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Everything posted by UNDBIZ

  1. cough..... GF Herald.... cough, cough
  2. Couple keyboard warriors stayed up all night hitting the submit button over and over again.....
  3. Yeti too. Could've had squatch calls....
  4. Not sure why you're taking this so personally but whatever. I actually kinda like basketball, it's just a shame what the NBA has turned it into. The defense, travelling, and basic fundamentals are all so bad it's become comical. The Warriors (Steph Curry) were actually relatively fun to watch, but the Cavs..... ugh. I'll just continue watching college ball (although the NBA 3.5 step is starting to make it's way to the college level as well, unfortunately).
  5. I think Frost Giants could've been kinda cool too. It's been growing on me with the list we have left (Riders excluded).
  6. I too agree that North Dakota should make the final 3. However, if the vote is truly what will decide the final nickname, a plurality cannot be named the majority in such case. A vote should be held on the 3, and if there is not a clear majority (greater than 50%) in favor of one name (or no name), the bottom choice should be dropped and a final vote held on the top 2. Not the best process, but majority (not plurality) should rule. People (Port) writing about how a majority want no nickname, when in reality it's maybe 30%, has been bothering me. The vocal minority has been controlling this whole thing for decades (first white professors against the name, then a minority wanting to force UND to keep the name and face sanctions, and now a minority wanting UND to remain nameless) and it's long past time to stop.
  7. Same here. I watched last night's game..... laughed through most of it. It's so bad.
  8. Don't worry, we've got a Nigerian prince who will reimburse all costs afterwards.
  9. Judging by the logo (not the mascot, that's just for the kids), they didn't know how to depict a sundog in Arizona either.
  10. No and no. It's Asian, but actually kinda cool looking for a bug.
  11. Perhaps the Green North Dakota Hawk-Riders
  12. In Higher Ed, the purpose of a consultant is to provide cover to the administrators, not to actually come up with good ideas.
  13. Already planning ahead for corporate sponsorship. Good thinking
  14. If Sundogs was chosen and Phil Jackson donated a big chunk of change, resulting in Phil Jackson Sundogs Arena.... would Sundogs be a noun or a verb?
  15. I can understand wanting to leave ND, but to leave it for WYO? Ooftas. At least he'll be closer to Colorado, I guess.....
  16. Guessing it'll be similar to Dickinson State's blue hawks
  17. UND fan should be put in quotes when referring to gfhockey.....
  18. Thought he might fall over rounding third but he held on....
  19. Word is UND had the interlocking ND before Notre Dame......
  20. Manbearpig is from the show South Park. It's half man half bear and half pig. Al Gore is trying to destroy it (global warming parody).
  21. Don't know if anyone else has noticed the Fargo forum poll, but Green Hawks is popular in that one. Pretty scary. http://www.inforum.com/basic-page/3763106-inforum-und-nickname-challenge-20
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