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North Dakota

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Everything posted by North Dakota

  1. What's your timeline now 2-3 more years?
  2. No they are not. A dislocated shoulder is when the bone slips out of the socket. A separated shoulder is when the ligament connecting the shoulder to the collar bone is torn.
  3. Good point but you can still use it as a resource. Looks like it was about 9400 for Richmond so figure about 75% of that for this weekend?
  4. What did they make off the Richmond game? This shouldn't have been difficult to figure out what our bid could have been.
  5. Seriously? Ok gfhockey where the hell did my $20 go???
  6. The NCAA has no say over the Nickel trophy. It's a regular season game trophy that was agreed to between both schools key clubs. The NCAA only controls playoff stuff. Besides the Nickel is an exact replica of American currency so I don't see how anyone could ban it. UND should have never said it was off the table and not to be played for again. That said it's been retired so I think that ship has sailed.
  7. Make a bronze statue of the old barn near Hillsboro and have UND on the north side and NDSU on the south. We can play for the barn!
  8. Make me. IDGAS what you idiots think, you've turned off more real UND fans with your garbage posts and accusations then you can imagine. You clowns must love your circle jerk you got going with the handful of morons that keep posting on here. Say anything negative about UND or a select bunch of fans and you're automatically a troll bison fan according to you simpletons. Sometimes the truth hurts but you babies can't handle the truth! It's one of the big reasons UND has gone to !@#$ over the last 15 years and unfortunately I don't see it getting better anytime soon with you sad sacks running the show.
  9. Every time you post you do such a great job making yourself look like an idiot. Have you considered a brain transplant? BTW ostarine isn't a stimulant smart guy.
  10. Nobody cares but you and few other idiots on this board who keep bringing it up to get a dig in at NDSU. The world has moved on but UND fans have a history of holding onto things longer then anyone.............cough, nickel trophy, cough...........cough, fighting sioux nickname, cough....
  11. I wonder how they can do that, maybe the athletes signed a waiver or something? I don't know how all these laws work but I do know there are definitely laws schools must follow regarding information about students.
  12. Ostarine isn't a stimulant.
  13. The only person that can legally say what the substance was is BR right? The school and NCAA cannot reveal any information per privacy laws. Not sure why BR didn't just say what he tested positive for, would have eliminated a lot of assumptions/accusations. IMO BR and his mom should have either spilled the whole story if they were going to go public with it. Something doesn't smell right from their side either.
  14. How do we know the testing was done post game? The NCAA can test before, during or after a game. What was it then? And how do you know?
  15. I wouldn't be so quick to doubt this Schuster kid. Kids like that come in with a chip on their shoulder and tend to work harder. Remember another QB for a school down the road that didn't have any D1 offers but was a 4 year starter and one of the winningest QB's in FCS.
  16. IDC what you think anyway. The fact is we still don't know the facts.
  17. I don't know why don't you do some research on it and let us all know your findings.
  18. I'm guessing everything they test for has to meet a certain level before it's a "positive" result.
  19. Touche'
  20. MSUM better watch out!
  21. This is the real kicker:There is NO complete list of banned substances. Do not rely on this list to rule out any label ingredient. Lol basically the NCAA can say anything they want is banned at any time.
  22. Still none of that has anything to do with the Nickel trophy. It's a copy of US currency. The NCAA would have nothing to say about it being used as a trophy between UND and NDSU regular season FB game. It may not even be a Sioux Indian head on it.
  23. Still a banned substance. I don't know what else to tell you, it's pretty black and white. There are limits on a lot of banned substances, these are found in everything we consume and in our bodies in general. That's why certain levels are required for a positive test result.
  24. The supplement in question has 250 mgs per serving. So if a kid took a double shot and was tested shortly after, remember the NCAA could test before during or after a game, it's not out of the realm of possibility that he would test positive.
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