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Everything posted by siouxforcefans

  1. You expected anything else? I could write a diatribe about the insufferable NDSU fans at the drop of a hat. I won't, as I have better things to do, and don't need to try to get people to read papers, nor promote an agenda.
  2. It's the bar set up for the IIHF. I think they put it in the Olympic rink this time.
  3. I'm guessing Stars in 5 - MN will win the first game back in the X. When I heard the Parise news, my first thought was, "Dangit - they won't even get to the Blackhawks before being eliminated!" That's how sad that history has become.
  4. I know, right? Can I assume it was one of those Prius's that drives everywhere at 20 mph, backing up traffic, to save fuel and was a specific owner that got picked? All those batteries in there, those things can't be very light
  5. I thought St. Cloud a hair better than Denver, but they had a bad night from their goalie at the wrong time.
  6. Tampa was a great time, even with my food poisoning Wed night (probably never eating black bean humus again). The arena emptying on Thursday was stupid, and I hope they don't try to pull that anywhere else - imagine if they'd have done that in St Paul with weather like they had last Thursday? Ferg's was fun, and Buccigross came and had a drink with us there on Thursday after the Semi's - he loves the Sioux fans! - even claimed he remembered us from Boston last year. I wish I'd have known the trophy was going to make an appearance Saturday, as we probably met the boys on the road on their way over. Bad timing, for sure! Contrary to a previous poster, the only fan I had any "unfriendly" encounter with, was a drunk Gopher fan who was just obnoxious during the red carpet entry. Actually got along really well with the Boston, New Hampshire, and Maine crowds. Even the few Denver fans we interacted with were reasonable. Heard lots of comments about how awesome our fan base is, and how they wish their schools traveled like that for games. Guess that was just the luck of the people we met. :shrug: When we booked the tickets and flights last fall, we knew we'd have fun. When it worked out that UND would be there, it added nerves and anticipation. To have it work out that I got to be there live for that national title.... I'm still in shock and awe, but still haven't stopped smiling!
  7. Play like the regional. That's not a question, comment, or prediction - that's an order.
  8. The Stamkos news really changes the East for me. I wonder how long he'll really be out?
  9. wow did the Wild lay a couple of eggs this weekend... Definitely did NOT look like a playoff team.
  10. Honestly, there are enough rides that I never even visited the zoo part last time I was there (been about 5 years). With school still in session, I expect Friday won't be nearly as busy as a weekend or a summer day, especially early in the day. As to cost; I've found that you can get discount tickets for a lot of attractions, including that, by asking at the front desk of the hotels. I think we got tickets for $20 or $25 off when we last went. On lines, I'm speaking of a particular day, but they were short enough that we rode several coasters multiple times. There was a big green one toward the back of the park that you sat 3 or 4 wide on, and the ride from one side of the car to the other was completely different, so we had to keep riding it until our entire group had sat in the left seat. That one did loops around the walkways to get to some of the other rides - good fun! Longest line was for the front row on the Sheikra (sp), but if you like coasters it's totally worth the wait!
  11. Depending on weather. We go to Clearwater Beach once or twice a year, so I hear it calling my name, but Busch Gardens would also be good if it's not blistering hot.
  12. Definitely good for Chaaaarrrrr---lllliiieeee, if he sees NHL ice. They're even waiving Scrivens.
  13. Best I've had, though we're only comparing about 5 cities. Also, Cigar City is their most commonly available local brewery. Bars and bad things. It used to be more fun than that. None of my local friends will even venture that way anymore. Go in a group and keep an eye on your drinks, is what I've been told in recent years. They may be overstating, of course, but I'm perfectly happy not to be there at bar close. Great rollercoasters! That 5 second hang from the top of the Sheikra before the 90* drop is a blast!
  14. Thursday: Drake Saturday: Bryn Picking to win, not to hope to continue!
  15. Agree with this ^^^ IIRC, Corbin Knight did it, only to be traded back to the team he spurned. That had to be awkward...
  16. According to the Fox's Facebook, they'll be carrying the football and basketball games on 107.9. This just further reduces the music options in Fargo, if you like rock of any age... We have a half dozen stations playing Taylor Swift, nearly as many playing Garth Brooks, and 2 that play anything resembling music...
  17. Captured before a ninja edit could occur I kid, I kid!
  18. Yet another pre-party I'll miss because I'll be watching hockey... Those things are fun, but traveling that far and paying that much for tickets, I'm going to go to all the games -
  19. ^^^ It's been a nice run, that's for sure! Started strong, appear to be finishing strong, so take out that crap in the middle, and they're battling for a title, vs. a playoff spot.
  20. I like him a lot, right up until he calls a game. I love what he does for our sport, the Bucciovertimechallenge stuff, etc. No one has done more to advocate for hockey in recent memory, IMHO. The charity stuff, is pretty cool, too.
  21. Yep - I got two wrong in the first round, but had both losing game two, so my FF all made it
  22. The way Lindgren is fighting the puck, the clowns are lucky to only be down 2
  23. We had a post-breakfast nap, so we're good now
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