the audit will have some pretty rough news for NDSU. In the end it will probably, for better or for worse, have repercussions for all ND schools. There will be steps taken to make sure that no President can stray out of bounds like Joe did with some of his spending. The net result will probably be good for all of us in the end. There is nothing wrong with accountability and I think we have seen how stuff can get stray and get out of bounds when accountability is lacking.

There is no question in my mind that there was less than stellar behavior in the way Chapman handled some of the money issues at NDSU. Like I said in a previous thread, Joe seemed to be a real mix of positive and negative qualities. That being said, He surely did move NDSU forward at an incredible speed.

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I suspect the audit will have some pretty rough news for NDSU. In the end it will probably, for better or for worse, have repercussions for all ND schools. There will be steps taken to make sure that no President can stray out of bounds like Joe did with some of his spending. The net result will probably be good for all of us in the end. There is nothing wrong with accountability and I think we have seen how stuff can get stray and get out of bounds when accountability is lacking.

There is no question in my mind that there was less than stellar behavior in the way Chapman handled some of the money issues at NDSU. Like I said in a previous thread, Joe seemed to be a real mix of positive and negative qualities. That being said, He surely did move NDSU forward at an incredible speed.

Yeah, you tend to travel pretty fast down slippery slopes! Next time hopefully you have a good set of chains on the tires and maybe check the brakes before going down this path again...remember, Fargo is the largest metro market in the state and therefore should be allowed these benefits :lol: (e.g. First among equals I think is what Ol Joe would say!).


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I suspect the audit will have some pretty rough news for NDSU. In the end it will probably, for better or for worse, have repercussions for all ND schools. There will be steps taken to make sure that no President can stray out of bounds like Joe did with some of his spending. The net result will probably be good for all of us in the end. There is nothing wrong with accountability and I think we have seen how stuff can get stray and get out of bounds when accountability is lacking.

There is no question in my mind that there was less than stellar behavior in the way Chapman handled some of the money issues at NDSU. Like I said in a previous thread, Joe seemed to be a real mix of positive and negative qualities. That being said, He surely did move NDSU forward at an incredible speed.

WBM - The scary part is the absolute denial by many about what has taken place. Even your comment about Chapman limits his misconduct to financial matters. To me, it goes far beyond his financial mismanagement. I am talking abuse of power and signs of it were all over the media and many choose to ignore them. Here is a link to a news article from 2006. http://www.bismarcktribune.com/news/local/...aa9191e3fc.html

When I read this article, I see parents (Hoeven and Paulsen) enabling (Chapman) bad behavior.. Chapman is gone.. unfortunately the enablers are still around. Nobody is talking about the roles for Hoeven and Paulsen in all of this.

Gov. John Hoeven became involved, meeting with board members John Q. Paulsen and Richie Smith in Fargo in late February to discuss Potts' job performance as the top administrator of North Dakota's university system.


On Feb. 28, Hoeven, Paulsen and Smith met in Fargo to discuss Potts' performance as chancellor and the possibility that Chapman might leave NDSU. At the time, he was a finalist for the presidency of the University of Wyoming. He subsequently withdrew from consideration.

"According to Mr. Paulsen, the governor did not want NDSU to lose a good president, and had concerns about the leadership style of Chancellor Potts," the opinion says. "After the meeting, Mr. Paulsen and Mr. Smith held further conversations about whether Chancellor Potts was a good fit for the university system."

Hoeven had also expressed dissatisfaction with Potts during casual conversations with other board members, the opinion says. The opinion does not detail why Hoeven was unhappy. The governor was not immediately available for comment Friday.

Chapman was widely believed to have asked for a higher salary, renovations to the NDSU president's home and Potts' dismissal as conditions for remaining at NDSU, Stenehjem's opinion says.

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My only issues with Chapman are the handling of some of the finances. Take that away and I am happy with his moving NDSU forward.

So who cares about ethics or being a person of integrity. You are a president of a university and students look up to you. I am sorry WBM you are absolutely wrong on this one. His moving of NDSU forward was at the expense of ndsu faculty, staff, students and nd taxpayers. In the short run it hurts us all in the long run it hurts ndsu.

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My only issues with Chapman are the handling of some of the finances. Take that away and I am happy with his moving NDSU forward.

Thanks for your honest answer, one other question - due you believe that both schools should be working within a system that tries to provides maximum benefit to the State of North Dakota?

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So who cares about ethics or being a person of integrity. You are a president of a university and students look up to you. I am sorry WBM you are absolutely wrong on this one. His moving of NDSU forward was at the expense of ndsu faculty, staff, students and nd taxpayers. In the short run it hurts us all in the long run it hurts ndsu.

I think that's rather daft.

I've explained my thoughts on Chapman before and I'll repeat parts here.

He screwed the pooch on finances and this is just yet another reminder of that.

People talk about how wonderful a President Clinton was, if you disregard the whole Monica Lewinsky thing. Well... What's it gonna be? Chapman tried aggressively to further the interests of NDSU. He cut corners and made mistakes. Instead of trying to right them, he covered them up. To me, it's kindof like a compulsive gambler. Sure, he just lost his car at the blackjack table, but if he just bets the house on this next hand, he'll get the car back AND keep his house right?

It doesn't make it right. It was the right idea to get rid of him. However, he wasn't Satan. He did eat small children.

I think it is ok for NDSU fans, students, staff, and other NDSU supporters to remember the positives Chapman gave to NDSU. You can't dismiss the negatives, but you can't turn a blind eye to the positives because he did something remarkably unethical and stupid.

And no, I wasn't a supporter of Clinton but (HUMOR STATEMENT FOLLOWS) I understand to a certain extent. I just think Clinton is an idiot. Yeah, he's married to evil, but he could have chosen someone a bit better looking than Lewinsky, don't you think? He was the freaking President!

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