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simply a crap ass effort vs a crap team in state. the sioux deserved to lose and congrats to state. 3 would have won this game and the sioux failed to show up for 60 full minutes. dont let the shot chart fool you. very few scoring chances for the sioux. BE was very good again and kept the sioux in the game to the end. better forget about this very bad loss and beat up tech tomorrow. i thought genoway needed to take a wrister wide open in the end , oh wel. sioux sucked today and deserved to lose.

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Who the hell cares if we beat Tech....that will do no good anyway....LOUSY...MSU breaks an 11 game losing streak! Pathetic

yeah, might as well just lose to them then :D i hear ya, frusterating game. they were pathetic tonight except BE

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Aw, c'mon, guys! There's a helluva lot of hockey left. We had a good streak going; it ended; so we'll just start another one.

of course we can but losing to a team as bad as mich state doesnt help anything overall. they are awful and we were awful as well today

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I am not typically critical of the coaches but that was the most uninspired Sioux performance this season and the blame has to rest on their shoulders.

I have to wonder if they ate turkey for lunch today? That was horrible another game where Hak was out coached again.

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I didn't get to listen to much of the game, but there is no excuse for losing to a craphole team like Michigan State. I don't want to hear "Well, they're a good team, you have to give them credit, blah, blah, blah" because they are not a good team. This is the cosmic equivalent of losing to Alaska-Fairbanks or one of those mediocre EZAC teams. And I really don't want to hear about Jeff Lerg, either. If we can't beat a lousy team who has a good goaltender, how are we going to beat a good team with a good goaltender? The answer is we won't. These games are absolutely critical for our NCAA tournament chances and we are squandering those chances with losses like this. It looks like we will have to win the Final Five to get an NCAA bid. Assuming we even get there.

End rant.

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Aw, c'mon, guys! There's a helluva lot of hockey left. We had a good streak going; it ended; so we'll just start another one.

Yeah start a new one against MTU and then BSU?? And then get swept by the Gophers? This team is going nowhere.

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Aw, c'mon, guys! There's a helluva lot of hockey left. We had a good streak going; it ended; so we'll just start another one.

I want to believe in this team as much as anybody, but every time they look like they are developing some consistency, they go back into mediocre mode again. Until they develop some consistency from one week to the next, I will remain a doubting Thomas.

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I didn't get to listen to much of the game, but there is no excuse for losing to a craphole team like Michigan State. I don't want to hear "Well, they're a good team, you have to give them credit, blah, blah, blah" because they are not a good team. This is the cosmic equivalent of losing to Alaska-Fairbanks or one of those mediocre EZAC teams.

I would find another team to insert there UAF is pretty good this season. I would say WMU

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We have to get over the mental excuse of we'll get them tomorrow. I think there is a subconscious belief that sweeps are tough, so if we can pick up at least one win we are doing ok - whether that is valid or not it all flys out the window in tournament hockey! It's one and done! If they want to prepare for how it feels to lose the first game of the frozen four - how sick that feels, they should go back to their hotel rooms pack their bags and get on an airplane at midnight. Believe me it is a feeling you will not want to do again. Perhaps that is the motivation they need!

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Granted, I didn't see the game, I only listened to it online but it seems like Hennessey said, "the Sioux shoot just wide" or, "a Sioux pass just went behind the Sioux player" or, "the pass to a Sioux player just off his stick."

I give State credit for successfully playing the game they needed to play but my god, the Sioux need to play with some heart the entire game, not just the last 5 minutes.

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Yeah start a new one against MTU and then BSU?? And then get swept by the Gophers? This team is going nowhere.

So much love in the room! Not. As a Sioux fan, I understand--and experience-- disappointment and heartbreak with a loss but I'm not sure that's how I'd classify all this venom. Oh, well, everyone's entitled to his or her feelings. For me, tomorrow is another day, as Scarlet O'Hara would say. We'll handle Tech.

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Pathetic effort...too often in games like this, a game we should win, we play with no emotion, fall behind and then continuing playing as if we should have no problem coming back, then with a few min left someone must point to the scoreboard and realize we are behind. They work hard for a few min, score a goal, pull the goalie, game over, another loss.

This is a terrible Michigan State team. To lose one of the few remaining non-conference games left this season to them is extremely disheartening. At this point in the season we needed to win this game and we come up with this kind of effort.

They just made their path to the NCAA tourny much harder.

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So much love in the room! Not. As a Sioux fan, I understand--and experience-- disappointment and heartbreak with a loss but I'm not sure that's how I'd classify all this venom. Oh, well, everyone's entitled to his or her feelings. For me, tomorrow is another day, as Scarlet O'Hara would say. We'll handle Tech.

Based on tonight...no we will lose to Tech. This team is crap. Where the hell is Duncan and how the hell was he the Hobey winner? I know the answer is obvious but...

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Based on tonight...no we will lose to Tech. This team is crap. Where the hell is Duncan and how the hell was he the Hobey winner? I know the answer is obvious but...

Obviously you didn't watch the Tech/UM game from earlier. They looked worse than the Sioux did.

I'm not guaranteeing that the Sioux will win tomorrow, but it might be a better game.

"This team is crap." :D

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