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Posts posted by Goon

  1. Hey Dagies,

    This guys sounds like the coaches thought this guy was going to commit then did not. I just hope we are not on a sinking ship no one wants to be a part of.

    I hope he does commit to us, but who would want to lose 1/2 a year of elgibility to maybe get to play a few years. But if he is good he would probably get to play. So does that mean that ANDY is out of the mix. I don't understand what the heck we are doing?

    So if the new recruit comes to UND do we cut Sofie and what do we do with Lafranz sounds like he might not stick around. May go to UNO.

    But looking at some of the teams that are also interested in him I think we have a chance of signing him.

    MSU has Miller  and he is an all-American. I believe that Miller is there fo one more year. Doesn't C.C. already has a few goalies? BU, they always have two solid goalies. So why can't we get two or three solid goalies I would tend to think that our arena would be an attractive option for a kid...

  2. UND77 posted another web page...

    Sioux Goalie Found!!!

    Well...it seems the search is over!

    Dean Blais has finally found the Sioux goalie of the future, and right here at UND.

    Just today I talked to a few players on the team and they confirmed it.

    At first I thought it was former EGF goalie Tom White who graduated from Eastside a couple years ago...but it appears it isnt, although Blais did talk to him about it.

    From the best of my knowledge and a few Sioux players, the goalie to be rotating with Brandt is going to be UND Junior Garret Hythklop from Chow Chilla, CA...apparently he played for a team in Fresno for a few seasons and played awfully well. How Blais found out about him I havent a clue but I guess he's supposed to be in the pads working out on Monday...

    This should be interesting I think...maybe just what the boys need

    Is there any credibility to this post... Maybe Dock Nodak or Dagies can shed some light on this, they seem to have more information than others.

    (Edited by Goon at 11:05 am on Dec. 10, 2001)

  3. Dagies said:

    I agree with JK.  Andy shouldn't be run off the team, but Andy needs to prove that he has the mental make-up and physical skills t be the starter.  Until then Brandt should start.

    I agree with you Dagies that Andy does not have have the mental make up now, and I don't see him getting back this season either? So why does Blais keep coming back with him? If the season is a wash and we are going to be lucky to get a home series shouldn't we be focusing on Brandt. What do we owe Andy? Toby was asked to back up and took the role very well. Maybe Andy needs to accept this role too.

    I also think that the people infront of Andy don't feel very much confidence in his abilities, this is apparent by thier body language.

    Does anyone think we are ever going to get really good consistant goaltending this season. How many goalies are we going to keep on the team. I hope Blais is out recruiting another Goalie or three, sounds like Seindieve (sp) is injury prone.

  4. Ok, why should the Sioux keep comming back with him if he can't keep getting the job done. How many chances does he need to prove himself. He has had enough chances. What makes anyone think he can return to any resemblence of two years ago. I don't think he can...

    Maybe the reason Andy had better performances the last couple of years is the players in front of him, unseasoned defense...

    I look at Wisconsin they are not that good but have a good goaltender. I think Andy should be able to put in a preformance such as the one that Bruckler did. He hasn't done it this season only in game where he faced 17-30 shots, Bruckler faced over 40 shots...

    Why should Blaiser stick with him? What has done for us this season?

  5. I think Clayton (I believe he was the one that predicted this)is right Andy should be sitting on the bench with a clip board in his hand and a ball cap on his head, maybe sporting some new eye wear.

    I also think Andy should be thankfull that Blais hasn't cut him yet. If I was the coach I would have. I

    n fact I would point to the bench and tell him where he would be sitting for the rest of the season if he gets confussed. If he doesn't like it he can leave.

    Maybe just maybe by the the grace of God Andy should get an occassional start or a back up appearance, you know the mop up. No offense to the folks that like Andy but he is bruttal. If he was a race horse we would have shot him already.

    I think Blais should have went to Jake sooner. My next question is why did Sofie get to play instead of Brandt. I am confused here.

    I also think Andy by his play this season

  6. Scott it must be tough living in Rodent country when we are not doing so well and the Gophers have returned to the top of the league standings.

    I think your right we heard the same thing about Bochenski last season. Trollers... I did read in the paper that Fabian might not be coming as originally though so that might be what someone is talking about.

    Blais said that on the Coaches show they have been on the recruiting trail all week so I have faith that our coaches will not give up...

  7. As far as the rumor goes I really doubt it. It may be a message posted by a troller someone trying to get a rise out of people to stir the pot.

    I mean really we saw the same thing last year by some of the B.C. fans. I wouldn't get too worried about it till you start seeing it from sources that are from in the media.

    If Zack does withdrawal his offer I believe that he is going to have to sit out a year, and I doubt that he would want to do something like that.

    With UofM being watched by the NCAA I am not so sure Lucia would want Zach there anyways it makes him and his program look bad if Zach goes to UofM. Especially after he self reported the incident to the University of Minnesota's compliance department. I am sure that Lucia does not want it to appear that he sent Lou Nanne and Glen Solmore over to twist this kid's arm.

    (Edited by Goon at 9:25 pm on Dec. 6, 2001)

  8. Sounds like Brandt might get a chance to play this weekend. That would be a good start.

    Blais sounded like he is down on his team. I almost take it as he has put his team on notice and that they have a long ways to go until the team is at the level of play that he expects.

  9. I don't think it is a good idea to not let the students drink in the bar. Maybe the student government should bring the issue up to the Arena staff. I sure the student could handle it in a mature manner...

  10. Do you know how much money the arena can make selling beer. I would be very surprised if they changed the beer and bar deal after the University took over the arena. However, UND may never get the arena either. These people keep messing with Ralph no telling what he will do...

    I think it is funny when you hear all of these pro UND name change people talking about just wait till UND gets the arena from Ralph you see, the name will fall like a stone. There will no longer be beer at the arena.

  11. Here is the the press release...

    11-27-01 UND hockey signs Zach Parise, Layne Sedevie, and Matt Greene to National Letters of Intent

    Grand Forks, N.D.---University of North Dakota hockey coach Dean Blais is pleased to announce the signing of Zach Parise, Layne Sedevie, and Matt Greene to NCAA National Letters of Intent to play hockey at the University of North Dakota in the 2002-03 season.

  12. Scott,

    Chuckie is not going to do any of that, this is the same dummy that was going to change the UND name so I can't see him doing this.

    I think maybe it is time for UND to some how push Chuck out and find a president that understands UND. Probably a UND Alumni. President Kendall Baker was heads and toes about this guy. Chuck doesn't get it.

    I have read that if Chuck had changed the name some very powerful people UND Alumni would have removed Chuck very quickly.  

    What does everyone think?

  13. Here is another one. Sounds like everyone pretty much blew off the Protesters. It is a whole bunch to do about nothing...

    4 November, 2001

    Letter to editor: Mascot fight no place for SCSU

    Stu Peterson, Clear Lake


    After reading in the Oct. 22 Times the article about the controversy over the University of North Dakota's nickname, I felt it necessary to state my opinion.

    St. Cloud State University President Roy Saigo was hired to run the university. He and the others involved at St. Cloud State must have extra time on their hands to be sticking their noses in other colleges' business.

    If he worked for me, I would fire him. Could it be the interest in this issue is because of funding from Grand Casino?

    Since this is a democracy, let's have a vote. I cast mine for North Dakota to do whatever it wants. Maybe Saigo and Sudie Hoffmann can next go after the "Fighting Irish."


  14. Here is good article I found in the St Cloud Times. Interesting... Does anyone know if Lil Johnny Hoff is going to show up for the Protest this weekend?

    1 November, 2001

    Readers' views: Nickname is not important issue

    Mike Kennedy, St. Cloud


    Many thanks to Sports Editor Dave DeLand for the sensible column in the Oct. 25 Times pointing out the ridiculous stance of St. Cloud State University regarding the University of North Dakota's nickname and logo.

    There are enough issues to deal with that affect all the students, including the fact that the cost of attending public and private colleges and universities in Minnesota increased this year faster than the national average.

    I found the allegation by the St. Cloud State representative that the team nickname is hate speech to be nonsense.

    Perhaps university officials who have appointed themselves as the Speech Police should know that in the 1930s the council of Sioux elders of the Standing Rock Reservation offered the name to the university, in honor of their own fathers, the great Sioux warriors. The council decision was renewed in the 1950s and again in the 1980s.

    Many of the native Americans who object to the name aren't even Sioux. They are Ojibwe and Arikara -- historical enemies of the Sioux, as pointed out by David Yeagley of Oklahoma State University, a professor and member of the Comanche Tribe in Lawton, Okla.

    Perhaps an institution such as St. Cloud State that prides itself on education ought to do its homework and the Times should reserve its top spot on the front page for real news.

  15. Ok, I see what some are saying. Look at Florida State Univesity and all the stuff they do with the Mascott/Logo. I mean they have a guy go out on a horse and throw a spear into the ground at the 50 yard line. I read somewhere while doing some research on the subject that Seminols didn't even ride horses. FSU also has the tomahawkchop and all of that stuff, you don't see stuff of that magnitude up here in Grand Forks. I don't know if we could have done the opening of the REA any more respectful.

    I think lawyers would argue first amendment all the way.

    Florida State Football is a big business. I doubt they are just going to ok, we will change the name. I don't think it is going to be that easy. Your probably opening up a string of law suits and litigation that would last for years.

  16. Here  is something that was on KCNN.COM/GUESTBOOK

    The UND name is going national because of SCSU. There is now a study by the NCAA Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee that will go until Aug 2002 do determine if these mascots will change. The St. Cloud Times story said that the Committee will probably be visting Grand Forks within the next few months on this issue. This issue is going national, so it does not matter just what people in Grand Forks and North Dakota think. Espically since most of the national press has been negative on this issue to UND and Mr. Engelstad.

    Nickname Change Supporter <undflickertail@hotmail.com>

    Grand Forks, ND USA - Monday - October 29,2001- 10:51:57

    No offense how can the NCAA make a team chage its logo. I mean if UND has to Change its name, they QU, SDSU, FSU, CMU are going to have to change it names and I can't see it because I think it would end up in the Supreme Court and it goes back to the First Amendment.

    I just cant stand these P.C. Nazis...

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