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Ralph Suggestions


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Stop making the average fan that goes to one of the end bars feel like they are inferior. Gees they watch you like a hawk like you're going to sneak into the other "restricted" area. I mean come on. I promise I'll just go back to my seat once you give me a drink.

They could lighten up a little. I have seen what you mean. :lol:

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They need to update the banners of some of the NHL teams hanging above the bar. Also, if they are going to display the #23 banner as a retired number for Ralph, why not hang a #12 banner for Terry Casey?

Other musings....the band needs to play the beer song less than twice a game, it was so much better when it was played once a game at the old ralph...it's kind of lost some of it's meaning now that they play it after every goal.....Put the students at the Zamboni end. I don't care who gets upset because they lose their favorite seat, it's where the students belong and those STH can get the seats vacated by the students (which Mr. Buning claimed were the best seats in the arena....pshhh).....Turkey bowling every night baby!!!!.....no more prostituting children as chicken dancers....better warmup music....better music, period.

And here's my best idea, how about one of the sections in the student section should be allowed to have alcohol. I think it's ridiculous that being over 21, when I go to a game I can't have a beer in my seat. I understand that the student section should be no-alcohol for the most part....but perhaps in say, section 307 and 306A, they could allow alcohol. Remember, it's not only students who sit up there but the general public that buy the leftover tickets. Just imagine yourself, a 30 or 40-something alumni of UND and you buy a general admission ticket to a game, you buy yourself a beer and a hot-dog and go to your seat only to find that you are not allowed to have a beer in your seat. It's ridiculous. We need a portion of the General Admission seating to allow alcohol.

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It was the students behavior that resulted in no alcohol in the student section. They had the privilege and lost it when they vandalized the seats in their section as well as other behavior I can't comment on because I don't have first hand knowledge about it.

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Make it ok for me to stand and cheer the last few mintues of a game when I'm tryign to fire my team up. Rather than having people yell at me to "SIT DOWN", let them stand up too and encourage the boys.

I would love for that to happen. One thing that I always think about that is three years ago when with two minutes left with the game tied, we went on a power play versus SCSU and the people next to the student section spent most of the two minutes yelling at us to sit down. Yeah, we lost that game 18 seconds in ot with a SCSU player's first career goal with them.

It was the students behavior that resulted in no alcohol in the student section. They had the privilege and lost it when they vandalized the seats in their section as well as other behavior I can't comment on because I don't have first hand knowledge about it.

Would that be the same type of behavior that lost most of the lower bowl student section their cup holders on the arm rests?

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Yep. I was told that the students broke many of them, deliberately. :lol:

yeah, though I do wonder why they keep giving us paper since they know it will eventually find its way to the ice. Not that I think this is a good thing, i believe some people do need to learn a little self-control. though seriously, you give us teddy bears and tell us to throw them one weekend and give us glow sticks and forget to tell us not to throw them the next weekend, you are asking for them to end up on the ice.

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Just to add on.... keep the teddy bear night... I love it! It's really cool to see all the bears on the ice and it's for a great cause :lol:

I agree, but I say mix it up with chuck a puck. Rydell if so willing should bring the car back, but instead of whatever giveaway they do, put everyone who's ball got in in for a raffle for the car. I'm sure they would cover costs in a heartbeat.

I've also seen hot tubs wheeled out and the same thing done as an end of the season raffle.

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Another idea I would like to see done is create standing room somewhere, whether take the last couple rows out of one of the 300 sections, there is nothing like watching a game in standing room, also these tickets should only be sold the day of.

And if you have never stood standing room, there is no better feeling than showing up for a sold out game without a ticket and managing to get into the game and standing and drinking beer the entire game with all the guys.....and some gals.

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This is a very interesting thread to me.

I have always felt unimpressed with the atmosphere at the new ralph. I only see one series there per season as iInow live in Denver but it just doesn't seem to have the intesity that the old ralph did.

Some of you might find the following interesting;

Last January after being very frustrated at yet another home split I started to really contemplate what was up with our lack of home dominance. I guess i was still pretty vexed about that Michigan Tech sweep at home in '06. I looked up our vs WCHA record at home since the Sioux moved into the new Ralph. At that time i checked we were pretty much right at .500 all time.

Then I decided to do a little study by rewatching a game online while I was at work... ya know a good way to pass the day..

I watched the first game of the St. Cloud series, a game we lost 2-3. I payed attention to how the music and band worked the crowd. And let's just say it was very inlightening. I wrote it all down. It's at my desk at work and I can put it on here if anyone is interested.

But In a nut shell I concluded that the person who decides what tunes to play and when and whether or not to play a tune or do an add has absoutly no consideration for the enegy in the game. This is a huge detriment to perpetuating energy and enthusiasm

One example that stickes in my mind;

In the second period, I'm thinking it was 0-0, and the Sioux hadn't been doing much to give the crowd a reason to cheer. I think it was Osh that made a couple of nice moves and got a good shot off. The save was made and of course the wistle blew. The crowd woke up and was getting kind of pumped. Sweeney was all excited- ya all know how he gets. Then right away you hear the PA doing some informatinal spew about some upcoming event or some other stupid thing. and the place goes quiet in an instant.

This is just one example. Anyone who has a home game saved should check this out for themself, tell me if I'm off the mark here.

..There should be "cheer" "make noise" and "get loud" type messages when ever the team does something good and there is a subsequent stoppage in play.

Other obsevations;

Play more music that involves the crowd and I ait talk'n about YMCA!

They at one time played a Boy George song- people were getting all over that I tell you.

And when they did play a song that had interactive potential they played it at a time when nothing was going on AND they couldn't play it long enough to have an effect.

"We Will Rock You" has no effect on crowd energy when you play 4.5 seconds of it. So wait to play it after a good dominating series of plays and there is engough of a stopage in play.

Here is my suggestion to the management at the Ralph. Hire someone who has a degree in psychology or someone with an advertising background. ...ya know, a person who knows how to manipulate people. maybe give Rush a call he might have a cousin in the area.

Ya gotta pay atention to this aspect though.. especially with all those scandinavians up der in Grand Forks and that seasonal affective disorder issue in the middle of hockey season.

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But In a nut shell I concluded that the person who decides what tunes to play and when and whether or not to play a tune or do an add has absoutly no consideration for the enegy in the game. This is a huge detriment to perpetuating energy and enthusiasm

Just to inform everyone; there is more or less a rotation system between the band, canned music, and the PA. Goals will change this. The reason you hear the beer song more or less is that it is only played after goals. It's been this way since the old ralph.

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So I know that a ton of us can think of ways to better The Ralph "experience" so I thought it would be cool to start a thread where we can suggest some of them.

#1) Stop letting people run around while the puck is in play! There is nothing more aggravating to me than having to stand up and sit down 100 times a period because some numbskulls want to see how many beers they can down in 20 minutes!

Check out the X next year during the Final Five. The ONLY people you see sprinting around the aisles while the puck is in play are Sioux fans. Everyone else waits for a stoppage in play, then darts either to or from their seat.

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I think the biggest problem is they put two bars at the ends of the arena and there seems to be way too many people socializing and not watching the game. People texting on cell phones and talking about other stuff but hockey. Also, the new ralph is a nice arena but I don't think they have maximized a way to make it louder. I sure as heck don't want to go back to the old ralph not after experiencing the new...

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[but In a nut shell I concluded that the person who decides what tunes to play and when and whether or not to play a tune or do an ad has absoutly no consideration for the enegy in the game. This is a huge detriment to perpetuating energy and enthusiasm

One example that stickes in my mind;

In the second period, I'm thinking it was 0-0, and the Sioux hadn't been doing much to give the crowd a reason to cheer. I think it was Osh that made a couple of nice moves and got a good shot off. The save was made and of course the wistle blew. The crowd woke up and was getting kind of pumped. Sweeney was all excited- ya all know how he gets. Then right away you hear the PA doing some informatinal spew about some upcoming event or some other stupid thing. and the place goes quiet in an instant.

This is just one example. Anyone who has a home game saved should check this out for themself, tell me if I'm off the mark here.

And when they did play a song that had interactive potential they played it at a time when nothing was going on AND they couldn't play it long enough to have an effect.

"We Will Rock You" has no effect on crowd energy when you play 4.5 seconds of it. So wait to play it after a good dominating series of plays and there is engough of a stopage in play.

Here is my suggestion to the management at the Ralph. Hire someone who has a degree in psychology or someone with an advertising background. ..

Better yet...hire someone who actually "gets" hockey...the ebb and flow of the game . Your observations/comments are right on.

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I use to work at the Ralph for 5 years. Worked up in the production department. Where they do replays and hit of the game, and the music and all that crap. For the first 2 years I worked there, they hired as many as like 5 people to run the music Friday,Saturday, night. And they didnt have a designed play list, it was prety much the person running the sound board that night played what ever he wanted. Trust me that sucked ass, since I was the one who put all the songs into the player. So they need 1 person to play the songs and to get new songs also.

As for the nets, we 1st had white nets, but where shipped wrong, and black came. It took us many us 3 days to get that whole thing built, and raised up to the rafters, it sucked big time. So I dont know anymore about the white nets. Also i would like to see them do something with that bar that raises u and down above the zamboni doors. The one they used to raise the teams flag who won at world juniours. I put that up to, but know I dont think they do anything with it.

I moved down to the zamboni department, the last 3 years learning to drive zamboni from the legend Denny Gunderson, and got to know all of the players pretty well. And every game for 3 years I stood down by where the zamboni comes out and moved nets every game, and the only fans I would see get excited was the students. The fans(parents) in Wisconsin and Tech, are so much more excited to be at the games, I have never seen more fan participation than at a game in Wisconsin.

Also I know everyone like the Teddy Bear and the Glow Sticks night, but for me they sucked going out and picking all those things up. But I do have to say the Glow Stick thing was pretty cool seeing all those green light comming down in the dark.

As for the opening video, I might be able to get a copy of it, cause I know the guy who creates them for every series.

Sorry about the long rant.... :lol:

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With all of the suggestions,is there anyone on this thread that could or would write them into an organized letter and send it to the ones that could make the changes? I saw some very good ideas on here and sometimes that's all it takes is a letter written well that offers some suggestions. If anyone knows of the address and who it should be sent to, please post it on this thread.

My favorites:

1-Posting of the scores from around the WCHA

2-Organized cheers but not quite to the extreme of the Wisconsin fans (I was there for the Regional and thought it was over done) but they seemed excited.

3-Stop PA announcements at bad times

4-More band along with an occasional walk through the halls between periods playing the school song.

5-Reminder to people to stay in their seats when puck is in play.

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#1) Stop letting people run around while the puck is in play! There is nothing more aggravating to me than having to stand up and sit down 100 times a period because some numbskulls want to see how many beers they can down in 20 minutes!

Didn't I say that too? :lol:

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1. People need to quit leaving with 5 minutes left in the game.

2. After showing the Fighting Sioux video (respect for the tribal culture, etc.) give the crowd a chance to express their appreciation and quit jumping right into some canned music. Talk about disrespect - this is a pet peeve of mine.

3. I wholeheartedly agree with the comments about the inappropriate timing of some of the videos and the sound system. Whoever is doing it needs to work with the crowd and not against it.

4. Scores of other hockey games shown during the game - absolutely. I really liked it at the regional in Madison that we were able to follow the scores of the other games in progress.

5. The band needs to expand their repertoire (how's that for a big word!)

6. Leave the knitting and storybooks at home

7. Don't ever play the "Ole" song again at the Ralph. It is a soccer song, not a hockey song. We might just as well be listening to "Take Me Out to the Ballgame"

There are many other good suggestions people have made and I won't repeat them.

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7. Don't ever play the "Ole" song again at the Ralph. It is a soccer song, not a hockey song. We might just as well be listening to "Take Me Out to the Ballgame"

Someday, people will look upon that song as this generation's "what the hell?" along with the 1970's-1980's and that "John 3.16" guy and the 1990's "The Macarena." I'm watching the Canadiens/Flyers game tonight and the crowd spontaneously bursts out with the "Ole...Ole Ole Ole" song. In Montreal? The apocalypse is upon us.

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Someday, people will look upon that song as this generation's "what the hell?" along with the 1970's-1980's and that "John 3.16" guy and the 1990's "The Macarena." I'm watching the Canadiens/Flyers game tonight and the crowd spontaneously bursts out with the "Ole...Ole Ole Ole" song. In Montreal? The apocalypse is upon us.

It is sung in Montreal during the PP. In French, the verb "aller" means "to go" and so they sing "Allez . . . allez allez allez." Basically it's a "hey, go team" type of thing. With soccer being popular with Spanish speaking countries, it is sung as "Ole" instead of "Allez". At least that's how a French Canadian explained it to me.

And for random NCAA trivia: UMass Amherst has a player named Martin Nolet (rhymes with Ole) and whenever he has the puck, they chant "Nolet . . . Nolet, Nolet, Nolet."

So there really is a logical basis for its occurrence, whether people like it or not.

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