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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. Can't really punish someone for thinking they were wronged. Could do attorneys' fees and court costs I think, I could be missing some other stuff. I dont think you'll see much happen though. I dont think making an idiot out of yourself is generally considered a punishable offense. This year should probably be scrutinized a lot more. There was a lot more mail-in stuff so this election was different than past ones. But yeah I have no reason to think anything terribly fishy was up.
  2. Charlie Kirk sucks. I should make a list of !@#!$ "conservatives" on social media to help the old timers out. There are many really really good ones who don't get the following they deserve.
  3. Not that I'm aware of. Yet some people continue to follow along thinking "oh just wait we got 'em right where we want them!" Turn off the OAN and quit following Ryan Fournier or whomever on twitter/Facebook.
  4. The Squad is the best thing to happen to the Republican party in some time. They are easy villains to tie Dem candidates to. Moderate Dems are not happy about getting associated with their platform. Its like Moderate GOP guys back when the Tea Party was in full swing. Hard to escape.
  5. One would think hockey of all sports is probably pretty safe. Kids are covered head to toe. Wrestling and basketball are a bit different. I could hypothetically see that as a problem. Wrestling has a pretty well documented history of spreading stuff lol
  6. I'm assuming Parler's current audience is going to be much further right than Twitter. For any complaints though about an echo chamber...Twitter is precisely that so it seems natural that more liberal minded people are pretty content.
  7. If its a new brief like your post said, I'm assuming it means a chance to change/fix/update his first one. One of the lawyers on here will know more than me about that. Don't apologize for things you have no reason to know about lmao.
  8. Pretty similar to Barry O in that regard. Just a difference in style.
  9. A brief lays out your legal arguments for whatever position you are taking.
  10. Why are we calling the GA SoS a RINO? Is it because he's not subscribing to Trump's conspiracy theory or because he's actually a RINO? If its the former, people are being stupid. Thats like deciding you won't watch Fox and now watch OAN or whatever because they are all-in on making Trump feel better. I'm as Republican as the next guy in ND, but people trying to blame the SoS in GA for Trump being behind there? Seems a bit looney even for me. This is getting to be right up there with libs claiming Russia stole the election from Hillary. Republicans should be pretty pleased right now. Performed super well in the house, looks like a Senate hold is probable. I dont understand much of this pouting by people. Quit watching Candace Owens videos or whatever.
  11. It's been claimed he asked for that amount. WSJ said he isn't getting that amount. NYT has also said it got rejected. Why are you lying?
  12. How is Barr an attorney for Trump? Either way, Holder bragged about being Obama’s wingman. How is the court unethically stacked? There is 9 justices. Each of whom was appointed and confirmed per the rules. The Pentagon is going to put down a Revolution or launch a coup? Dude, I don't know what to say other than this is embarrassing to post stuff like this. No one should ever complain about government employees getting fired lol, they are the most insulated and protected group of people on the planet.
  13. He isnt going to run again and if he did, he wouldn't be the nominee anyway.
  14. A Georgia overturn? What are you talking about? Graham won by 13. The polling was bad. I'd be begging for money too.
  15. You referring to the Senate? Warnock is getting eaten alive right now. Seems like the GOP wisely held oppo on him until the runoff. I dont see how he could win. Being a raging anti-Semite, celebrating people who hate white people, celebrating Fidel Castro, and possibly running over your wife generally aint going to play too well in a Senate race. Ossoff lol he's awful too. Says Republicans should be afraid to show their faces out of shame. Dude got bullied into getting engaged/married after losing in 2018. He seems like one of those guys who grew up watching the West Wing. Just overall soft. On the bright side, if the GOP beats him again I think he may finally slink away. I'm thinking the Republicans probably snag both of those seats again despite having flawed candidates themselves. Even if they get one of them, they are set. If you got even the smallest reason to toss ballots, hell yeah toss them. Idk what Lindsey said or didn't say, but I like that guy. He's good at his job. Dems just lit 100 million on fire trying to take him out and lost by like 12 points. How can you not love that dude if you are a member of the GOP?
  16. Hes great. His speech during the Kavanaugh hearings was amazing.
  17. I always find these sorts of things really f'ing dumb. Let's examine the two general themes of Republican counties vs. Democrat counties in the stereotypes. GOP has rural America. Farms. Ranches. Energy production. Democrats have entertainment, tech, finance, i suppose medical stuff, and academia? Both benefit from the other, but the latter is only able to exist because humans have domesticated animals and gotten pretty dang good at farming. Yes, the industries that are located in cities drive a lot of the economy, but those counties/cities would collapse if say, some weird crop blight from Interstellar showed up. Turns out people need to eat and keep the lights on if they intend on living because dollars in a bank account dont do a whole lot for you if there isn't enough food. Red counties derive benefits from the urban areas too. Stock markets, medical care, and all that is very important as well if you want to live a long and comfortable life. The whole "Look at GDP, we keep the red areas afloat!" thing some claim is genuinely dumb and shows a lack of self-awareness (not saying you are making that claim, I just hear it a lot at school).
  18. Calling the 2016 economy growing pretty soft. Whether that's Obama's fault or someone else's fault or whatever is debatable. Hell, Trump basically ran for President on economy stuff and apparently people agreed with him that the economy wasn't good at the time. Biden isnt goint to do anything lol hes hardly worth mentioning. Mitch McConnell is likely going to end up babysitting him until Biden croaks or resigns.
  19. They are very different from Antifa. They don't burn down anything. I haven't seen anything about them attacking anyone I think it's dorky and hokey to march in support of a politician generally speaking, but Democrats have been doing marches for decades so if anything, its more akin to that than antifa/blm type nonsense.
  20. Notre Dame had the worst luck with scheduling. Last time ND beat a #1 in South Bend...1993. Who did they play the next game? Infamous loss to Boston College. This year...following up a big win over Clemson with...Boston College...quarterbacked by a Notre Dame transfer who never got given a fair shot at the QB job. Makes me feel ill.
  21. Advocating for people to move to Georgia for the purpose of voting in the special election can reasonably be inferred to be telling people to move for a month or two, not a permanent or for the foreseeable future type move. You know exactly what you meant when you brought it up, I know what you meant, and anyone who read your post knew what you meant. This isn't a criminal court of law, there isn't some presumption of innocence on a message board. If you take a trip to Georgia and claim residency without any intent of sticking around (or however their SoS phrased it) so that you are able to vote, you will be putting yourself at risk of getting in pretty big trouble. I hope the locals in GA keep an eye on things. I doubt many will go through with it. But if anyone does, I hope they get the 10 years/$100K fine. I dont know what UND law school teaches or doesn't teach. I dont go there. You don't get any sort of benefit of the doubt, we didn't need the whole story to dunk on you, again, we aren't trying to put you in jail. You weren't suggesting people uproot their lives for the foreseeable future to move to Georgia. You probably read some MSN article saying social media is buzzing with people claiming they may "move" to Georgia so they can vote and then move back home. You can play dumb, which probably comes naturally to you since you kinda are dumb, but you arent going to fool anyone by claiming "I was talking about moving and voting LEGALLY!"
  22. Look at your post. Then look at literally any other posters.
  23. You need to learn how to post without a bunch of weird random highlighting. It's weird and comes off unintelligent. If someone wants to move there for some long-period of time in order to vote in a Senate election, that's f'ing creepy but more power to them.
  24. Thats fraud and per GA secretary of state, that's up to 10 years and a $100K fine. I too encourage liberals to go do that.
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