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Everything posted by ericpnelson

  1. If we get that tackle from Michigan, I'll buy a good bottle.
  2. We're coming!!!! We're Coming!!! (Tice voice)
  3. On the twitter machine he said Tuesday was a big day for him and his family or something like that. I'm all about this cb, btw.
  4. Seriously.... going back to D2 days, why do we get better kickers than big big time teams? Do they just not like to use scholarships on kickers or what?
  5. Like a drunk at 3 am... sometimes you just have to finish.
  6. If this goes south you can't play blame coaching staff here. The offense created a shooting gallery.
  7. Did anyone else see Hammer on Twitter ask if people still play the "Kober" drinking game? I absolutely love it. Good for him. Again, he may get things wrong from time to time, but he's "our rube." Which, as a rube, I can respect, so I guess if you still think he's too bad, I'll continue to take him as "my rube." I love the balls behind a tweet like that.
  8. What exactly is a message board in an arena? Forgive me for not being familiar with the term.
  9. Great. I have the utmost respect for the Schwenzfeier's, Aaron and Joel. Happy about this.
  10. I have no idea... I looked at their coaches and couldn't find anyone who was in Southern Illinois after 2007. I'm not seeing a clear connection.
  11. He said stick salute. I was actually let down
  12. people can call hammer a rube but I'm so happy this is a thing now
  13. They tried changing it to boxing. I put a stop to any such nonsense
  14. This thread is about football, not enabling preposterous statements. I have no quarrels with NDSU as a school at all. To say the med school is a joke and not to realize the difference in professional degree opportunities is hopefully intentional ignorance on his part. I basically only have three expectations for the team next year, which I didn't see this year. That is to play hard, smart, and be engaged at a consistent basis. If we do those three times consistently, we'll do a lot more than most people think we should. It also breeds a culture for the next years. I'm not putting a wins/losses thing on it (call me a Bubba homer) because of depth. In my mind, I don't see some the talent being ALL that bad (we could probably use more than one corner), but if we get injuries, woof. Just my $0.02.
  15. I remember in the Joe Mollberg article (maybe someone can find it, GF Herald), that Joe had verballed to UND, then NDSU won the title and Bohl called him asked him if he was sure about that. Maybe I'm wrong but there was like a 3 part article about Joe Mollberg's recruitment. I think if fans of either school get upset about it, it's kind of throwing stones in a glass house.
  16. I have friends who played at Minot, they didn't exactly rave, but they all said he's good or pretty good coach.
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