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Everything posted by siouxforcefans

  1. I think it looks a whole lot better on the posters and headings than on shirts, jerseys, or standing alone. That's as close to complimenting it as I can get right now.
  2. dafuq? I wanted to like it. I really, honestly, did. Maybe I will eventually, but not today
  3. So... I agree with both of you. I think there should be a mascot - they are there for the kids, much more than us - but I think it should come later. The logo needs to take a little bit of a hold before you put some freshman into a hawk suit. If it doesn't get traction in a couple of years, there could well be a revision. Once you have a logo that sticks, the mascot will be a more natural step.
  4. So the 8 freshies have been confirmed. Anyone surprised by the list? http://www.undsports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=13500&ATCLID=211020587
  5. Word is that they wanted to be the "Runnin' Rebels", but another local team already had it. They were a level down in competition, but people still thought there would be confusion.
  6. This was so anti-climatic. The press release could've just been "Yep, we're done pretending it's not happening."
  7. OK, he said his favorite, not the best. Zeesh - I HATE the Pens (second only to Montreal on my "NHL Teams I Hate" list) so I can't believe I'm helping out here, but so many seem to have missed that one key word in his post.
  8. I live less than 15 minutes from one and haven't been there in a couple of years. Probably only once in the last 4 or 5 years. I'm not knocking the food, it's just that when it stopped being a special treat, it wore out for me quickly (I can say the same about a lot of places). This is why I'm a big fan of stand-alone, or single location places - they can have an identity of their own, not just what corporate tells them. I'll trade a little bit of the predictability for that.
  9. I hope it's not Famous Dave's. A new concept would be great in that part of town. The ownership are the guys behind JL Beers and Vinyl Taco, among others, so hopefully they've got something good up their sleeve. Famous Dave's is one of those places that is great when you travel, but once you have one, you don't go nearly as often as you thought you would.
  10. Watching them makes me consider drinking (and sometimes I am ) - I can only imagine what it must be like to have a level of responsibility tied to their performance. That said; Don't drink and drive. I don't care if you are associated with the Twins pitching!
  11. I'm so confused - the Twins won yesterday! The series against KC, they scored 4, 4, and 7 runs. That should be enough scoring to win at least 2 out of 3 if your pitching and defense are even remotely competent (by MLB standards).
  12. When he buried that, the guy next to me shook hands with my wife and I, and congratulated us on our national championship. He then said he was heading out to avoid the rush. The BC fans on the other side stayed and high-fived with us after the final horn sounded
  13. Why not just follow suit and have the NCHC on campus? Playing for the conference championship at the Ralph sure would be a nice advantage
  14. Colin Adams named All Rookie First Team by the USHL
  15. that guy has been fired twice in the last 5 years, and he's the solution? Ouch.
  16. lost 9 of last 10... and most weren't even remotely close - a pro baseball team shouldn't regularly lose by 5 - 7 runs. It's just hard to watch right now.
  17. haha! I wonder how many of you guys I talked to over those 4 days, and still have no idea anyone's forum ID?
  18. The USHL draft isn't like the drafts you have for professional leagues. The round numbers keep counting up over the two days (Phase 1 on day 1, phase 2 is day 2), but the players eligible change from one day to the next. From Wiki, underlining mine: "The USHL Draft is an annual event conducted in two “phases” during the second week of May.[5] The first phase is an eight round draft of U-17 players for the upcoming season. The second phase of the draft is open to all players eligible to play junior hockey who are not already protected by a USHL team. The number of players drafted varies, as each team will draft until they have filled the 45 spots available on their roster. Undrafted players are open to try out for any team as a try-out player. Each team must reduce their roster to 23 players for the start of the season, but may carry 18 additional players on an affiliate list.[6]"
  19. I often wonder if some of them just get sick of school? Not being at college, but the classes and homework. If all you want to do is play hockey, and someone offers you a nice chunk of change to do just that and take a break from classes, I think some guys jump at the chance? Not saying Thompson did, but just a broad speculation -
  20. Finally enjoyed watching a Wild game again last night!
  21. Caps won the President's Trophy what seems like months ago, so we shouldn't exactly be surprised they're taking the last wild card out behind the woodshed. The Wild were able to get one at home, so their series with the Stars will at least go 5 - doubt Phili will get one, so expecting the Caps to finish the sweep.
  22. Is that Siouxsports open on the phone screen?
  23. Question becomes; would they have had all three jerseys with the patch with when they went to the FF? I mean, you go in hoping to play more than one game, so they may have had everything prepared?
  24. That was kind of a neat read - unless the 'Nucks act on any of it, like signing away Shaw to be an assistant.
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