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Everything posted by ericpnelson

  1. After watching this team for most of the season, that play actually makes sense
  2. We wouldn't have scored that one touchdown if penalties didn't extend the drive twice. Just fyi...
  3. It's still probably at the point where we would go to the wire with St. Cloud
  4. Its 4:30 in grand forks, someone tell me if there's more people waiting for parrots cay's door to open or in the stands at the alerus
  5. You might wanna wash that hand
  6. Is there any doubt that Jameer Jackson isn't the best running back on this team
  7. Guys, if we fire muss will we lose all those big name recruits he's signed for next year? Oh wait...
  8. I'm just past upset. Call me whatever but apathy is setting in. Im one of the biggest und fans I know but I Its just getting hard to care. I don't know how we keep selling hope with muss.
  9. Gothberg for sure right? If I go to the last football game I may wear a paper bag
  10. Just so bad. You shouldn't have to convince yourself to watch the second half. First game I didn't go to in awhile. Unfortunately they are proving wise.
  11. was it one of the 3rd and goal or 3rd and short, they run a fade to Hardin? They brought him in as the only receiver, lined him up wide, and everyone I was with knew what was coming. Such a low percentage play, even with a good receiver, on 3rd, forces us to a field goal instead of a touchdown. In that situation why dont' we play action Joe? Unless the bookends of the line can't hold (maybe the case), it seems like that would be a bread and butter set up for us in short yardage. Joe is not only athletic, he's really good size, can't be the easiest quarterback to bring down. Maybe it's too simple or predictable, but not anymore than the token toss to Hardin we tried. Also, I'd like to see someone cover Hardin or Gollday across the formation on a back of the endzone crossing route.
  12. I get irate with people who talk during the anthem
  13. I'm tired and the drive back to the patch is five hours
  14. agreed... I was so pumped for even the Valpo game.. now I can't help but want it be over quick
  15. I agree it's irresponsible, but why give them that choice by slighting HS coaches at all. I know for a fact Bohl goes around north central ND and talks to every high school coach there every year regardless of if they have potential prospects. Just shoot the breeze, ask about other team's kids, and cultivate that relationship. I also know of coaches who've said they wouldn't know Mussman's voice if it wasn't for press conferences and interviews. Maybe that means Bohl is relentless is that's pretty crazy to expect, but what about a phone call or something. It's really no wonder why we don't have as many ND fans.
  16. "The night is darkest before the dawn".... Unfortunately I'm pretty sure Saturday is midnight.
  17. Every year its so forced for me to relearn numbers
  18. If we beat ewu, I dress up as an eagle and let you throw eggs at me. How's that? Note I don't actually have anything to dress up as an eagle
  19. Give me erik before chavon any day of the week. ..quote me on that. I stand by that by that statement
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