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Dusting off an old thread: Fire Hakstol?


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I thought Denver did a great job killing that off. They were pressing out and not letting UND even get a good shot off. Great work by the Denver D.

They did, to be fair.

But it is frustrating when 3 skaters can out play 5.

Every time the PP goes down the ice, especially on a 5 on 3, they have an odd man rush. There shouldn't be ANY reason for them not to put the puck on net.

And I'm growing weary of the timely goaltending garbage.

If we score more than 2 goals, we're always in a great position to win. Period.

The fact that we can't score on the PP or finish otherwise is the problem.

Sorry guys, pine away for JPL, he's gone.

Nice to see though, that our faith in our netminder who is certainly not the top but is among the top goaltenders in the WCHA is rather sad.

I can't wait to see all the criticism that will inevitably be thrown Gothberg's way. I just hope the guy leads the league in shutouts every year he's a sioux, has a GAA of round about 1.00 and a save% of around .960 Because, .900-.920 isn't good enough apparently.

Whatever. :sad:

One last question to the Eidsness haters: How does Eidsness steal a game for a team that can't score? OH I KNOW! If Eidsness gives up 1 goal or more, he's a failure.


I love it when the bar is set about 4000 feet higher than is reasonably attainable.

"Criticize" away.

In Hak I trust.

In Eidsness I trust.


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They did, to be fair.

But it is frustrating when 3 skaters can out play 5.

Every time the PP goes down the ice, especially on a 5 on 3, they have an odd man rush. There shouldn't be ANY reason for them not to put the puck on net.

And I'm growing weary of the timely goaltending garbage.

If we score more than 2 goals, we're always in a great position to win. Period.

The fact that we can't score on the PP or finish otherwise is the problem.

Sorry guys, pine away for JPL, he's gone.

Nice to see though, that our faith in our netminder who is certainly not the top but is among the top goaltenders in the WCHA is rather sad.

I can't wait to see all the criticism that will inevitably be thrown Gothberg's way. I just hope the guy leads the league in shutouts every year he's a sioux, has a GAA of round about 1.00 and a save% of around .960 Because, .900-.920 isn't good enough apparently.

Whatever. :sad:

One last question to the Eidsness haters: How does Eidsness steal a game for a team that can't score? OH I KNOW! If Eidsness gives up 1 goal or more, he's a failure.


I love it when the bar is set about 4000 feet higher than is reasonably attainable.

"Criticize" away.

In Hak I trust.

In Eidsness I trust.


Defensively the Sioux have let in 4 goals the last three games. That isn't a lot. They lost on Friday and still moved up nationally in the defensive rankings.

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Defensively the Sioux have let in 4 goals the last three games. That isn't a lot. They lost on Friday and still moved up nationally in the defensive rankings.

And they have only scored 4 goals, and 1 was an ENG, in the last 4 games and dropped nationally in offensive rankings!?!?

This discussion of team rankings, GAA, how well we played, blal, blah, blah...is irrelevant if this team can't score and get a "W". If we wind up #5 nationally in defensive rankings and don't make the NCAA field, I will fail to see any relevance in that statistic.

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And they have only scored 4 goals, and 1 was an ENG, in the last 4 games and dropped nationally in offensive rankings!?!?

This discussion of team rankings, GAA, how well we played, blal, blah, blah...is irrelevant if this team can't score and get a "W". If we wind up #5 nationally in defensive rankings and don't make the NCAA field, I will fail to see any relevance in that statistic.

I totally agree with that. I understand the players may be going through some bad "puck luck" and they share some of the responsibility, I am really starting to question the coaching staff. The pp is absolutely horrible. I mean we must be last in the NCAA in pp goals. I don't understand if this is just more mental then anything. All I know is that it is frustrating as hell. The damn gophers are 1 point away from us. Looks like we will be sitting right next to Michigan Tech at the bottom of the WCHA. To me that is absolutely unacceptable.

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I totally agree with that. I understand the players may be going through some bad "puck luck" and they share some of the responsibility, I am really starting to question the coaching staff. The pp is absolutely horrible. I mean we must be last in the NCAA in pp goals. I don't understand if this is just more mental then anything. All I know is that it is frustrating as hell. The damn gophers are 1 point away from us. Looks like we will be sitting right next to Michigan Tech at the bottom of the WCHA. To me that is absolutely unacceptable.

Not last in the NCAA. Not last in the league. Actually still in the top half of the WCHA yet in spite of the dry spell. Even ahead of Denver in both percentage and total goals. Yet another example of the overreaction of so many people.

Power Play: Totals SHA PCT

1 Colorado College 36/153 3 23.5

2 Minnesota Duluth 38/164 3 23.2

3 Wisconsin 27/133 3 20.3

4 St. Cloud State 29/145 2 20.0

5 North Dakota 29/149 2 19.5

6 Denver 26/134 3 19.4

7 Minnesota 20/108 2 18.5

8 Minnesota State 24/137 1 17.5

9 Michigan Tech 17/111 6 15.3

10 Alaska Anchorage 15/125 11 12.0

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Not last in the NCAA. Not last in the league. Actually still in the top half of the WCHA yet in spite of the dry spell. Even ahead of Denver in both percentage and total goals. Yet another example of the overreaction of so many people.

Yet another example of a meaningless stat. :sad:

So that fact that we are 5th in the league in PP numbers masks that fact that we are 6th in league standings! Seems to me the latter fact is more relevent.

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Yet another example of a meaningless stat. :sad:

So that fact that we are 5th in the league in PP numbers masks that fact that we are 6th in league standings! Seems to me the latter fact is more relevent.

Take a pill. If you read the entire post you would see that the stat was in reference to someone claiming that UND must be in last place in power play goals in the entire NCAA. They are not even close to last in the league much less all of college hockey. A short stretch in the middle of the season does not normally define the entire season.

The point is that people overreact and think the season is over. The team is having a lot of trouble scoring right now. They have scored plenty of goals at other points of this season, so they have the capability. This isn't the first time a team has had a scoring drought. It sucks that they can't score right now and are losing games. It is not a guarantee that they will continue to have problems scoring the rest of the season. This could continue and they could lose a lot more games. Or they could break out of this slump at any time and go on another tear. Or something in between could happen. No one knows what is going to happen the rest of the season. That's why they play the games.

As far as the fact that the team is in 6th place in the standings right now, that is just as useless a fact. The standings in January are meaningless. What counts is where the team is at the end of the regular season and even more important is where they are in April. So give me a break with your outrage.

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Take a pill. If you read the entire post you would see that the stat was in reference to someone claiming that UND must be in last place in power play goals in the entire NCAA. They are not even close to last in the league much less all of college hockey. A short stretch in the middle of the season does not normally define the entire season.

The point is that people overreact and think the season is over. The team is having a lot of trouble scoring right now. They have scored plenty of goals at other points of this season, so they have the capability. This isn't the first time a team has had a scoring drought. It sucks that they can't score right now and are losing games. It is not a guarantee that they will continue to have problems scoring the rest of the season. This could continue and they could lose a lot more games. Or they could break out of this slump at any time and go on another tear. Or something in between could happen. No one knows what is going to happen the rest of the season. That's why they play the games.

As far as the fact that the team is in 6th place in the standings right now, that is just as useless a fact. The standings in January are meaningless. What counts is where the team is at the end of the regular season and even more important is where they are in April. So give me a break with your outrage.


0-28 . That really is all that needs to be said. That is pathetic.

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Again Goon I really hope you are right. I respect your great hockey mind as you are the posting guru.

Fanatic but I am far from a great hockey mind. I having a hard time keeping up beat and possitive though.

I do think the law of averages are that eventually as hard as they have worked they will be rewarded.

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Fanatic but I am far from a great hockey mind. I having a hard time keeping up beat and possitive though.

I do think the law of averages are that eventually as hard as they have worked they will be rewarded.

I get frustrated like most of us (hence why my posting on game threads have dropped drastically), but I agree with Goon.

We got to keep optimistic. We've had a lot of adversity this year. I rant about several disappointing aspects, sure, but if the worst occurs and this year turns into a rebuilding year, then I can honestly say this team looks to grow into an absolute beast.

I can remember some years past (like 2001-2002) where I had no such feeling.

Down years suck... and this year isn't a down year...yet. I argue that a down year can only be determined either very early or very late in the season. As long as we're in the running mathematically we're not in a down year.

This team is still very competitive. We have flaws right now, big ones, but we're still in the mix.

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We need to plant Blood or Davidson in front of their net when on the powerplay and make their defense focus on them and open up some additional ice for our skilled players to get into some better shooting lanes!

I agree that we need to plant someone in front of the net... however, I really like Blood's shot.

I recall at one point UND had Dmen like Greene, Smaby, and even Finley streak down the off wing and set up for a one timer down low. I think Blood should do this too.

Actually, last night, I noticed one such attempt. It was saved by Cheverie, but I loved the idea. Kristo swung out wide and whipped the puck cross ice from the boards to the center ice side of the faceoff circles where Blood was. Blood ripped the puck at the net. Unfortunately, he carried the puck a bit before shooting it. If Blood works on his release and his one timer, that could be a LETHAL combo.

Also, I might be more in favor of putting Marto with Kristo on the first unit. Put Blood one the second unit. Blood has become a great QB of the PP. Not as dynamic a scorer as Genoway, but that's not his game anyways. I know it would split up Marto and LaPoint, but that's ok. I think being opposite Kristo will help Marto and being opposite Blood will help LaPoint on special teams.

Also, I think having a trailer on carry-ins would help. If a player breaks into the zone even marginally alone, it's a useless action unless he can break free of the D, which is VERY difficult to manage. So... have a trailer come in. The trailer can either set up center ice for a centering pass or go far corner so the one with the puck can send it down the boards. We don't follow so we get players like last night who get into the zone alright but are pretty well covered, manage to break free to make a centering pass...to no one.

I like the fact we're throwing the puck at the net, but I don't like the fact that we're not following the puck in to hunt for a rebound. If Cheverie mishandles the puck, we should make him pay.

I hate to use Hakstol's cliche' but... we're almost there. We just need to follow through and finish. That's harder than it is for them to do than for me to say though. We are in a mighty offensive slump right now.

Oh, and 82 - I'm right with ya on the stat thingy.

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As far as the fact that the team is in 6th place in the standings right now, that is just as useless a fact. The standings in January are meaningless. What counts is where the team is at the end of the regular season and even more important is where they are in April. So give me a break with your outrage.

No outrage, just tired of hearing "We are 0 for whatever on the PP but all that means is we are due." :huh: "We are statistically ranked (#) in this category." :sad: What does any of that have to do with wins or loses??? You seem to be pretty special at floating opinions and trival numbers around. So if we lose tonight, which is a possibility, and UM wins, which is a possibility and we drop to 7th in the WCHA...remember to tell everyone that's a useless fact as well.

BTW the last time I looked the games in Dec. and Jan. counted the same in the standings as the games in Feb. and March. ALL those games lead to potentially getting some where in April.

We are a .500 team in our own league. That's what we are...period. Do I feel this team has the potential to be there in April? Possibly. But you disregarding the obvious, our current record and place in the WCHA, as a "useless fact" is actually humerous.

Goodness, spin only goes so far, but you are working it.

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No outrage, just tired of hearing "We are 0 for whatever on the PP but all that means is we are due." :huh: "We are statistically ranked (#) in this category." :sad: What does any of that have to do with wins or loses??? You seem to be pretty special at floating opinions and trival numbers around. So if we lose tonight, which is a possibility, and UM wins, which is a possibility and we drop to 7th in the WCHA...remember to tell everyone that's a useless fact as well.

BTW the last time I looked the games in Dec. and Jan. counted the same in the standings as the games in Feb. and March. ALL those games lead to potentially getting some where in April.

We are a .500 team in our own league. That's what we are...period. Do I feel this team has the potential to be there in April? Possibly. But you disregarding the obvious, our current record and place in the WCHA, as a "useless fact" is actually humerous.

Goodness, spin only goes so far, but you are working it.

I'm not trying to spin anything. After watching sports for many years I've come to realize that teams have streaks. Good streaks and bad streaks. Even the most talented teams can have bad streaks when they aren't playing well and when things aren't going right for them. The challenge is to try to limit the bad streaks, and extend the good streaks. UND is in one of those bad streaks right now. I just don't get that upset about going through the bad streaks or get overly excited about the good streaks because I know they will eventually end. The frustrating thing is not knowing when or knowing what position you will be in when it does end.

Where you are in the standings at any point in the middle of the year really doesn't make much of a difference. It isn't worth getting upset about. The only thing that matters is where you are at the end of the year. If you are near the bottom in the middle of the year it is going to be tough to get to the top by the end of the year. But being in the middle of the pack right now isn't the worst thing in the world. I am more concerned about whether they can work their way out of this funk in time for the playoffs. Home ice in the playoffs would be great, and they still have a good chance at it. But even if they have to go on the road I think they have proven they can play with anyone and win if they find that scoring touch they had earlier in the season. There is plenty of talent on the team, they are getting scoring chances, they are playing great team defense. They just need to break out of their scoring slump and they will start winning games.

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I'm not trying to spin anything. After watching sports for many years I've come to realize that teams have streaks. Good streaks and bad streaks. Even the most talented teams can have bad streaks when they aren't playing well and when things aren't going right for them. The challenge is to try to limit the bad streaks, and extend the good streaks. UND is in one of those bad streaks right now. I just don't get that upset about going through the bad streaks or get overly excited about the good streaks because I know they will eventually end. The frustrating thing is not knowing when or knowing what position you will be in when it does end.

Where you are in the standings at any point in the middle of the year really doesn't make much of a difference. It isn't worth getting upset about. The only thing that matters is where you are at the end of the year. If you are near the bottom in the middle of the year it is going to be tough to get to the top by the end of the year. But being in the middle of the pack right now isn't the worst thing in the world. I am more concerned about whether they can work their way out of this funk in time for the playoffs. Home ice in the playoffs would be great, and they still have a good chance at it. But even if they have to go on the road I think they have proven they can play with anyone and win if they find that scoring touch they had earlier in the season. There is plenty of talent on the team, they are getting scoring chances, they are playing great team defense. They just need to break out of their scoring slump and they will start winning games.

let's keep one thing in mind in hak's first two years the second half "run" didn't start until mid feb or later. in fact his first year we took three of four the last two weekends heading into the playoffs and went on to the title game. hak's second year it was a sweep of duluth in mid feb to get us going after we were swept at home by scsu and split with cc on the road. a split against the third ranked team in your own building isn't the worse thing in the world heading into feb. we still control our own destiny in the wcha race but it all starts tonight. we just need to start scoring.

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How about an example of bad streaks. I will give you 3 Fighting Sioux teams from the past 10 years. One team had a 10 game streak with a record of 4-4-2. Another had a 10 game streak with a record of 3-6-1. A third had a 10 game streak of 2-7-1. Any idea of which teams are which? I'll give you a hint, none of them is 2001-2002 which had a worst 10 game streak of 2-7-1. The worst of the 3 example years was 2002-2003. You may have heard of the coach, a guy named Dean Blais. Top scorers for the year were Brandon Bochenski, Zach Parise and David Lundbohm. It started the end of January through early March. The team went to the NCAAs and lost to Ferris State the first round. The 3-6-1 streak was 2004-2005, Hak's first year. One of the games was a loss to the World Junior team. The streak ran through January and into February. The team ended up losing in the National Championship game to our "friends" from Denver. The 4-4-2 team? That is UND's record for the last 10 games. My point? Bad streaks happen, even to good teams. They don't predict the outcome of the season.

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How about an example of bad streaks. I will give you 3 Fighting Sioux teams from the past 10 years. One team had a 10 game streak with a record of 4-4-2. Another had a 10 game streak with a record of 3-6-1. A third had a 10 game streak of 2-7-1. Any idea of which teams are which? I'll give you a hint, none of them is 2001-2002 which had a worst 10 game streak of 2-7-1. The worst of the 3 example years was 2002-2003. You may have heard of the coach, a guy named Dean Blais. Top scorers for the year were Brandon Bochenski, Zach Parise and David Lundbohm. It started the end of January through early March. The team went to the NCAAs and lost to Ferris State the first round. The 3-6-1 streak was 2004-2005, Hak's first year. One of the games was a loss to the World Junior team. The streak ran through January and into February. The team ended up losing in the National Championship game to our "friends" from Denver. The 4-4-2 team? That is UND's record for the last 10 games. My point? Bad streaks happen, even to good teams. They don't predict the outcome of the season.

There you go with stats again.

You must like being attacked. :sad:

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I am so upset with the performance or lack their of this weekend. We got swept in our own house. What the hel# is up with that. This team is going no where fast. I have to think coaching is a big reason we have no mental toughness this year. Our pp is totally pathetic and every week it seems like we haven't even tried to adjust. I think our young d core is starting to make some bad decisions. Our goaltending can be good and horrible at times. We currently have two goaltenders who are not playing very well and one just quite honestly looks like a deer in the headlights. (Dell)

I love the sioux with all my fiber but this has got to be one of the most frustrating seasons I can remember. I can't believe DU beat us 4 times this year. I hate to say it but with the sweep this weekend it is going to take an act of god for us to resurrect this season. My prediction. Put a fork in us we are done.

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Like I posted earlier in this thread Hakstols mo has been start off on fire then slowly fade away no championships from him look at his USHL record as head coach. He never changes anything, no fire and our offense is to cycle the puck and kill time on the walls. He thinks LaPoint is just awesome he couldn't play for any other team in the WCHA, I have never seen a Sioux defenseman so afraid to get hit and just panics with the puck or holds it until he can tie up with another player. Haks not getting it done period, look at the frozen fours not prepared, not ready and gets a deer in the headlite look when we are behind. This is not Sioux hockey in my book.

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Here's all you need to know about the Sioux season - how many times have we puked up a 2 goal lead? - Now - how many times have we rallied for a victory

This isn't Sioux Hockey as I expect it to be - can't hold a lead - get swept at home - let people camp out in front of the goal - Come on Hak - get things goiing

Things that may make me puke if I see them on this board again-

We're really close

The refs cost us the game

I wouldn't want to be _______ (insert the name of our next opponent) - implying that next week we'll be really motivated to beat someone

We ran into a hot goalie

We are due for a breakout any game now

We can run 4 lines that can score at any time - It will be impossible for anyone to stay with us

If only Genoway hadn't gotten hurt we'd be ___________ (insert your idea = leading the league? a real contender? national champions?)

The power play isn't that bad (have you seen it in person?)

We can still salvage the season if we get going next week - We've been through how many next weeks so far?

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