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North Dakota

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Everything posted by North Dakota

  1. North Dakota

    2016 Season

    When is he coming back? I'd be surprised. If he's not in school, not in the offseason workouts will he be allowed in spring ball? Doesn't seem like Bubba would put up with not putting the work in to just show up and play. Definitely wouldn't want to set that precedent.
  2. One of the classiest guys I knew. Scott will be missed. Prayers to his family.
  3. Actually the fees listed above are only the mandatory fees. There are additional course and program fees. I would expect the mandatory fees to be relatively equal. Obviously there will be much different course and program fees depending on the program.
  4. Wasn't sure where to post this but since there's draft talk here, is Will Ratelle or any other players going to NDSU's pro day or another workout?
  5. Just because I don't join in lockstep with your NDSU bashing circle jerk doesn't mean I'm not a UND fan. I just get sick of seeing bull$%!# tossed against a wall because it stinks up the place but apparently you like the smell so maybe bisonville is more up your alley.
  6. Not sure why you keep pushing this stupid stuff. Probably just trying to get a rise out of NDSU lurkers but it's only making you look stupid. Ruley had struggled through the transition and her recruiting had been lacking for some time. It was clearly time for a graceful exit from an outstanding coaching career. You failed to mention that her successors have both been women. Dorn was a liability in the HR Dept. She retired after Taylor was already gone so not sure how you put her exit on him. What about UND's women's AD? And UND's women's BB coaches have been men for how many years?
  7. Lol no way in hell the MVC invites NMSU, Lamar or Sam Houston. You must be off your meds again.
  8. Let's not get too carried away guys. It's not like NAU or SUU are very good teams. We won a couple road games that we should have.
  9. You honestly think UCD and CP will fly their olympic sports all over the BSC footprint?
  10. The problem is it shouldn't happen to begin with, Jones is a baby, proven by his actions, plain and simple. These situations give our program a black eye. The sooner he's gone the better IMO.
  11. Where was it stated they were contacted by a D1 conference?
  12. If they add 22 schollies for FB they have to add to womens sports too. Where has that been disputed?
  13. Cause I like it. It's a green hawk. It looks cool and mean. Until we get a logo I'm going with it.
  14. The whole premise seems slanted in favor of hockey. Maybe that was the idea. Is it going to be full contact no holds barred? Are they using skates or football cleats?? Just 3 linesmen or 5 referees??? How many players aside 6, 11, some combo???? Details, details, details.....
  15. I think so too!
  16. I'm shocked Haeg isn't on there. That's a glaring omission IMO.
  17. I think Jacksonville State has a real shot at knocking them off. Will need to capitalize on their opportunities and not make mistakes but they have a team that can do it.
  18. Not pessimism. Realism. Did you see what they did to Montana, UNI and Richmond? And you somehow think we would have fared better?? Get real.
  19. NDSU would crush USD if they played again. That game was an anomaly if you can't see that then just keep believing what you want I guess.
  20. None of those teams are at their level either. They destroyed them too. Why is that so hard to understand. We are getting there but we aren't there yet. Sheesh.
  21. I still disagree as I think NDSU would have dominated the LOS just like they did against Richmond. Not that it matters anyway since we will never know. Let's get better and make the PO's then see what happens.
  22. Other teams that we lost to lost their QB's too. Think about that.
  23. You can't seriously believe we would have beat Richmond. They would have shreded our pass defense just as NDSU did in week 3. Let's be honest here we were no where close to being a top 10 team even at the end of the season. And NDSU would have dominated us just like Richmond. Our team just isn't at that level yet. Hopefully we take another step forward next year but let's not make it out to be something it wasn't this year.
  24. Found a way to piss another one away after having a 15 point second half lead.
  25. When your a tool and consistently pissing and moaning it gets old. He should have had one in the first half for being on the court!
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