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I figured out where our friend Jeff Dubay has been


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Speaking of one whose career I'd wish would fade into the sunset (through retirement...NOW).

Sorry, I'd rather listen to Dubay than the Hack...I mean Hawk.

Actually, they could plug Paul Charchian into the Dubay slot and wouldn't miss a beat. Unfortunately, the college hockey talk would go out the door, but every other aspect of the show would be improved. I can't think of any other current KFAN personality that would be a better fit.

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Actually, they could plug Paul Charchian into the Dubay slot and wouldn't miss a beat. Unfortunately, the college hockey talk would go out the door, but every other aspect of the show would be improved. I can't think of any other current KFAN personality that would be a better fit.

I'd still like the college hockey talk.

Down here in Omaha, there is no such thing. Husker football or nothing.

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Actually, they could plug Paul Charchian into the Dubay slot and wouldn't miss a beat. Unfortunately, the college hockey talk would go out the door, but every other aspect of the show would be improved. I can't think of any other current KFAN personality that would be a better fit.

Charch is the last person who I'd like to see take over. He is awful. Gaard is warming the seat up for his eventual takeover. Knowing Jeff, I wish him all of my best and hope and pray that he can get his life on the right track, however the legal process shakes out. Hopefully this arrest is a huge wakeup call for him.

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I'd still like the college hockey talk.

Down here in Omaha, there is no such thing. Husker football or nothing.

Not so fast, what about the Coach Kemp Show? It's even televised! Go Mavs.


Although he is a gopher sympathizer, I used to enjoy KFAN when I lived in GF. Hope it all works out.

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its the first thing i thought when reading that article. i will leave it at that.

No kidding, how in the world is using COKE any better than using METH? Oh, because it was only a small amount for personal use, he wasn't dealing it. Nice logic by the lawyer. Puffy is gone from KFAN, I hope they get someone who talks about college hockey.

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No kidding, how in the world is using COKE any better than using METH? Oh, because it was only a small amount for personal use, he wasn't dealing it. Nice logic by the lawyer. Puffy is gone from KFAN, I hope they get someone who talks about college hockey.

I'm not so sure he's gone. I think after he does his punishment they will give him a second chance. I think P.A. will push for it, and I think they will capitulate.

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The mere fact they're even discussing a "diversion" program will probably mean he cops a plea, goes into some sort of treatment plan and keeps his job, after a suspension. Powered coke is usually "ok" under most sentencing guidelines, but God help you if get caught with crack or meth rocks. :D

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The mere fact they're even discussing a "diversion" program will probably mean he cops a plea, goes into some sort of treatment plan and keeps his job, after a suspension. Powered coke is usually "ok" under most sentencing guidelines, but God help you if get caught with crack or meth rocks. :D

Well if you are "priveleged" and/or "fortunate" from a financial standpoint (as some on this site see it), you can buy the 'blow' in it's powedered form. Much easier to use. Bottom line is he'll get his job back as he has an "illness" and will be absolved from accountablility as he will be from foreclosing on his house to pay for the coke! ;):)

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I have said it before and I will say it again. Too bad for Puffy. I hope that he gets his life in order. Life is too cloudy

when lived under the crushing weight of drugs and other demons.

There is also no way that KFAN, or FSN, will have or take him back. He is kaput. Absent a written employment contract, he is "at will." He can be fired at any time, for any reason. He has given KFAN and FSN reason enough. If he does have a contract, it is likely strongly in favor of KFAN, and likely says "You do anthing to smear our reputation or yours, Kaputsville."

I do hope that KFAN gets someone in to talk college hockey. If Sagard, Greyeagle, or WPoS are looking for a career change, they oughta be ringing the phone right now.

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There is also no way that KFAN, or FSN, will have or take him back. He is kaput. Absent a written employment contract, he is "at will." He can be fired at any time, for any reason. He has given KFAN and FSN reason enough. If he does have a contract, it is likely strongly in favor of KFAN, and likely says "You do anthing to smear our reputation or yours, Kaputsville."

Err nice try, but "addiction" can trigger protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as under Minnesota law. Firing somebody, regardless of contract, who is working through an addiction can trigger a shiatstorm of legal exposure. Moreover, KFAN's owners probably do not want be portrayed in that light. If he had gotten pulled for DUI, I doubt the thread would be this long anyway.

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I get asked this all the time and this is not necessarily true. They have every right to fire him for using illegal drugs or more importantly for a felony arrest without triggering the ADA. THis is a bit dated, but explains the Justice Department's stance nicely - I usually print this out when asked if the ADA: LINK

The legitimate cases where the ADA prevents firing someone addicted to drugs typically comes up where the employee takes a leave to get treatment and is fired. I have never seen anyone successfully bring up the ADA after getting fired subsequent to getting arrested for drugs.

Err nice try, but "addiction" can trigger protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as under Minnesota law. Firing somebody, regardless of contract, who is working through an addiction can trigger a shiatstorm of legal exposure. Moreover, KFAN's owners probably do not want be portrayed in that light. If he had gotten pulled for DUI, I doubt the thread would be this long anyway.
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Err nice try, but "addiction" can trigger protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as under Minnesota law. Firing somebody, regardless of contract, who is working through an addiction can trigger a shiatstorm of legal exposure. Moreover, KFAN's owners probably do not want be portrayed in that light. If he had gotten pulled for DUI, I doubt the thread would be this long anyway.

While what you say may be true on the ADA, nothing will stop KFAN's owners, a large large corporation that could care less about light portrayal, from making sure he does not return to the airwaves. There may be a few sheckels of blood money paid if Dubay gets himself a snakey lawyer, but KFAN will make the business decision of making sure that the guy does not return to the airwaves. At least in this market. The guy now has zero cred as it is said in the industry.

A settlement could have him working for one of their radio stations in Timbuktu, but not in the Twin Cities. There are a raft of guys looking to take a job in radio, and there is nothing special or unique about Dubay that makes him indispensable to KFAN's market share. He is history here. His lawyer will make some dough, Dubay will get "better," and he will be, or already is, gone.

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Err nice try, but "addiction" can trigger protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as under Minnesota law. Firing somebody, regardless of contract, who is working through an addiction can trigger a shiatstorm of legal exposure. Moreover, KFAN's owners probably do not want be portrayed in that light. If he had gotten pulled for DUI, I doubt the thread would be this long anyway.

Admittedly, I'm not the lawyer here, but doesn't it make a difference if it is self-reported versus it coming to light like this did. For example, I walk into my boss, and admit that I'm addicted to cocaine and I need treatment. They need to work with me at that point. However, if I get caught by law enforcement breaking the law (felony), without ever having previously admitted the problem, isn't that different regarding my company's obligation to me?

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I hope that Dubay truly gets help and gets it quickly.

I have stated on here before. I have several members of my family that suffer from addiction, my dad died due to alcoholism. He just could not stop. I have a sibling who is going down the same path. I just hope people in this situation can get the help they need and lead a quality life without drugs and alcohol.

Get Well Dubay!!!

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Dubay Charged

Looks like Puff has officially been charged. This story from KARE 11 gets into quite a bit of depth about the actualy arrest and what led up to it. Palms to the sky Puff, pay your debt to society and get the help you need bud.

Dubay said he was in Maplewood to pay a drug debt of $200 and later admitted that he started using crack last year but put himself in treatment.

According to this story, he may have deeper problems than an arrest for crack.

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Dubay Charged

Looks like Puff has officially been charged. This story from KARE 11 gets into quite a bit of depth about the actualy arrest and what led up to it. Palms to the sky Puff, pay your debt to society and get the help you need bud.

this line really sticks out

"this incident would ruin his life."

i would say the incident may ruin his current career but hopefully will help save his life in another way if he chooses to. its all up to him. rehab can only do so much. ive dealt with a good friend on worse stuff than this and its all very scary and in the end. its up the the person. he made his bed now its his job to figure his crap out. he got caught. bottom line.

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Err nice try, but "addiction" can trigger protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as under Minnesota law. Firing somebody, regardless of contract, who is working through an addiction can trigger a shiatstorm of legal exposure. Moreover, KFAN's owners probably do not want be portrayed in that light. If he had gotten pulled for DUI, I doubt the thread would be this long anyway.

portrayed in what light? firing an employee who got arrested for illegal drug use/possesion? i'm not saying he will or won't be fired, but KFAN is well within their rights to kick him to the curb if they so choose. and the only reason the thread is this long is because of his public distaste for our team, which this happens to be a forum for... huh, wierd. and please, please don't try to rationalize your argument by putting alcohol and cocaine on the same level.

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this line really sticks out

"this incident would ruin his life."

i would say the incident may ruin his current career but hopefully will help save his life in another way if he chooses to. its all up to him. rehab can only do so much. ive dealt with a good friend on worse stuff than this and its all very scary and in the end. its up the the person. he made his bed now its his job to figure his crap out. he got caught. bottom line.

Good point, this could have saved his life.

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Thank god it's just coke!! :D

I love how before this recent news the Dubay apologists were banking on the fact that he wasn't in possession of meth, but merely the ingredients to make it. As if that is somehow better.

It's called karma. How many times has Dubay made light of COLLEGE KID's legal troubles on the air? If COLLEGE KIDS being arrested for underage drinking, something that probably 90% of all of them do, is open season for him then Puffy's recent misadventures definitely are for us.

It's hilarious that now that the shoe is on the other foot our hearts are supposed to go out to Puffy and we're supposed to protect his privacy.

I hope for our sake his career isn't over, because if he ever steps foot in Engelstad Arena again, we will be merciless.

Karma's a b|tch.


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Thank god it's just coke!! :D

I love how before this recent news the Dubay apologists were banking on the fact that he wasn't in possession of meth, but merely the ingredients to make it. As if that is somehow better.

It's called karma. How many times has Dubay made light of COLLEGE KID's legal troubles on the air? If COLLEGE KIDS being arrested for underage drinking, something that probably 90% of all of them do, is open season for him then Puffy's recent misadventures definitely are for us.

It's hilarious that now that the shoe is on the other foot our hearts are supposed to go out to Puffy and we're supposed to protect his privacy.

I hope for our sake his career isn't over, because if he ever steps foot in Engelstad Arena again, we will be merciless.

Karma's a b|tch.


Their is a classy Siouxfan.

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