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Everything posted by ericpnelson

  1. if you don't understand the differences you're being tone deaf. I hope it's intentional.
  2. Wayne Nelson thinks some of the predicted names will apply today. This is kinda been drawn out and exhausting for the speculation muscle.
  3. Exactly... if he was covering up why would he have openly brought that first offense to attention? Maybe it's reverse psychology to confuse us Dakota rubes... Faison is no nonsense. He's pretty swift and holds people accountable for their actions. Here's hoping he finds lightning in a bottle twice with his coaching searches, but I am for one, am sincerely happy with his job performance. We are lucky to have him. Big Sky, new conference, cajones to fire what sounded like a friend in Mussman. I still think Hardee was a great coaching find (if you think you can predict DUI's than congrats to you are having higher expectations and being a better person than me), Jones seems to be working out (I still have my reservations), and he's installed an accountable atmosphere. If you don't think things like kids getting too drunk at a party happened years ago without any public indication, you're delusional (at any school). If you don't think it still happens, you're delusional. The difference is, while you can't change the culture and awe of 18-20 years having no one looking over your shoulder for the first time, you can let them know there are serious consequences and it's not tolerated. Kids missed games for the party (sure call them meaningless what were they supposed to do, hold off the suspension until it really hurt? you do this stuff chronologically), kids have missed games for underperforming in the classroom or missing class. Paul LaDue is missing a pretty important Friday night hockey game this week for a loud party citation. As someone who has spent a fair amount of time recently with athletes from both SU and the home of the Sioux, I can tell this happened before to athletes with no fanfare, punishment, or even acknowledge besides maybe windsprints. Faison is showing he's guy with character, and I think we are lucky to have him. I'll tell you one thing, if we get a big win next year in VB, you won't see him crying in postgame interview about how everyone involved is all of a sudden innocent and a hero for overcoming such scrutiny.
  4. I agree.... it was sarcastic and shot at the "it's a cover-up" crowd.
  5. Faison really sucks at cover-ups then. A better run cover-up shouldn't have resulted in arguably our best coach (former) having a gun to his head to resign. My God is he inept....
  6. I think Plfu (copyright in advance to Dan Hammer) is the best candidate that's applied. Like most though, I think the best is yet to apply. Maybe beggars can't be choosers, but is anyone else worried about the postseason success of the offensive style he has. It hasn't had championship postseason success at any level. Call me captain nitpicky. It would be fun to watch though, especially with Mollberg, McGill, GoGo, and Carr
  7. If the rumors are true.. yah it sucks, you hope he talks to the new coach first, but if Brian is sure enough to fire Mussman as soon as the season ends, he's doing so with a fair amount of certainty. You don't let one player hold a program hostage to change a decision like that.
  8. Just drive at the Trayvon kid and Bjorkland early. Get them in foul trouble early and they are done
  9. http://flightaware.c...ve/airport/KGFK A flight went to Williston yesterday too... I could be the new coach.
  10. Tracy Claeys is a preposterous. He may have a shot at a power conference job. If you wanted a coach from that staff, maybe you could sniff at Matt Limegrover, the OC. He is the one calling offensive plays. However, realize that how tight knit that group is. If they have been together for so long, they wouldn't just leave for a pay cut and what they think it is a grade A opportunity.
  11. i'd say 50% he either is or isn't
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