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Everything posted by SWSiouxMN

  1. Dead badger on the ice against Wisconsin on Feb 2nd, 2013. Ran the BADgers out of the ralph that night.
  2. So how did it come to this point? Lets speculate (because that is wayyyy more fun that facts ) and throw out five theories 1) UND administration was being pressured by alumni for bashing student gov't at that meeting and needed to make nice (it doesn't look good that you would attack student like that... why would parents send someone to a school like that) 2) Only did it to make 100% sure the no confidence vote would not pass. (Must have counted enough head to realize that it might and needed to do something to prevent it). 3) Sic's theory 4) Student Gov't realized that they were in over their heads and took the first deal they could get. (kinda ties in to #3) 5) By doing this it puts student gov't in a rock and a hard place, if they pass it... they look like the bad guys now and not willing to cooperate. If they don't, some students might think of them as sellouts to the administration (far fetched yes.... but I could see it)
  3. 3rd period leads in all 3 games and couldn't close them out.... frustrating
  4. Eastbound and down... or would that be westbound and down. Cue Burt Reynolds laugh.
  5. Should have sent May away too.
  6. Do what GT is doing and will cover half of their stipends. Concert.
  7. I wonder how bad the meeting WOULD have gotten if DiLorenzo was there..... the fireworks really would have flown
  8. From my understanding, Student Government need to give a 24 hour notice before having a meeting. Something along those lines. The email I got explaining the time change was from the UND administration listev, not student gov't. If you asked me if it would pass or not Wednesday, I say it will be a very close vote either way. I heard of senators who will vote for it, against it and are gathering information to vote either way. Just looking at the comments on social media, it ranges from impeach Franklin to impreach Kelley to student elections are Greek life popularity contest, and everything in-between. Do I believe he has the support he say... I say he does. However, if you poll the people who signed the petition, I bet 90% say because of the nickname (students). While I haven't heard any grandstanding claims myself, I would be naïve to think that there isn't any going on. People making this about tuition and transparency, but there are a few other instances that members of student gov't and Administration have clashed with this year with Social Host Ordinances and how the search for the new dean of Aerospace is going. When this is all said and done what will really be accomplished here? Will this actually lead to real change? To me both side have acted very poorly and this could have been solved a different way. I didn't care for Reesor and Kelley and the person from the SBoHE going very negative on the student gov't, they could have chosen to take the high road and be professional. However, I fear that all it will lead is to a widening divide between Kelley and the student body. I'd throw 5 bucks on a stunt being pulled on the day formerly know as Springfest or Graduation. The bad PR needs to stop... seriously
  9. Pushed back again to Wednesday to accommodate another expected large crowd
  10. WAYYY TOO Early Predictions* 1. Montana 2. Weber 3. NAU 4. SUU 5. EWU 6. UNC 7. UND 8. SAC 9. PSU 10. MSU 11. Idaho 12. ISU *Subject to change as season gets closer and rosters get more fluid
  11. Maybe the Twins just need to play at home, won their 3rd straight game tonight.
  12. From what I gathered from following twitter on it last night and discuss it with a few students who actually went.. It got ugly and very personal last night.
  13. Agreed! Every time that played I said, well there goes our chance of winning.
  14. Okay who submitted Judy's bar?
  15. Tabled til Sunday. Guess it was quite the meeting
  16. So will anything seriously come from this... I personally don't think so.
  17. Response: To the UND Campus Community: We have received a number of questions concerning a campus-wide email that was distributed earlier today by Student Body President Tanner Franklin, requesting that recipients read and sign a petition concerning a proposed vote of No Confidence in members of UND’s administration. To clarify for those who have asked about the email, this message was not sent by UND administration. I would like each of you to know that the allegations in the email are unfounded, and that we strongly support student voices in the work of the University. The Student Senate is holding a meeting, mentioned in the email, at 8:00 p.m. in the Memorial Ballroom. I and other members of the administration plan to attend and speak. All members of the public are also welcome to attend. Robert Kelley
  18. All in all, this is just another PR nightmare for UND.
  19. https://und.edu/student-government/sr1415-16_vote_of_no_confidence.pdf Here is the document that is on the docket explaining why they are doing it. It is much more than raising tuition in their eyes. ZERO to do with the nickname
  20. The resolution and petition accuses Kelley and a handful of other administrators of failing to be transparent in regard to tuition model proposals that were presented to students. The models could have been implemented as early as fall of 2016. Two of the three draft proposals would have increased tuition by either 10.5 percent or 12.3 percent more than the current rate for students enrolling in 15 credits while a third option did not have dollar figures listed.
  21. I knew that student government was livid due to the transparency issue of the tuition model.... but seriously did not see this coming.
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