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Everything posted by nodak651

  1. Most people are hoping bro. Stop being a dick bag.
  2. He does too. He just thinks the students should be able to read them.
  3. As do a lot of und fans, sadly. I appriciate the well thought out reply though. Respect is earned - I get that. The obvious trolling from the bison faithful gets annoying, especially when they are obsessed with this message board as much as they are.
  4. When did I ever say anything about cc?
  5. And you said iw would be a game against und anyway, so yes you did.
  6. That's a legit response. Your buddy is a troll.
  7. You said you would rather go to their game because they could maybe play a close game against und? Dohkayyy
  8. It was for the volleyball program though... Sold out arena Bison president was there Mascot was there Autograph signings after game And the women's basketball team dresses up in body paint and pumps the cloud up for every game?
  9. Typical response. You know they suck ass. How many scholarships do they have again?
  10. Bison coach said it was circled on the calendar dumbass
  11. Was that the "Super Bowl" Johnny?
  12. Paid $6 to watch the game. What a waste... They looked like !@#$ all night. So many unforced errors.
  13. They are talking about it in the old game thread
  14. He has email info listed if anyone wants to let him know. I don't feel like doing it on a tablet
  15. Massey is missing two of our wins. They aren't even on their schedule for us.
  16. Good idea. Should get a big tent or banner... Would draw more web traffic to the site.
  17. TV schedule is being released next week.
  18. Thanks for the info. How good is Idaho State this year?
  19. Me either, but I don't think it's huge - aces are rare and the returning team has the first chance to set the ball and spike it.
  20. FYI: Iowa was ranked 11 of 14 in the big ten pre season poll. Will be an interesting match.
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