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How Many Years Will Haks Be Sioux Coach Poll?


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Our epic failure at last year's Final Five and vs NH combined with this year's poor showing is not going to bode well with the alumni. Blaiser will not come back...Maybe for $400k per. He'll go to Minni before GF :sad:

I think he would come back. I went to school with his kid and he has lots of special connections in this town. He would leave UNO for UND. Minny will not get rid of tDon unless they are at the bottom with us again this year.

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this thread is stupid, someone please close it.

So you like how the Sioux are doing so far and it's wrong to want a coach like Blais back? I'd take him in a minute and contribute to his salary = this can't hold a 2 goal lead team is frustrating me

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How do you now bringing Blais back would change ANYTHING? You can postulate and say this and that all you want, but you can't say with ANY certainty we'd be at a different position this point in the season. That being said I can't say that we wouldn't be. Teams have off years, we'll get over it, the road is tough but not impossible.

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How do you now bringing Blais back would change ANYTHING? You can postulate and say this and that all you want, but you can't say with ANY certainty we'd be at a different position this point in the season. That being said I can't say that we wouldn't be. Teams have off years, we'll get over it, the road is tough but not impossible.

Maybe it won't but it might be better then the status quo.

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More hilarity on the SiouxSports forums with more and more idiots who want Hak fired after his first less-than-stellar season...which isn't even over yet.

Without knowing for sure, I'd guess that the elementary school kids in GF must have typing lessons in computer class on the Sioux Sports forums....

Having Blais here would REALLY fire up the ol' whiners here with his inconsistency as a head coach...overachieve with crap teams, underachieve with great ones...

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I have heard enough about Mr. Blais, he had his chance - did good, but chose to move on. To continue to bask in the glory days of his reign only exposes our desire to live in the past. It is time to move on - he did! Coach Hakstal has also been given his chance and judging by the fact that he is still here, the folks that evaluate his performance must find it acceptable. Consequently, their evaluation criteria of his performance must be different from those of us that have chosen to post on this and other similar threads. I happen to think that with the tools in the toolbox of who ever coaches the University of North Dakota hockey team undedrstands that high expectations are appropriate. Consequently, I think that time is NEAR that the opportunity be given to someone who is on their way up the coaching ranks, someone who understands what it means to wear the green, white, black and pink! Someone who understands the high expectations and recruits accordingly, someone who has the ability to translate to his players what it means to wear the Sioux sweater and perhaps most importantly, someone who understands that the future of wearing that logo is in the hands of the young men he motivates to embody the spirit we have fought with so that they and future generations will also be able to associate that logo with the Univesity of North Dakota. Notwithstanding good intentions - the proof is .... well we all have our opinions. I would take note of experienced coaches like Jim Archabald, not sure how his team is doing - but I have heard good things that he has done in a short period of time, as I believe that his (and countless others I am sure) time is at hand.

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It's not just a Dean Blais thing. The longer the Sioux hold on to this clown Hakstol, the longer they will be "usually good, but never great". Lucia will get fired after this year or next at the latest, everyone knows that the world's worst kept secret is Blais is next in line for the Gopher job. Blais will bring in guys like Steve Johnson, Brad Berry, or other former Sioux players that would make excellent Sioux coaches. So the longer they wait, they are not just missing out on the best choice (Blais) they are missing out on choices 2 and 3 too.

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