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Totally agree AZ! What a win. Interestingly enough, I never got upset in this game, even down 4-1. I was pleased with how they played as a whole, and I just felt like it might be one of those games where you don't get bounces.

I just got back from the game and I haven't read all the posts. But, overall you were pleased with the six odd-man rushes they gave up in the first ten minutes of the second period??? Two led to goals. The fourth goal was due to a complete lack of effort on the part of the sioux defense and center. I'm just wondering what was said on the bench and in the locker after that performance and the unbelievable performance of Duncan, Oshie and Kozek beginning at about the 15 minute mark of the second period.

Anyway, what a great win. To gut it out and take it back after basically giving it away. Wow...Great Win GREAT WIN...

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This Freeman guy was ok tonight. The teams were both there to try to win the game.

It was nice to see hockey like that.

The announcement after the hat trick was anything thrown on the ice that wasn't an hat would result in a UND penalty.

What was the deal with the refs tonight? Marco Hunt was listed as the ref, and Freeman was listed as an AR. Also, the real ARs, whoever they were, were wearing black jackets instead of the usual stripes. Was Hunt a linesman? That would explain some of the questionable offsides calls.

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What was the deal with the refs tonight? Marco Hunt was listed as the ref, and Freeman was listed as an AR. Also, the real ARs, whoever they were, were wearing black jackets instead of the usual stripes. Was Hunt a linesman? That would explain some of the questionable offsides calls.

Marco Hunt's luggage was delayed getting to him so he had to borrow virtually everything.
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Hunt was the referee. Apparently in the pre-game they said there was a mix-up in MSP and some of the luggage was lost. Hunt was wearing Freeman's shirt which I guess meant that the linesmen had to wear their jackets since Freeman's shirt was on Hunt's back. I was at the game and at first I thought maybe Freeman was the ref but then noticed he was a linesman like normal and it was definitely Hunt as the ref.

Never mind...not fast enough :D

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What was the deal with the refs tonight? Marco Hunt was listed as the ref, and Freeman was listed as an AR. Also, the real ARs, whoever they were, were wearing black jackets instead of the usual stripes. Was Hunt a linesman? That would explain some of the questionable offsides calls.

I've got it -- the black jacket was a disguise. One of the ARs was Hak. :D

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Dear UAA,

I would greatly appreciate a come-from-behind victory by your team tonight. Also, completing the sweep tomorrow would be ok with me too. I know you don't have a whole lot you're playing for but if you could just arrange these wins I will totally cheer for you to win your first round series with CC and even cheer for you at the Final Five if we don't play you. I'm sure you understand that your compliance with this plan is of utmost importance. Thank you for your time and effort.


Sioux fan who doesn't want to see Minnesota in the WCHA first round games

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I told a guy before the game that I expected a blow-up tonight: either Lammy finally lays an egg and gives up a five-spot or UND's offense finally gets on the roll everyone expected.

Who'da thought I'd be (darn near) right in both regards. (GAWD I love it when I appear so smart.) :D

The only d-man I'll give any kind of props to for an overall performance tonight is Genoway. Everyone else stunk up the joint most of the time. Chay seemed to be the only blueliner who dared skate the puck out of the zone and through neutral ice. The Pios weren't allowing the easy outlet pass, obvious from the score after 39 minutes of play.

Lammy sucked for at least half the game. Sorry, but you can't be giving away weak goals at this time of the season, to a team you're fighting with for position. That 5-hole was inexcusable; as were the big (to the circle!) rebounds he gave up several times. He wasn't in the game and, frankly, the Sioux were lucky the Pios missed a couple or it would've been out of hand. He did make a couple big saves in the third that were ultimately quite important.

After the first period I thought Denver was a severely over-rated team; they couldn't skate with the Sioux and their lack of talent was pretty evident. Nineteen minutes of the second changed my attitude however. And then I had to change my mind again! Two goals in 33 seconds can change even the most cynical old fart's mind! :)

Kozek might be finally (FINALLY!!!!!) finding himself. Helluva an effort by Oshie on the game-winner; all Andrew had to do was tap in the rebound just lying there. But his wristers on the first two were world-class. Mannino didn't have a chance.

Even though they show up Minus-1 on the score sheet I think Trupp and Frattin played well. Poor Trupp gets mauled out there. He's going to be fun to watch over the next couple of seasons. He and Frattin look like natural linemates, but I don't get Malone with them at all.

I think Denver thought they had the game in the bag in the second, and the Sioux just wanted it more. UND, I thought, clearly "won" the first, but Pios kicked the home team's azz until about a minute before Genoway's goal at the 19 minute mark of the second. Prior to that I felt Denver's cruise control click on. By the time Duncan got his goal, regardless of the scoreboard, I thought "Game Over". The shift in emotion was palpable.

This is one of those wins that a team can really build on. Friday's win in Minneapolis was great, but this game was lost and the Sioux somehow found the character to claw their way back into the game and ultimately win it. Denver has to be reeling after this game; it was in the bag and the Sioux simply took it away.

Someone said it in an earlier post, but it bears repeating: this was a true "character" win for the team. I'm still not sure of what kind of team this is: it surely isn't a big-hitting, intimidating power ala Greene, Jones, et al; nor is it a high-flying scoring machine like I thought it could be this season.

But with a win like this one lodged in their short-term memory banks (and a little sharper JPL in the nets) this team looks like they are really close to be able to put on a big run through April. I ain't ready to let them re-assume their pre-season No. 1 label yet, but that could be right around the corner.

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Funny how things go.

Early 2nd period, I was glad that I didn't go to the game.

Very late 2nd and 3rd, I was really wishing that I had gone to the game.

This will teach you to not be so "wishy washy". Care more and cheer more wether its win or lose. The losses hurt more and the wins become sweeter...

This was a game i was not expecting. This looked alot like a ccha game with alot of flow...denver out played us for 2.5 periods easily....we were lucky to get a little "puck luck"as u all talk about to keep us in this game. I guarentee Kozek is getting a little something something right now by a sweet little something.

We hope thay can come back and make a game tomorrow but something tells me we will suk and sit here wondering where our team went.

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This will teach you to not be so "wishy washy". Care more and cheer more wether its win or lose. The losses hurt more and the wins become sweeter...

This was a game i was not expecting. This looked alot like a ccha game with alot of flow...denver out played us for 2.5 periods easily....we were lucky to get a little "puck luck"as u all talk about to keep us in this game. I guarentee Kozek is getting a little something something right now by a sweet little something.

We hope thay can come back and make a game tomorrow but something tells me we will suk and sit here wondering where our team went.

Hmm...with the way you ended your post, I'm wondering who the "wishy washy" one is? :D

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Hmm...with the way you ended your post, I'm wondering who the "wishy washy" one is? :D

I know im not going to change the channel, but im not scared of seeing a team take a game off knowing the got the first 2 points. If we win with effort then great!!!! But if we win wiht lazy play i would be less then happy

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Best game at the Ralph in awhile! Exciting! Great win! Not everything goes as planned but a win is a win especially from 3 down.

Lammy was off--couple weak ones and lots of rebounds.

D-man (minus Chay) weren't worth a bag of range balls. Lapoint and Bina looked lost. Chorney and Finley not much better. Jones had his momnets as well.

Top line was very good. 4th line I thought gave great minutes all night to keep legs fresh in the 3rd. Martens was very solid and Miller had some good shifts as well.

Very big win from a character standpoint. This team wouldn't have won that game pre-Christmas break.

I know Oshie didn't score a goal, but in our offensive end, that kid is SICK with the puck on his stick!!

Can't wait to get back up to the Ralph again tonight.

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Hunt was the referee. Apparently in the pre-game they said there was a mix-up in MSP and some of the luggage was lost. Hunt was wearing Freeman's shirt which I guess meant that the linesmen had to wear their jackets since Freeman's shirt was on Hunt's back. I was at the game and at first I thought maybe Freeman was the ref but then noticed he was a linesman like normal and it was definitely Hunt as the ref.

Never mind...not fast enough :D

Not blaming Hunt for the airline losing his luggage, but anyone who has flown as much as he has should know enough that items like your ref apparel, skates, should be carry on items.

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It might not have been our best all around performance, but I thought it was the best forecheck and best puck movement we've seen from the forwards since the start of the season. We wore them down with four lines.

Defense wasn't that bad either. The goals that DU scored were all about puck luck.

DO NOT CRUCIFY ME, RIDICULE MY LEGITIMACY TO MAKE COMMENTS, OR CALL ME NOT A TRUE SIOUX FAN, but seriously...Lapoint...the guy is not getting it done out there. I hope the kid turns it around, but he was noticeably a liability out there tonight.

KEEP WINNING! I do not want to draw UNH, WI in Madison, or CC in CS in a regional...give me a nice CCHA or ECAC route in.

I'm not saying your wrong, I'm just looking for an example or an explanation on why he's not getting it done in your opinion. When I watch a Sioux game, as I did last night, I watch and know every time he's on the ice and what he's doing. Last night he was pretty calm, composed, made every outlet pass to get the breakout started. Never got beat defensively, played solid on the second power play. The only time I could say he did anything questionable was on one of the goals I don't think he got to the corner fast enough but I'm not sure anyone could have gotten to that guy. It's hard to get from the front of the net covering someone to the corner when the pass is coming from behind the net. If Jones wouldn't have let the forward camp in front of the net he wouldn't have scored any ways. But honestly thats the only thing I can think of last night. Feel free to help me out if I'm wrong. I will admit that I was flipping between the Sioux and the Badgers a bit.

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Goal 4 - bad coverage - where was Trupp?

We've seen Denver do this before, and, once again, they got away with it. Denver dman took down Trupp in neutral ice, away from the puck, and Denver entered the zone 5 on 4, and, the puck found the uncovered forward.

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Not blaming Hunt for the airline losing his luggage, but anyone who has flown as much as he has should know enough that items like your ref apparel, skates, should be carry on items.

i think with the airline regulations now skates are considered a weapon and cannot be carried on

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We've seen Denver do this before, and, once again, they got away with it. Denver dman took down Trupp in neutral ice, away from the puck, and Denver entered the zone 5 on 4, and, the puck found the uncovered forward.

Yeah, that play was ridiculous, Bergen should have called that, he was the only official who saw it. Trupp just finished his check on the guy and got a stick to the chops for it. IMO, the defense was awful last night until we got down by 3...and that's including Genoway without a doubt. Our defense, mainly Chay, Chorney, and Bina, tend to activate too often in the wrong situations. This might not be that bad of a thing except that none of the forwards come back to cover for him, which led to the many 2-on-1's that Denver had last night. And it was also on those odd-man rushes that nobody was picking up the trailer. It was a great game last night, but it really seemed like they missed Hakstol on the bench to keep things in order.

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Wow. What a game. Could not make the trip but I have heard from a few folks that The Ralph was really rocking.

Sure was a morgue at 4-1. Of course, it was early and I never had a doubt. I have expected Eades to pull Lammy

at the timeout. Good thing that he did not.

Sadly, I missed the game winner as my extra cheese chicken garlic pizza and milk finally settled in and my face hit the

plate shortly after the tying goal. I will try to call it up on the DVR today.

The boys learned many many valuable lessons about themselves last night. That game was a springboard game.

I am beginning to concern that the boys may get sent out to the east regionals. I much prefer that they go to The Springs,

or to Madison, even. Have tickets there and it is a much easier drive. I could care less who they would be playing, and where.

It will be tournament time, and anyone will have to beat four solid teams, anywhere, to win the Championship.

This team, and its legion of fans, has no reason to fret over playing anyone, anywhere, at anytime. The Drive to Denver continues,

and it just happens to be going through Denver this weekend. Sweep tonight and we are atop the league standings. Just

like some of us predicted not all that long ago.

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Great win and comeback by the boys last night. It's games like these that can propel a team to special things.

It was also good to see a player (Kozek) have a breakout game. Contributions from players other than Oshie and Duncan will have an enormous effect on the success of this team from here on out.

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I'm not saying your wrong, I'm just looking for an example or an explanation on why he's not getting it done in your opinion. When I watch a Sioux game, as I did last night, I watch and know every time he's on the ice and what he's doing. Last night he was pretty calm, composed, made every outlet pass to get the breakout started. Never got beat defensively, played solid on the second power play. The only time I could say he did anything questionable was on one of the goals I don't think he got to the corner fast enough but I'm not sure anyone could have gotten to that guy. It's hard to get from the front of the net covering someone to the corner when the pass is coming from behind the net. If Jones wouldn't have let the forward camp in front of the net he wouldn't have scored any ways. But honestly thats the only thing I can think of last night. Feel free to help me out if I'm wrong. I will admit that I was flipping between the Sioux and the Badgers a bit.

No specific explanation is needed if you watched the whole game. Was at the game and I would say Lapoint was less than solid. He wasn't a liability but I would expect to see Marto tonight. Don't think Lapoint stood out enough to play tonight especially after how well Marto played vs. Minny. Marto skates better and might be a better option vs. DU who transitions so well.

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