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Everything posted by SWSiouxMN

  1. And Eddie did it on the first pitch he saw in the majors!
  2. Sounds like 462 out of 500 were chopped tonight. Some survivors The Force Flames Flickertails Fighting Green Badlanders Aviators Green Hawks
  3. You mean its legend, wait for it Dary!
  4. reasoning: Its 2010, the name just got retired in the first time. Instead of what has happened since that date, Kelley could have came out and said we will go back to the Flickertails. In no way am I ripping Flickertails or the history behind the name for UND, but if the process leads to that name being picked... we could have saved a TON of trouble, money, heartache, etc. by doing it 5 years sooner. Hence my statement of setting a large pile of cash on fire.
  5. If Flickertails somehow, someway was picked (which I know it was said we wouldn't, I personally witness that statement from President Kelley), it would be the equivalent of setting a large pile of money on fire.
  6. So the next question... how long will it take them to vet these names down the 3?
  7. http://und.edu/nickname/consideration-list.pdf And the list that will be considered
  8. Buxton is starting to tear up double A after knocking the rust off. Id give him a month before he is up with the big club
  9. Great......... I hope Geno and Seales get all of his minutes.
  10. YES!!!!!!
  11. Anybody think the Vikes take a chance with Dorial Green-Beckett in the 2nd round?
  12. Geno cracks me up but seriously if true... Hooker... Geno... Seales... Wheeler... LETS GO!
  13. only if he signs
  14. Its a dog eat dog world in there for study space... especially with an outlet. More people would rather study in the Union than in the library for easy access to outlets, space, and food. Library war part 2....
  15. And if it wasn't for a certain lawmaker from Pembina, the state capitol would be in St. Peter, not St. Paul.
  16. We could also do way..... way... worse Its a middle ground for me. They said they would put out the whole list of accepted names for the public before whittling down right... I thought I read that in the herald somewhere.
  17. But then wouldn't they find another soapbox to stand on (i.e: why are they still wearing Sioux gear, you have a new name, wear that instead!)
  18. Well then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tqxzWdKKu8
  19. Are the presidents of the 2 major universities of this state really trying to 1-up each other on stupidity?
  20. Push comes to shove who would you start?
  21. Not looking good for Winnipeg. But still, for a team expected to be in the tank race and being wrecked by injuries. It was good to see them in. Resign Stafford and figure out the goalie spot next year and look forward to watching them challenge for a top 3 spot next year.
  22. The Baldwin commit doesn't change things at all?
  23. His rivals page says he committed yesterday. What does it mean? Are we done or is there more coming.
  24. Jets have any shot to get back into this series? I hope they at least get one tonight
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