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Everything posted by UNDColorado

  1. These arguments are fine but the kicker is we will make it work quite well and a couple years down the road you will be scratching your head going "gee, maybe we should have taken a chance when we had it." Time will tell on this of course but I would bet big money on it. Enjoy your bus league; as an alumnus out west I and MANY others are loving this move.
  2. How would you know that? Do you spend time here regularly? You are just trying to push your own agenda and use whatever you can to get there. The Altitude Network is on basic cable out here btw. So "nobody" watching here is more people than the Fargo market ever will be; that is a fact.
  3. I just bought general admission tickets and I was actually wondering where opposing fans sit? Any idea?
  4. Probably not as big as the Hockey following but I know that there are a lot of alumni down here. Myself and a couple buddies are coming up from Boulder / Denver to tailgate and watch a big win!
  5. Chartered flights are really not that expensive when you sell excess seats for $700 a pop; playing at least one FBS game per year takes care of the rest. Would you seriously rather sit on a buss for 4 - 7 hours or sit on a plane for 2? Remember, it is not just about people in GF or Fargo who are butt hurt because they have to travel a little bit. This is more for alumni who are spread out around the western part of the country; there are more than most think. I bet UND has a pretty good showing at UNC this weekend because there are a lot of alumni out here that care. Same can be said for a lot of places in the Big Sky short of maybe Southern Utah. That said I do wish NDSU was in the league for that game alone.
  6. We are not in the Sky yet but I can't wait for Saturday's game at Northern Colorado! Last year I was at the CC series in Colorado Springs and at least 40% of the building was Sioux fans. UND's alumni support is very impressive and the Big Sky is a great fit in that regard. Contrary to popular belief but UND grads live in other places than Minneapolis. There is even a bar in Denver that shows all UND hockey games! (I have yet to meet a NDSU grad out here btw)
  7. Huge snowstorm in Colorado today; on the upside this foot of snow will be completely gone by Saturday! UNC looked really good against Montana State so if we don't play well this could be ugly. That said we can absolutely pound these guys if we come out with a spark and play our game. 35 - 17 UND
  8. Awesome, looking forward to Saturday!
  9. It's funny because a couple of weeks ago I asked the question of why doesn't NDSU just come to the Big Sky and people really shot me down. It looks to me that this isn't a crazy idea after all. If ORU does leave and a team like St. Cloud replaces them why wouldn't them come with us? The Sky would then be arguably the best FCS conference out there. (Idaho would be a great addition as well)
  10. Say what?? Well what a development. What will happen to the Wac after it gets raided again? Would Montana and M State even think about moving to the Wac at this point?
  11. We shall call it the "Toilet Bowl."
  12. They are certainly in good shape this year. That type of schedule is ideal as conference play will take it out of you by the end(Big Sky and MVFC).
  13. This would be amazing if true; time will tell I guess.
  14. Absolutely, they bye week is huge when preparing for an offence like this. Plus healing up a bit can only help at this point. I hope both Nodak teams win this weekend!
  15. But the real question here is why not for football? The hockey videos are great but no question about it football needs more help at this point.
  16. It is; I believe they share it with a MLS team.
  17. No difference in behavior at UND.
  18. My thoughts exactly!
  19. I just cam across this season series that Portland State is doing:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1AhimikeE4Q#! This is such an awesome way to get the casual fan excited! It got me a bit excited about PSU even though I am a devout UND fan. When all we do are those stupid videos during games it really makes me wonder what the marketing department actually does. What are your thoughts on a video diary such as this? Pretty cool IMO!
  20. You couldn't have said this any better. I graduated on 07 and by then the student support was pathetic. STUDENTS- you live in Grand Forks, ND; what else do you have to do on a Saturday afternoon? Do not tell me hunting because if you are good you can be cleaned up and ready to go by noon; that is a crap excuse! (I just got back from a hunting trip up there and I hunted Sat morning then went to the Western game; I hunted in Devils Lake BTW)
  21. +1 for your dedication!
  22. Should be a great game! I just got back to Colorado from a week off in Nodak and I was able to catch the Western game and then the BC game; I wish that trip was this week bc I really wanted to catch the Poly game! Will be watching on FCS and I hope to see a full crowd! Go Sioux!
  23. You are so ignorant. I was going to pick out one thing to correct you on but your whole statement just made me dumber after reading it. You are wrong on so many levels . Just go away. You are worthless!
  24. Maybe it is your poor grammar.
  25. I think you are correct; in this situation they essentially get him if they want him. My hope is that they have someone better on the radar, or if they are just recruiting him as depth; meaning that he may see that he will never play so he may not go even if they offer. pipe dreams of course!
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