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Everything posted by nodak651

  1. When there is 10,000 people there the student section isn't empty. And it doesn't help that they charge $$$ for student tickets when more than 1 or 2k go. The main reason kids don't show is because they can't drink in the student section, and if they do they will likely get a minor because cops are constantly trying to bust them. Once we have a better product on the field, which we now do, students will have a reason to stay for the second half after the buzz wears off.
  2. We're 91 and usd is 52. The data when you break it down by team or conference is different than it is if you show everyone together.... Wonder if it is an error or if it just lags
  3. One other thought: I really liked what N. Schmaltz was doing on the powerplay... taking a pass from the point and skating it to the middle. I think this will be tough for pk units to handle and he will score a lot of goals from the top of the circles.
  4. What are your guy's thoughts on Chyzyk? Maybe it's just me, but I thought he looked really quick tonight. I'd like to see him in the lineup next week to see what he can do...
  5. The pip feature on nchc.tv will be pretty useful.
  6. would be nice if we could sync up wday to these games... they should work on that for online listeners
  7. like gothbergs helmet. Cant remember how to spell his new name yet
  8. I almost turned the game off at half. I'm glad I didn't... how fun was it to watch that pick 6?! If we mix in the through a bit more like we did in the second half, I think we will do well the rest of the year. Anyone know the throw/pass ratio between the first and second half?
  9. damn im behind... just read we turn it over..
  10. great pass by mollberg there with tons of pressure
  11. Mollberg is not a mobile quarterback... slow as !@#$
  12. we have a better chance of scoring with our do on the field...
  14. running flawlessly, although my computer crashed once.
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