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Everything posted by nodak651

  1. nodak651

    2019 Season

    Not under the current circumstances, but at the time there wasn't any indication that we would be moving to the mvfc. I would assume Bubba wanted this game to generate fan interest and hype for a team that had none after the Mussman years. UND football was bottomed out, and we were out of sight - out of mind for casual fans in ND. It prob wasn't worth it now that we will be playing every year, but I think if we were to stay out west, the contract would have opened the door for home and home games, which NDSU clearly wanted no part of. Was defiantly a terrible deal, but I can see why Bubba thought it was necessary, or at least beneficial to the program. I do think it was a embarrassing and humiliating contract, however, and if I was deciding, I wouldnt have given our biggest rival their two cheapest home games, probably ever, in the D1 era. And the first game was the most expensive ticket NDSU had all season - the same will probably be true next year.
  2. Hopefully if that happens we get Phase 2 built with Sanford money. Might as well have some benefit if we are affected by the other Dakotas attachment to Sanford anyway.
  3. Is there any chance Augie goes to the WAC if they move to D1? Sioux Falls to Kansas City is only about 5 hours.
  4. I think midco has a show on it
  5. I'm hoping general university funds can be used, considering they need athletics out of the hyslop to repurpose it for academics. Instead of 100% donations.
  6. Curved area overlooks weight room, which is at field level. Bottom picture is above the top picture/locker room.
  7. No. They will sit in the bleachers and use the jumbotron.
  8. I found floor plans for phase II. Has anyone posted this yet? Page 13 http://www1.und.edu/finance-operations/facilities-management/_files/docs/und-athletics-masterplan-0406.pdf
  9. They need new locker rooms before we see a significant improvement. NDSU has new locker room SDSU has new locker room/ipf/stadium USD moving forward on new locker room and dakota dome renovation with shovels in the gound in Feb.
  10. Most sushi is typically frozen at -4° F or below for 7 days. Even "fresh" sushi on the coasts. This kills the parasites. Also, I eat Sushi at grocery stores all the time - if you get it at the counter it can be made fresh, right in front of you. However, microwaved sushi sounds disgusting haha.
  11. I think the rules are different if it an in-house hire. How many days did it take for Berry to be named HC? I think it was pretty quick.
  12. CC really baffles me. They are averaging 3,400 this year, and they used to average around 6k, until I think last year. And they were averaging 6k when they were way worse than they are now. Does this have something to do with the new arena that they are bulding? Did they used to give out free tickets and they stopped? I think that is what Omaha did when they built their new arena - stopped giving away free and discounted dickets to pay for the new arena, and attendance went down by a few K.
  13. Recruits like to play for championship programs. NDSU has a great niche carved out for kids who want to play for championship programs. That allure changes when NDSU turns into a G5 team playing for a chance to play in a low level bowl, and zero shot at a championship. I could see the fans become disengaged at that point as well. Playoffs > one-off bowl game. That said, NDSU could turn into the next Boise State. Don't really see that happening though.
  14. Would love to get the CB that they said was coming. Looks like he has offers from SDSU and NDSU, among others. We need to start winning some recruits from those schools. https://n.rivals.com/content/prospects/2019/samuel-fort-143659#school-interests
  15. I used to be a huge fire Jones guy, but now it's kinda mehhh. This team isn't as frustrating to watch as the Troy Huff years.
  16. We don't have a decent point guard. This team needs someone who can drive to the net with ball skills.
  17. Interesting that OL minimum salary starts at 60K, and the WR minimum salary starts at 40k.
  18. I think this is partly why SiouxVolley gets so much hate. The elaborate transition through the WAC has too many moving parts, and it's more than likely going to be unnecessary. You're spot on. There is a decent chance that the top FCS conferences just merge with the G5, and the rules will be completely re-written. I could also see them eliminating the meaningless 15k attendance rule. Even if the rules didn't change, the NCAA could give waivers to schools that want to move up after a split, for a period of like ten years or something. Liberty received a waiver, for example.
  19. A quality P5 Grad Transfer like Braden Hansen. One can dream...
  20. The EWU plan will be implemented in phases, which means that there isn't enough support to fundraise 20-25m for a terribly outdated stadium, at a winning program. Spokane doesn't care about EWU. They will be lucky if they end up with a stadium on par with Kent State, which also isn't an FBS quality stadium. None of these western FCS schools are going to invest in FBS until the G5 and P5 split, and then it won't really be FBS anymore, it will be something different, and an elaborate WAC FBS plan will not be necessary, because the rules will change. I think you're too focused on the current FBS requirements, and need to be more open minded to the likelihood of rules changing, in regard to programs moving up to join the G5.
  21. They have been working on plans for this stadium for years. Chaves failed epically, because the school can't fundraise for !@#$. They aren't going FBS even if the wanted to.
  22. They should melt it into a new trophy so at least its the same material. Boy that would piss people off! But it would at least make the new trophy more meaningful.
  23. I feel like Freund would be naturally attracted to a guy like King, assuming Schleusner, Landry, and Dressler say no. I'd add King to Geaux_Sioux's list, and I would be happy with any of them. I think there are some great candidates here. For OL, what do you guys think of Tim Prinsen (Edmonton Eskimos)? Surprised to see a guy like that on the list. What do the position coaches in the CFL make? There is some decent size in Canada - maybe he would appeal to some of the Canadian recruits, and help to keep them from de-committing.
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