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Everything posted by ericpnelson

  1. yeah... I think minimum is a key wording there
  2. Thought about it see Hardin play one last time, but I live in Williston now, went to 4 games... it's a long drive and expensive and the product was really really hard to watch in some of those games. Decided I'd go to a hockey weekend later instead with those resources.
  3. By the time he has the experience you're talking about, he'll be out of our league. Buy low
  4. I'd take anyone whose worked with Saban. I'd consider his shoe shiner. If we get a Saban protege, you can say goodbye to opening drive*. It'll be business and a tight ship, no feel good stuff.
  5. When they posted the assistant hockey coach position, it really seemed to tailor Brad Berry, suggesting it was a forgone conclusion. Maybe they are hinting here too. Hinting may be the wrong term, but putting the fix in for their guy.
  6. To quote the Dude, "That's like, your opinion man."
  7. Both probably did. Seems irrelevant though and unnecessary to bring up. That being the case though, I'm guessing that if it was that tough of thing for Brian to do, he has a pretty good idea what direction he wants to go in.
  8. What blows my mind, is I think Bollinger would be in a situation like Tibesar. Would he take it if offered to him, not the other way around.
  9. call it stupidly improbable, I just don't see how Tim Tibesar isn't the first call
  10. D3? I get he says all the right things, but I'd rather go big.
  11. compared to all that was accomplished in the last few months anyways It should have been done the year they won the GWC. We should have lost to Sioux Falls that year. Muss should donate most of the salary he's earned since then to Brent Goska.
  12. and the silence you hear... is the Alerus Center next year
  13. The night is darkest before the dawn - Harvey Dent
  14. Mike Tomlin was one of the youngest NFL coaches ever. If you're the guy you're the guy. Equal opportunity employer right? No ageism.
  15. And before faison asks. .. I'll consider it but I need Jimmy K to commit to being my o line coach
  16. As unlikely as it is, you call tibesar. Kleiman? Someone from Jerry Kills staff?
  17. That's a fair question. This board isn't a search committee but rather a wish list. The idea would be he has success here and gets his chance at fbs a la Jerry Kill. As far as FCS and the open positions UND still isn't that bad of choice for the rank despite the last few years. Talk to event promoters who do stuff for other schools. North Dakota has great support for its sports. Ask objective opinions and it's disporportionately impressive.
  18. Ego or ambition for being the head guy. I and most assume the replacement will make marketably more than Mussman. Maybe ndsu is the most loyal place in the world but I think most people look at job offers on an individual basis as in what's best for their career goals and what's best for the well being of their family. Case in point, this weekend we saw a former player coach against us in our marquee sport.
  19. I won't implode. It'll be pretty tough to care though. If the mussman era has a theme song its build me buttercup. I'm not gonna get builtup to be let down again. I let it affect my mood too many Saturdays this year. I'll just kinda be over und football for a while. Fool meonce....
  20. I'm so glad this season is over. I doubt I'm alone. When most of the fanbase feels that way it speaks more than an online post can. Give me a reason to be excited next year.
  21. Mass hysteria on this thread... bowels would be voided due to shock
  22. This >>>>>>http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/11/15/batkid-san-francisco/3588173/ Thought it was really cool and the SF Chronicle even made special edition newspapers about his heroics.
  23. Pita Palace in Williston > Pita Pit I'm thinking 4-2 tonight. Clarke earned the start right?
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