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Posts posted by Goon

  1. Here is the best way to explain it. It called an insurance policy. Lane has had injury problems and that does probably give the coaches some concern, however, what I have read and the little I have seen him play I think he is probably going to be a nice addition to our team. The aspect I like about him is that he is a stay in the net goalie something our two young goalies need to work on this season Especially Josh. If Josh starts dancing in the crease this year like last year against the Gophers its going to be a long season again this year. However, I cant wait for him to prove the naysayers wrong.

    Also, You can never have enough goalies or quarterbacks. Look when Karl got hurt Andy filled in great. Also, Blaiser is looking to the future, a good team can build from the goalie out. Best example of this is Roy from Colorado.

  2. I look at it this way. The more quality goalies you have in camp the more high quality of play you are going to get from your goalies. Competition helps the players strive to achieve the next level... I am not 100% sold on our two Sophmore goalies myself. I was hoping maybe Lane would have come to UND this fall and maybe put some pressure on our current goalies.

  3. I think this is great news. He had a very good year last year, just behind some outstanding goaltenders. Hopefully he can keep his game at a high level.

    However, it's hard to criticize Chris!!!! for his future prognostications when Blais is landing recruits for 2 years down the road. ;)

    I like to see good GF players wearing Kelly green.

    Dagies and others,

    We should all be excited about future of Fighting Sioux Hockey.

  4. I'm ready to lace 'em up. What roles will we play? I want to be the guy in the corners, holding sticks, giving the hidden elbow, the quick slash on the ankle, the hold around the middle, etc.

    Yeah, all stuff I think should be called right now, but that's the role I want to play

    If people think that Cannady and Bochenski are cheap they have never seen me play hockey, hench, the name goon...

  5. OETKB,

    Since you asked I'll give it a go and predict the lines. (But only because you were the thread starter) ;)

    Once we roll into the final couple of months of the season, I think we'll see:






    5th Line Goon, Scott_M, Dagies...


  6. The Heraldo today, confirmed that Phillipe has verballed to UND.


    Posted on Fri, Aug. 16, 2002

    COLLEGE HOCKEY: For GF's Lamoureux, the puck stops at UND

    By Virg Foss

    Herald Staff Writer

    Two weeks after two former Grand Forks high school hockey players committed to play for Minnesota, an ex-Grand Forks Central goalie has chosen UND over the Gophers.

    Philippe Lamoureux, a former Central goalie who now plays for the Lincoln (Neb.) Stars in the United States Hockey League, has given UND a verbal commitment, effective with the 2004-2005 season.


  7. My sources say that Phil Lamoureux has verbally committed to UND. He will play two more years of Juniors. He also visited the Gophers recently, but chose UND instead.

    I have heard that this kid Phil Lamoureux is awesome.

    Anyone have any more insight on him?

  8. Goon, the WCHA schools put some of their hockey revenues in a pot and then divvy it up. I think the formula is an even split, without regard to the size or contributions. Tourney revenues are split among the schools too, so they tend to be at bigger venues. I doubt the regular contributions hit the bottom line very much, but they probably help subsidize smaller, less profitable program, as well as pay for the conference, tourneys, etc. Most athletic conferences seem to have some type of revenue sharing, so we're not alone.


    Are we mostly talking about the revenues from the final five and the conference tourney? I had seen that the conference was going to vote on this but I never seen anything after this was brought after it was mentioned in the Star and Tribune.

  9. We have the biggest barns in the league, and with profit sharing across the conference two-series a season between these three teams would generate more money and excitement than some series with the mutts.

    Scott or other please explain the profit sharing. If we are sharing profits with other teams like Major league Baseball I don't like it. I don't think UND should have to share profits with teams that can't compete on their own with out cutting into other teams bottom line...

  10. Lamouroux. Can anyone think of anyone else?

    I think Lamouroux is probably going to be a Figthing Sioux. I heard from a buddy that I used to work with that Lamouroux was playing in the scrimage last week. I heard that he was pretty good too...

  11. Speed used to kill at UND, but now it starts to look like we want to blungeon the opposition to death. Now, at this point I am not complaining, but it does seem that the complexion of the team is changing.

    Speek kills but you can't have a whole team of speed demons either. Speiwak and Noterman can both fly (Kevin has always been a good skater), Fyling can fly if he can break the line up will be another thing, Cannady seems to be a good skater too. I Think there will be a good mix of speed and Blungeoning the opposition to death will be fun to watch I won't complain...

  12. I hope you are right. He's one heck of a coach and it's easy to cheer for the program with him at the helm. If not, I think there are good choices in the wings who know how to win.


    Steve Johnson

    Cary Eades


    Honestly I don't see Eades as the coach. I think he as pretty good deal at Warroad. I he gets paid to coach by Marvins. I don't think he even has to teach.

    I hope we don't have to discuss Blaiser leaving for a while. I like the job he is doing right now...

  13. Completely off topic - last year when I took a tour of the arena, the guide commented that they were hoping that their training facilities would entice an NHL team to camp there and even if they couldn't get one, they expected a large number of NHL players to spend time in Grand Forks over the summer.

    I know the Wild are (is?) considering using REA as their training camp in the future but for this summer, were they any pros using the facilities besides recent UND grads? Any names?

    I suppose Grand Forks is a good place to train and get away from all of the distractions of the bigger cities, and the facilities are awesome. I have heard that most pro teams facilities aren't as good as the ralphs. I would love to see the wild up here training. I hoping I get back to Grand Forks this fall in time to see the ex-hibition game...

  14. Dagies,

    I reading what Blaiser has said it sounds like he enjoys what he is doing, I could see him getting a bigger contract if he continues to keep the program going in the right direction. Just a hunch, I am sure that a contract extension will probably be in the works soon. I am sure the University wants to have dean especially with the success he has had the last 6 seasons.

  15. Looks like UND is going to have to pay Blaiser more. I just got this from Sid Hartman. and he says, that new contract is in the works for men's hockey coach Don Lucia that at $250,000 will make him the highest-paid college hockey coach in the country.

  16. The road schedule is tougher.  There, I'm thinking UND will be around .500, given that they play UM & Denver only on the road this season.

    Honestly Denver doesn't scare me that much. They play the same boring style that Michigan State University plays. Score early and make them open it up.

    Last season they didn't have the offensive fire power. Sure they have good goaltending but, UND has played teams like that pretty well. Crash the net get a big player like Ryan Hale to camp out and keep the forwards pinned in. A perfect example of this was the game against MSU during the 2001 NCAA. Speiwak (sorry Speez I can't spell his name) scored the early goal and changed the complexity of the game.

    Against UofM we only play them twice I expect us to split with them. Blais Logic refuse to lose. I think UND will be fine. I think UND is going to be a very physical team I was looking at the weights of the roster and this is a pretty good sized team. I hope UND is not going to be run out of any games physically.


  17. No kidding...Spiewak is up to 200 pounds?! Not to mention the Hale brothers packing on 10-20 lbs more than they were listed the last couple years. I can't wait for the season to start!


    I saw David Hale at the golf course, earlier about four weeks back and he is a big as some of the guys that play line backer at UND, he is an opposing force if you know what I mean. Looks like he had been lifting some weights and getting into playing shape. Gophers beware.

  18. Anyone besides me feel pretty confident and excited about the prospect of this team this season I sure as heck do, we are going to have some killer d-Man back there on the blue line. I can't wait to see them laying people on the ice and into the boards. SMASH ;)

  19. Hey, is James Earl any relation to Steve Earl? ;)

    James Earl Jones is the voice of Darth Vader, also, he is the voice that goes this is CNN... I don't think steve earl is related to him...

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